Please note this is a monitoring tool of the previous JHIP 2007-2010 action plan. Due to timescales for collation of data, activity within this table has been mainly collated from the Aberdeenshire Public Health Team. There are areas of work particularly at Local Community Planning Group level where there is activity which is not documented here.
Please see final page for a glossary of acronyms used in this document.
JHIP Ref / Objective / Progress / Geographical area / target group / Achieved outcomes / Comments/ HEALTH INEQUALITIIES
1.1 / Increase the rate of health improvement across a range of indicators for the most deprived communities / 1. Aberdeenshire Council Senior Management team and Community Planning Partnership agreed to investigate use of Health Impact Assessment.
Integrated Impact assessment (IIA) screening developed and piloted on council service policies, plans and strategies (PPS);
Phase 1 work = 3 pilots completed (Sept ’09)
Phase 2 work = 12 pilots to complete (June-Aug ’10). Council officers (n=37) completed IIA training (April/May ’10) / 1. Aberdeenshire council / 1.Increased awareness of impact of policies, plans and strategieson health and health inequalities
Through the work of the pilots there has been an increase in awareness of the health impact of various policies in the council among council staff and as a result some draft policies have been amended / Once phase 2 pilot completed (September ’10) a report will go to Council Senior Management team with the aim to adopt the IIA screening into the formal policy decision making process
Learning from this process will be shared with the CPP
1.2 / Address the recommendations in the NHSG Framework for Reducing Health Inequalities / 1. Health Improvement workshops held with Local Community Planning Groups (LCPGS). Focus increased on addressing health inequalities and identified as a key priority (Aug ’08-Sept ’09)
2. Community Led Health (CLH) workshop held with management staff from partner organisations with 3 workshops held at a local community level / 1. LCPGS in six administrative areas
-Banff and Buchan
-Kincardine and Mearns
2. AberdeenshireRange of public and third sector agencies / Increasing awareness of LCPG & focus of activity to address health inequalities. Health information services document circulated
2. Increased awareness of CLH approach to reducing health inequalities
2. CLH training rolled out to 3 primary care nursing teams in North, Central and South Community Health Partnership. Health & Wellbeing groups established in Alford, Oldmeldrum and Inverurie / 2. Ongoing CLH work?
1.3 / Demonstrate shift of resources to tackle health inequalities on the basis of information provided by traffic lights / Health inequalities funding identified as a key strand for use of Fairer Scotland Funding. Resource of CHP focused in North / Increase of information re. resources in North Aberdeenshire- Development of HealthPoints in Fraserburgh and Peterhead
Targeted work in Huntly Community Kitchen / Health improvement resource focused in identified areas of deprivation
1.4 / Explore possibility of setting CHP targets (from existing Grampian targets) to reduce Health Inequality / Mandatory CHP objective regarding reducing health inequalities agreed 2009 / Across Aberdeenshire CHP / Increased awareness of health inequalities across CHP, potential action by all services in CHP
1.5 / Use traffic lights and other statistics in the context of community planning / 5. Raise Awareness of sources with key groups e.g. Local Community Planning Groups (LCPGS) and Council Elected Members
Heath Source information developed and circulated
Approximately 30% school using national/local health data to inform setting H&WB actions / . LCPGS in six administrative areas
-Banff and Buchan
-Kincardine and Mearns
-Marr / Increasing resource allocated to address health inequalities & document evidence.
Increased access to health information/data/evidence
Whole school communities using research to inform health improvement planning / This data has been confirmed during commended/excellence HPS accreditation assessments
1.6 / Support the Regeneration project in most disadvantaged parts of North Aberdeenshire (Central Peterhead and North Fraserburgh) / 2.Smoking cessation training delivered from HotSpot in Peterhead
3.Smoking cessation classes delivered from regeneration centres in Fraserburgh and Peterhead
4. Healtpoints developed in Hotspot in Peterhead and mobile Healthpoint in Fraserburgh / 2.3 North Aberdeenshire/Health professionals / 2.Increased number of staff trained to deliver smoking cessation support
3.Increased number of people supported to stop smoking
4. Increased access to health information across North Aberdeenshire
1.7 / Promote disability equality across Aberdeenshire / With inclusion in mind workshops held at Local Community Planning Group level across Aberdeenshire / Aberdeenshire wide
1.8 / Support the development of ‘Working for Families’ across Aberdeenshire / Working for Families project has received Fairer Scotland Funding (FSF) expanded geographical area and also expanded to young people / Aberdeenshire wide / Need to check outcomes number of families supported etc
2.1 / Reduce the number of mothers engaging in health harming behaviours e.g. tobacco, alcohol and drugs during pregnancy and in child’s early infancy / 1. Aberdeenshire Smoking Cessation in pregnancy project (SCIPP) - specialist trained midwife & health visitor led in 5 targeted areas (2008-2010)
2.Smoking cessation advice delivered to pregnant mothers via Midwives
3.53 midwives are trained to deliver Alcohol Brief Interventions (ABI) ; it is recommended that an ABI
Is delivered to those who report to their midwives that they are drinking alcohol whilst pregnant / 1. North and Central Aberdeenshire;
- Banff
2. Aberdeenshire-wide / 1. Increased number of midwives and health visitors trained to provide smoking cessation support
1.2. Increased number of pregnant women supported to stop /reduce smoking / 1. Evaluation completed June 2010 and decisions currently being made on future service provision.
Mandatory CHP objective re health improvement and CHP management targets will help to ensure that all pregnant women are asked re drinking alcohol/smoking
2.2 / Support parents in their parenting role. In particular focusing on communities and geographical communities where there are risk factors. e.g. lone parents / Developing & delivering Relationships & Sexual Health parents sessions in 3 CSNs (alongside primary/SHARE training)
Developing R&SN parents leaflet & homework resource
1.Planned residential weekend linking with working for families and adult literacy’s (planned) – Residential weekend held with targeted families. Further work has also been delivered to group of Young Mums using HIIC Resource
2.Mapping of parenting programmes available and regularly updated (current)
3.Early Years Triple P Programme (current)
4Time Out for Teenagers Programme (current)
5.Additional Time out for Teenagers training (planned)
6.Parenting Steering Group (current)
7. Triple P Training
WFF trained in mental health awareness.
Huntly kitchen used to progress learning and training
Baby massage
Triple P
Teen Triple P / Focus on parents/schools in CSNs identified in areas of deprivation
South Aberdeenshire
Central Aberdeenshire
North Aberdeenshire / Improve parental knowledge, improve parent-child transfer of information
Families better supported to build relationships and confidence to support family life and personal development. / Whole school R&SH training being delivered primary/secondary & multi agency to ensure consistency of message, create supportive environment
In North Aberdeenshirepilot parent workshops completed in 2 schools (24 parents involved)
See Fiona Matthews report re outcomes for Community Kitchen
Further work being considered to create more volunteering opportunities using cooking skills.
2.3 / Support parental health and wellbeing. Raise awareness of positive adult child relationships / Anecdotal evidence through Health Promoting School (HPS) accreditation assessments that school based work affecting home practices (particularly in areas of nutrition, physical activity)
Health sector member of EL&L parental involvement steering group – contributes to annual PI conference
Parent Relationship,Sexual Health and Parenthood Workshops
Early Years World Café Event, Confidence to Cook and other healthy eating programmes developed through Huntly Community Kitchen.
2. Well Child Clinic (current) – Well Child Clinic is now embedded within service delivery
Young parent support groups in Peterhead / Selected whole school communities in Aberdeenshire
Areas of disadvantage in North Aberdeenshire
Central Aberdeenshire
Peterhead / Family behaviour being influenced by whole school H&WB objectives – improved home practices
Healthy eating programmes developed (numbers?)
All parents have increased access to information and support / Positive feedback – framework for use by schools across Aberdeenshire
2.4 / Ensure the continued development of screening and health
check programmes / See Eunice for info
2.5 / Ensure children in Aberdeenshire have access to good nutrition / Implementation of HFS & requirements of Schools (Health Promotion & Nutrition) (Scotland) Act 2007
Production of Act guidance for all schools
Supporting implementation of nutritional standards in community/leisure settings
Provision of varied nutrition training through NHS Grampian
Braemar fruit & vegetable scheme (current) – CFINE are supporting project to ensure regular weekly access to F&V. CFINE are also now operating a mobile van in Mearns once per week
CFINE supporting low cost fruit & veg in regeneration areas
Healthy Start promotion in deprived areas / Aberdeenshire
South Aberdeenshire / Whole school environments created which meet the HFS & legislative requirements of the Schools (Health Promotion & Nutrition) (Scotland) Act 2007
Environments created in community/leisure settings where the practice reflects that taking place in school communities
Families in rural areas have access to a wider range of fresh fruit and vegetables at reduced cost / Training delivered on use of the Eatwell floormats.
The FSA sent out a floor mat to each school. Resource produced by AHIOs offering information and suggested activities to use the mat with young
people and adults.
2.6 / Support children to have active lives / AHIOs supporting work of Active Schools coordinators in 6 CSNs – particularly nursery programme
Easter programme of activities (current
.Outdoor Education Programme (complete) (also see objective 3.24
Links with young people and green gym (complete) (also see objective 3.24)
Street Sports
Sports Leaders
Twilight basketball / Specific CSNs
Shire wide with a focus on Fraserburgh and Peterhead / Greater percentage of children/young people participating in during/after school PA provision
Increased opportunities for young people to access activities outwith term-time
Young people with behaviour issues develop a range of practical skills outwith school environment
Programme of diversionary activites during school holidays and weekends
Diversionary activity & opportunity to engage young people on other issues / Statistics provided by the EL&L AS programme confirms increased provision
Stopped due to lack of capacity.
2.7 / Improve the health of looked after children through care and aftercare / SHARE training being taken up by some looked after children’s providers in Aberdeenshire (involved through multi-agency training) / Aberdeenshire / Children/young people in care receiving access to quality health information (sexual health)
All LAC receive medical/health assessment on entering care or re-entering after 3 months / Needs to be a formal part of training for looked after personnel
Progress made with awareness/training of care home staff in health issues e.g. sexual health
Potential list of action to include:
LAC training care home staff/foster carers
2.8 / Ensure involvement of young people and parents in multi agency service design, delivery and developing Health Promoting Schools / 85-90% schools have pupil/staff/parental involvement in school H&WB planning groups/processes
The ADP have commissioned Create Consultancy to undertake a mapping exercise of alcohol, drug and tobacco education in schools and are engaging pupils, parents and guardians in the process
Young people and parents participate in Huntly Peer Mediation.
Young people consulted on delivery of Sexual Health Drop In (SHED) in Huntly and Kemnay.
Central Youth Forums event – young people consulted on health issues
Sexual health survey in Peterhead, Fraserburgh and Banff / Aberdeenshire wide
Aberdeenshire, research focused on Huntly, Banff and Mintlaw but results to reflected across the Shire
Central Aberdeenshire
Secondary School pupils / Greater pupil/staff/parental involvement in whole school community H&WB planning
User representation on Huntly Food & Health Group.
Completed and SH service developed in Banff. / Required assessment criteria in Grampian HPS accreditation scheme
Report due October 2010
Fraserburgh and Peterhead service not developed due to lack of capacity/resource
2.9 / Support young people to recognise and act on healthy choices e.g. mental health, diet, exercise, substance misuse and sexual health / All schools in Aberdeenshire developing response to CfE H&WB experiences & outcomes – support being provided by HIO/AHIOs
Every school in Aberdeenshire has H&WB actions in their development/maintenance plan
The Findings from Create Consultancy will be used to reassess and direct alcohol, drug and tobacco education in schools and the wider community to support young people to recognise and act on healthy choices
Rock Challenge
Develop Health Youth Forum (current)
Currently working with CL&D to work with young people in Aboyne
PeterheadAcademy holding the "Food and Drink Challenge" forS2 pupils
Peer alcohol education in BanffAcademy / Aberdeenshire
South Aberdeenshire / Raised profile of H&WB in Scottish curriculum
Improved H&WB component of the curriculum
All whole school communities developing environments which all members to make healthier choices
A forum for young people which can be used to access information on health issues and to provide young people with a voice around health issues / Covers six descriptor areas in CfE H&WB experiences & outcomes (includes all areas of health)
Each school will be able to indentify actions which contribute to children/young people making healthy choices
See CC for info on sexual health
Report due October 2010
2.10 / Contribute to the creation of safer communities through the development and delivery of effective programmes to address youth offending and its causes / Community Safety Patnership / Aberdeenshire wide
Working in partnership with range of organisations and young people. / Development of a range of initiatives including: Street Mediation pilots, Detached Youth work (Portlethen and Mintlaw) Junior Community wardens; Street Sports, Global Rock. Intervention through Acceptable Behaviour Contracts (ABCs); Safe Drive Stay Health and Operation Zenith for young drivers
2.11 / Increase support for young people with or affected by disabilities and young carers / CENTRAL CHP
Huntly Community Kitchen cooking skills for young carers
Young carers health project / Central Aberdeenshire / Cooking skills for young carers (numbers?) / Potential action appoints
Increase awareness action re disability
2.12 / Optimise the workplace as a health promoting setting / 1. Links made with Paula Patterson (Health Improvement Officer, Wellbeing Team, Aberdeenshire Council)
2. 75% of whole school communities have identified actions which contribute to provision of healthier choices for their workforce
3. Agreement to include NHS Grampian as a partner on Aberdeenshire Live / 1.Aberdeenshire council staff
2. Aberdeenshire wide / 1. Range of health improvement activities available for council staff
All community hospitals have received a ‘healthy living award’ to ensure healthy food offered in dining rooms
Increased awareness and number of staff supported in improving their health e.g. smoking cessation sessions
2. Whole school communities developing environments where members enabled to make healthier choices
3.Promotion of health messages on council website and Aberdeenshire Live TV screens
2.13 / Optimise the role of the workplace in the wider community health and wellbeing, such as its impact on the environment and in supporting and encouraging community initiatives / NORTH CHP
Banff & Buchan community planning group prioritised healthy workplace.
2.14 / To protect employees from environmental & other work related hazards
2.15 / Promote services available to migrant workers and other ethnic groups / ADP Community Engagement Sub-Committee have commissioned a worker to raise awareness of support services relating to alcohol and drugs amongst migrant workers and other ethnic groups
Yearly consultation with migrant workers in Hotspot
Input to migrant workers associations by healthpoint staff
Employment of NHS mulit lingual link worker to promote GP registration / Work is mainly focused on North Aberdeenshire
Peterhead & Fraserburgh / Health Points developed in Peterhead and Frsaerburgh
Specific resources developed on accessing NHS services / Worker appointed Sept 2010
2.16 / Promote social inclusion of older people using examples of good practice e.g. Mearns Healthy Living Network (MHLN) / CENTRAL CHP
Older people’s groups support in Kemnay and Kintore.
Pensioner group using Huntly Kitchen
MHLN extended to reach coastal areas (completed) – In addition to the extension of M&CHLN a K&M Wellbeing group has been established and are working to address the needs of Older People in the area. Group are currently developing a directory and planning an older people event in October
Jolly wrinklies/ grumpies groups in Fraserburgh and Peterhead
Community led heath consultation in Aberchirder on social needs of older people / Central Aberdeenshire
South Aberdeenshire
Aberchirder / Increased number of older people have access to wide range of services
Consultation carried out May/June 2010 / Results of consultation and future actions to be considered Sept 2010