Obstetrics and Gynecology Textbook and Journal Resources

Suggested Strategies for Reading

  1. Accept the notion that you are still a student and will remain so throughout your professional career. What you learn about specific management of clinical diseases (eg, antibiotic choices, hormone replacement therapy, evaluation of fetal well being) will change within a decade of when you leave your residency. Learn how to be an efficient learner in clinical medicine. It is this skill that will allow you to provide the best possible care to your patients throughout your career.
  2. Read about your patients and the operations on which you are assisting. There is no better teacher than your patients. Take advantage of the opportunity to read while you are taking care of them.
  3. Read every single day. Even if it is for only 30 minutes. Thirty minutes a day is over 180 hours of reading each year. You are more likely to retain the material if you read regularly in small bites.
  4. Master the basics first. Spend time mastering the general and specialty textbooks in ob/gyn before reading the primary literature.
  5. When researching a clinical topic, ask faculty or senior residents for assistance in identifying "classic"or landmark articles. There is too much information in the literature to read it all. Rely on the judgement of seasoned clinicians who have seen many articles come and go.

Required Reading List (strongly recommended by respective division directors)

Clinical Gynecologic Endocrinology and Infertility

By Marc A. Fritz and Leon Speroff

Approximate Price: $150.00

Hardcover 7th edition (Sept 2004)

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publisher

Telinde's Operative Gynecology

by Richard W. Te Linde (Editor), John D. Thompson (Editor)

Approximate Price: $149.00

Hardcover 9th edition (July 2003)

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers

Comprehensive Gynecology

by Morton A. Stenchever, William Droegemuller, Daniel R. Mishell, Arthur L. Herbst

Approximate Price: $119.95

Hardcover 4th edition (September, 2002)

Mosby, Inc.

Obstetrics : Normal & Problem Pregnancies

by Steven G. Gabbe (Editor), Jennifer R. Niebyl (Editor), Joe Leigh Simpson

Approximate Price: $129.00

Hardcover 4th edition (January, 2002)

Churchill Livingstone

Clinical Gynecologic Oncology

by Philip J. Disaia, William T. Creasman,

Approximate Price: $129.00

Hardcover 6th edition (January, 2002)

Mosby, Inc.

Obstetric & Gynecologic Emergencies

by Mark D. Pearlman (Editor), Judith E. Tintinalli (Editor), Pamela E. Dyne (Editor)

Approximate Price: $85.00 (2003)

McGraw Hill

Recommended Reading List

Williams Obstetrics (21th Ed)

by F. Gary Cunningham , Norman F. Gant , Kenneth J Leveno, Larry C. Gilstrap, III, John C. Houth, Katharine D. Wenstrom

April, 2001, McGraw Hill $139

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine (15th Ed)

by Eugene Braunwald, Anthony S. Fauci, Dennis Kasper, Stephen Hauser, Dan Longo, Larry Jameson February 2001 McGraw Hill $125

Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology

by Joseph S. Sanfilippo, David Muram, John Dewhurst, Peter A. Lee

July, 2001, W B Saunders Co $129

Yen and Jaffe’s Reproductive Endocrinology, 5th edition

Jerome F. Strauss III, Robert L. Barbieri

(March 2004) W B Saunders Co;

Practical Urogynecology

by L. Lewis, M.D. Wall, Peggy A., M.D. Norton, John O.L., M.D. Delancey

(June 1993) Williams & Wilkins;

Vaginal Surgery

by David H. Nicholas, Clyde L. Randall

4th edition (April 1996) Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins;

Clinical Problems, Injuries and Complications of Gynecologic and Obstetric Surgery

by David H. Nichols, John O.L. Delancey (Editor)

3rd edition (February 1995) Williams & Wilkins

Blaustein's Pathology of the Female Genital Tract

by Robert J. Kurman (Editor)

4th edition (June 1994) Springer Verlag;

A Classical Approach to Vulvar Disease. CD-ROM.

by Haefner HK and Kaufman RH.

1998 ACOG

Genital Dermatology

by Peter J. Lynch, Libby Edwards

(September 1995) Churchill Livingstone

Maternal-Fetal Medicine

by Robert K. Creasy (Editor), Robert Resnik (Editor), Jay Iams, (Editor)

5th edition (September 2003), WB Saunders $149

Colposcopy Principles and Practice: An Integrated Textbook and Atlas,

By Apgar B, Brotzman G, and Spitzer M

(2002) WB Saunders: Philadelphia


Strongly Encouraged Regular Reading

  1. Obstetrics and Gynecology (green journal) – free with paid membership as junior fellow to ACOG
  2. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (gray journal)
  3. OB/GYN Survey
  4. New England Journal of Medicine
  5. Contemporary Ob/Gyn

Suggested Regular Review

  1. Journal of Reproductive Medicine
  2. Fertility and Sterility
  3. JAMA
  4. Primary Care Update for Ob/Gyn


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Postgraduate Obstetrics and Gynecology