Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: / Lucki West / Grade/Subject / Physical Education
Week of: / 8/26/13 - 9/6/13 / Skill/sport / Volleyball
2 / Lesson Cycle Component / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Anticipatory Set / The rules of volleyball are fairly simple and easy to remember. Has any one ever been to a volleyball game here at the high school? What were some of the procedures that you noticed?
Only 3 hits allowed, 6 players on each team, sub in and out, cannot hit the ball with the palm or your hand (lift) / Talk about concerns and things that I noticed during game play observed in the previous class
Set up brackets for tournament. / Talk about concerns and things that I noticed during game play observed in the previous class
Continue game play / Talk about concerns and things that I noticed during game play observed in the previous class
Continue game play / Talk about concerns and things that I noticed during game play observed in the previous class
Continue game play
Objectives (purpose) / The student will demonstrate an understanding of the rules and procedures followed in a volleyball game. / The student will demonstrate an understanding of the volleyball skills learned in previous classes by playing an actual volleyball game / The student will demonstrate an understanding of the volleyball skills learned in previous classes by playing an actual volleyball game / The student will demonstrate an understanding of the volleyball skills learned in previous classes by playing an actual volleyball game / The student will demonstrate an understanding of the volleyball skills learned in previous classes by playing an actual volleyball game
Input (teach) / The Rules that we will follow:
  1. Only 3 hits allowed; ball must go over net on the 3rd hit.
  2. Stay out of the net
  3. Each game will be played to a 15 point total
  4. Double elimination in tournament play
Divide class into equal number of teams and allow them to play a simulation type game of volleyball where the teacher will stop play to correct/model/teach. / Reiterate the proper techniques and skills used to students while they are engaged in game play! / Reiterate the proper techniques and skills used to students while they are engaged in game play! / Reiterate the proper techniques and skills used to students while they are engaged in game play! / Reiterate the proper techniques and skills used to students while they are engaged in game play!
Modeling (show) / As students engage in the game the teacher should be demonstrating the correct form and techniques to any student who shows weaknesses in certain skills
Teams not on the main court should be practicing all of the volleyball skills learned on the side. / As students engage in the game the teacher should be demonstrating the correct form and techniques to any student who shows weaknesses in certain skills
Teams not on the main court should be practicing all of the volleyball skills learned on the side. / As students engage in the game the teacher should be demonstrating the correct form and techniques to any student who shows weaknesses in certain skills
Teams not on the main court should be practicing all of the volleyball skills learned on the side. / As students engage in the game the teacher should be demonstrating the correct form and techniques to any student who shows weaknesses in certain skills
Teams not on the main court should be practicing all of the volleyball skills learned on the side. / As students engage in the game the teacher should be demonstrating the correct form and techniques to any student who shows weaknesses in certain skills
Teams not on the main court should be practicing all of the volleyball skills learned on the side.
Guided Practice (follow me) / Walk around each group and observe each group making sure to demonstrate proper techniques if needed / Walk around each group and observe each group making sure to demonstrate proper techniques if needed / Walk around each group and observe each group making sure to demonstrate proper techniques if needed / Walk around each group and observe each group making sure to demonstrate proper techniques if needed / Walk around each group and observe each group making sure to demonstrate proper techniques if needed
Check for Understanding (CFU) / Ask questions and observe to see that the students are performing each skill correctly. Have each student perform the skill for you!
Make sure students are using proper techniques during game play. / Ask questions and observe to see that the students are performing each skill correctly. Have each student perform the skill for you!
Make sure students are using proper techniques during game play. / Ask questions and observe to see that the students are performing each skill correctly. Have each student perform the skill for you!
Make sure students are using proper techniques during game play. / Ask questions and observe to see that the students are performing each skill correctly. Have each student perform the skill for you!
Make sure students are using proper techniques during game play. / Ask questions and observe to see that the students are performing each skill correctly. Have each student perform the skill for you!
Make sure students are using proper techniques during game play.
Independent Practice / Allow adequate time for students to practice within groups. / Allow adequate time for students to practice within groups. / Allow adequate time for students to practice within groups. / Allow adequate time for students to practice within groups. / Allow adequate time for students to practice within groups.
Closure / Bring students back together as a whole class and review the skill that was introduced. Make sure students are able to name skill as well as execute is properly. / Bring students back together as a whole class and review the skill that was introduced. Make sure students are able to name skill as well as execute is properly. / Bring students back together as a whole class and review the skill that was introduced. Make sure students are able to name skill as well as execute is properly. / Bring students back together as a whole class and review the skill that was introduced. Make sure students are able to name skill as well as execute is properly. / Bring students back together as a whole class and review the skill that was introduced. Make sure students are able to name skill as well as execute is properly.

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