Sewer Commissioners MinutesDecember 1, 2015
TA Guerino
Don Pickard, Chairman
Stephen Mealy, Vice-Chairman
Michael Blanton, Clerk
Don Ellis
Peter Meier
Note this meeting is being televised and recorded. If anyone in the audience is recording or videotaping, they need to acknowledge such at this time – Michael Rausch Bourne Enterprise
All items within the meeting agenda are subject to deliberation and vote(s) by the Board of Sewer Commissioners.
Meeting Called to Order
Chm. Pickard called the meeting to order at 6:20 pm.
1) Public Comment
No Public Comment
2) Gregory Wirsen, Green Seal Environmental – Request for future sewer allocation for a proposed Independent, Assisted Living and Memory Care Facility at 12 Wagner Way, Buzzards Bay
Greg Wirsen, from Green Seal Environmental, was back for a second visit with the request for future sewer allocations. Don Pickard stated the board members have received a correspondence from Mr. Wirsen relevant to five action items, that have been completed or looking for the board to complete. We have also received a report of the minutes from the Waste Water Advisory Committee’s last meeting, part of those minutes reflect discussions on sewer allocations and future considerations.
Mr. Wirsen went over the notes from his handout and the graph of the wastewater flow chart, which shows where we stand today and what it would look like with respect to reserved capacity of Hideaway Village, the Keystone Properties, the Main Street Project, which the Perry Ave Project, and adding in the Wagner Way Project.
Don Pickard stated, Mr. Wirsen on behalf of his client is requesting
a. A positive allocation vote (allocation of 17,717 GPD with conditions).
b. Acceptance that this parcel can pay a betterment with agreed-upon conditions.
c. Create a record of agreement with respect to the developer’s future rights and/or privileges regarding sewer in the betterment of the subject parcels.
On the minutes from the November 4th meeting of the Wastewater Advisory Committee, they are recommending we do not allocate.
Sallie Riggs stated the position of the committee and the logical next step would be for the committee to put a hold on additional allocations. The concern of the Waste Water Advisory Committee was the use of the word moratorium. They wanted to use the words wait list or waiting list.
Mr. Leitzel stated that he agreed with Mr. Wirsen’s numbers. Mr. Blanton questioned the Waste Water Advisory Committee with regard to the grant application moving forward; where do we stand on funding for that, is there anything that would be a benefit that this developer is offering with regard to resources towards a grant application that might be considered positive to expand wastewater capacity overall?
Mr. Ewell stated right now we are on track to have an additional 100,000 gallons per day available by the end of 2017. Not too concerned about funding the construction. At this point it's getting through the MEPA process, which is a 6 to 8 month process. We do have funding to keep that going at least through the end of the fiscal year.
Mr. Ewell also suggested as far as allocations you may want to set up a list that states as soon as we have more available you’re first in line to get the allocations for wastewater. Tom Guerino stated the issue is we have many people that have paid betterments that have the ability to do things. Mr. Guerino suggested we take the advice of the wastewater committee and the professional staff.
VotedStephen Mealy moved and seconded by Don Ellisunfortunately the Board cannot allocate 17,715 gallons per day to the applicant at Wagner Way development at this point in time.
Don Ellis questioned Mr. Wirsen where they are in their permitting process. Mr. Wirsen stated with the town we are not very far in the permitting process, we need to have a pre-application meeting with the planning board. We are ready to move forward immediately, Bob owns an architectural firm, so between the two parties we can get 100% of the design plans and construction plans over to the town for site plan review. We don't want to put those resources with respect to 100% design until we know we have a buildable project. The sewer allocations preclude us from doing so.
Bob Gendron stated he would like to go to permitting immediately but the project is not feasible without sewer. Mr. Gendron stated he is committing to paying $60,000 today to say that he is first available on the list if the other projects do not go. Mr. Gendron owns the property and is ready.
Peter Meier questioned Mr. Guerino if we have an update on Perry Avenue?Tom Guerino stated the closing is moving ahead for January 15th. Mr. Guerino stated if for some reason 25 Perry Ave. does not close by January 18th the board would have more flexibility in the current allocation.
Don Pickard stated they have an allocation allotment for six months. It would take a vote to reconsider. If they are ready and request another extension 3 to 5 months the board would have the option to rescind the prior vote.
Jim Mulvey suggested at this time you do not allocate and that you declare a moratorium to have a clear picture as this develops.
Mr. Blanton like the suggestion that we establish a waiting list. Mr. Blanton stated if we do not move positively for this particular project I would feel be better keeping it in the queue if we established a queue.
Don Pickard stated if we establish a waiting list there should be some criteria for that waiting list.
Stephen Mealy stated there are projects that have come before us and have been paying betterments for many years. We have to recognize those that have been in the system for a long period of time. If it means waiting 6 to 8 weeks for a person that has come forth before you with a project and we have given him a legitimate date to meet our requirements we should offer that. I would ask the applicant to recognize these difficulties and give us several weeks to ensure the people at Perry Ave are going to go forward; if they aren't we can come back and meet again. Mr. Wirsen stated that is reasonable.
Vote 3-2. Peter Meier and Michael Blanton opposed.
VotedMichael Blanton moved and seconded by Peter Meier table 5B for our next meeting on January 19, 2016. 5-0.
Stephen merely stated what if the board were to ask the town administrator to send a letter to the applicant indicating should anything change in the future within the next six months they will be notified immediately to allow them to come back before the board to discuss the application. Mr. Wirsen stated prior to any of the requests.
3) Report of the Wastewater Advisory Committee
Mr. Ewell stated they are on schedule and should have something up and running by the end of 2017. He would like to be added to the agenda for the January 19th meeting.
4) Adjourn
VotedPeter Meyer and seconded by Michael Blanton adjourn at 6:56 p.m. 5-0.
Respectfully submitted – Carole Ellis, secretary.