Alliance For Nevada Nonprofits
Board of Directors Meeting
October 2, 2014
Called to order: 10:03 am
Present: Dana Serrata, Lu Torres, Phil Johncock, Brenda Stout,
B.J. Abel, Cheri Hill, Renee Kelly, Andy Schuricht, Lisa Marie Lightfoot
Minutes:Motion to approve minutes from September 2014 board meeting with one change to correct that Brenda Stout Abstained from voting on financials. Motion made by B.J. Abel and seconded by Renee Kelly. Passed unanimously
Committee Reports:
Obtaining a proclamation for non-profit month has been passed onto the marketing committee.
Modification to AB 60 discussion will be November 12th, 2014 9:00 am Webinar with Nicole from the state legislation. Phil will send an advance copy out to board members of the draft of changes to AB 60 prior to the November webinar.
There is a state survey circulating on government contracting. It is important to complete, as it is identifying issues around the super circular and changes to government grants. Help to circulate when you get the survey.
Nancy Brown with Charles Schwab Bank has been talking about scalability and impact to non-profits. Nancy suggested that ANN develop a model to utilize a scalability process model to help ANN grow in capacity.
Phil will interview Nancy on video so that we can all her thoughts before moving forward with this project.
Corporate Sponsors:
Two for the Reno conference. Need to work on corporate sponsors for the conference in Las Vegas in 2015
Phil is working on building relationships with banks. The board members will need to assist in this by giving contact names and assist with proposals. The question was raised. How does the board collect the contact names? The board needs to develop a process to collect the names and contact info for development. It was also mentioned the Washington Federal is a new bank in Nevada and has been generous to non profits.
ANN needs to develop a strategic plan to move forward to approach funders for the three areas of revenue: Corporate Sponsors, CRA and workshops.
Tabled until after break when Brenda can present the financials.
Regional Conference planning:
This year the Reno conference had an increase in attendance. After the conference the board should hold a debriefing and begin plans for the Las Vegas conference March 12th 13th, 2014.
Marketing Membership:
ANN has two new banners one for Reno and one for Las Vegas. They both will be on display Friday at the conference. Marketing for the Reno conference was helped Sheri Cheri Hill’s office helping to clean up addresses for current nonprofits for the north. From the 2,496 nonprofit addresses from the IRS only 2,177 have good addresses.
More work will be done for the data base in the south. A marketing plan will be formulated for the Las Vegas conference.
Adjourned 10:27 am
Reconvened at 10:47 am
Brenda handed out financials and shared her concern of the $8,000 loss year to date. As a board we have to work harder on bringing in corporate dollars. We also need to look at private foundations for capacity building.
Pattie meals motioned to approve financials as presented
Renee Kelly seconded the motion
Passed by unanimous vote, with Brenda Stout abstaining.
Meeting adjourned at 10:53 am