September 13, 2016
IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor Gary Iverson, CouncilpersonsHolly Hovland, Shane Berthelote, Mike Tobin, Becky Smithson,and employees, Phil Iverson, Scott Widhalm, Roxanne Moore.
Also in attendance:John MacDonald and Deb Brandon
ABSENT: none
Meeting was called to order at 7:30pm.
MINUTES: Council and Mayor made correct minutes.Mike Tobin moved the minutes be approved as modified. Holly Hovland seconded and motion carried unanimously.
John MacDonald reported that Pat Henricks will be up with his crew before the end of the month working on the underground water, sampling, and checking wells. Jim Ghekiere and a person from the roads department reviewed Chevron property. They contacted a gentleman that can support an aerial view of the property but he is currently having mechanical issues. He is hoping to conduct aerial view this fall of Chevron land. If not, it can be done by ATV or might do next spring.
Kerfoot home was broken into. The back door was damaged and railing was used as a ladder to enter second story window.Mark wants the house demolished because being boarded up is an eye sore. Because someone was hurt breaking into the home, it now has become a liability, which has sped up the process of removing these homes. Chevron has spoken with the fire department about using the sites for training such as burning them down. Dan from the DEQ had said it is not that easy. Dan had said you need to get a demolition permit from DEQ. If DEQ requires the ashes to be hauled away, then we will haul the ashes to the correct landfill facility. It would be great to donate the houses for training to the fire department. Public has expressed interest to salvage items from the houses. Chevrondeciding if they will have items available for a donation for the town, auction, or free take away. They will notify the public on the decision.
Discussion of Street Improvement Plans:
The council speaks about a plan to approach town residents with a new SID to fix streets. Currently, Phil and Scott are patching the pot holes.
Holly Hovland and Phil Iverson spoke about a street improvement plan. The plan discussed to implement would be street improvement accountability. The City Supervisor would create a registrar that entails a list of streets, work conducted, and on what day. The street accountability plan is to ensure town residents what streets are being repaired and on what days.
Council would like to redirect pool water from the leak or fix the pool liner. Deb Brandon explains negative perception of the public regarding a new SID that Century did not do what was promised.
Curt Bass, of Century did not show to the council meeting. Street Improvement plan will be on agenda for the next meeting.
Discussion on Swayze Water Plan: Chevron holding to hear from Swayze Water District regarding the Swayze line. Mark Stella and Pat Henricks have been speaking with Randy Fauque about the line. The users would like a larger line so others can be added in the future. Mayor needs to set up meeting with Swayze Water District.
Revisions on the Personnel Policy: Tabled to the next meeting.
Construction/Excavation Permits: Tabled to the next meeting.
Skid Steer Purchase Review: Tabled to the next meeting.
Preliminary Budget Approval: Shane Berthelote moved the Budget to be approved. Becky Smithson seconded and motion carried unanimously.
Mayor read the Resolution 522:Mike Tobin moved the Mill Levy to be approved. Shane Berthelote seconded and motion carried unanimously.
Mayor read the Resolution 523: Mike Tobin moved the Mill Levy to be approved. Shane Berthelote seconded and motion carried unanimously.
Social Media/Facebook Discussion: Tabled to the next meeting.
Roxanne Moore’s Resigned: Roxanne will post the job on the Promotor, post online, and Post at the Post Office.
VENDOR REPORTS: Claims list and payroll were reviewed. Mike Tobin motioned to accept, Shane Berthelot second the motion, and motion carried unanimously. Approved were Claims 2627, 2628, 2629, 2630, 2631, 2632, 2635, 2636, 2639, 2646, 2647, 2649, 2651, 2653, 2654, 2655, 2656, 2657, 2658, 2659, 2660, 2711, 2722.
Hearing no objections, the meeting was adjourned by Mayor Iverson at 8:49pm.
The next regular meeting will be held on October 04, 2016 at7:00 pm.
______Gary Iverson, Mayor
Roxanne Moore, Clerk