Conscience Essay
It is important to recognize that our Transcendental (Long Term) and Categorical (Short Term) work together. The more that we are able to use both of our consciences the better we will be at making decisions.
Directions: Write an essay that explains a transcendental (long term)decision you have made in your life that was significant for you. It could be about choosing a particular value or deciding to be a certain kind of person. Explain three categorical (short term) choices you made that helped you to make the transcendental (long term). You could also choose to write about a quality you developed that you didn't realize at the time, but looking back on it now you can see built up to be a long term choice.
This will be a 100 point assignment
Your essay should be at least 5 paragraphs and contain the following:
Introduction (1 paragraph 20 points)
-Give some background about the transcendental (long term) decision or quality that you are going to discuss in your essay.
- Make sure to discuss how your sense of morality factored into your long term decision.
Body (3 paragraphs)
Write a paragraph that explains three categorical (short term) choices that led to your transcendental (long term choice). For each one make sure to explain the following:
- Describe the choice.
- What were the circumstances surrounding the choice; what was going on at the time that would be important to know?
- Who or what influenced you in some way when you were making the choice? How did this affect you?
- How did your choice affect you? How did it help you to develop the transcendental (long term) decision or value?
Conclusion (1 paragraph)
Looking back and reflecting on your transcendental decision now write about what stands out from the experience or what you learned. Make sure to discuss what role or affect your faith had on any part of your decision. Include how you feel about your decision now moving forward in life.
Conscience Essay Grading Rubric
Introduction - 20 points
- Did you give descriptive background of your morality and values?
- Did you introduce your transcendental decision clearly?
Body Paragraphs - 60 points (20 points per paragraph)
Each categorical choice paragraph should clearly cover the following
- Did you clearly explain the short term choice and the context of the decision?
- Did you discuss what influenced you to make that choice?
- Did you discuss the effects of the decision and how it shaped you?
- Did you connect your categorical (short term) decision to the transcendental (long term) choice?
Categorical Choice 1
Categorical Choice 2
Categorical Choice 3
Conclusion - 20 points
- Did you explain your perspective now in the present looking back at your transcendental choice?
- Did you discuss the role of your faith in the decision?
- Did you discuss how your decision affected you overall?
- Did you connect all of your categorical decisions to the transcendental choice?
Total Grade ______