Date: December 5, 2013

To: EETD Safety Committee

From: Ron Scholtz X8137

Subject: 12/5/13 EETD Safety Committee Meeting Minutes

Meeting Attendees: Tim Roberts (EHS), Ron Scholtz (DIV), Doug Black (EAEI), Kim Abbott (BSO), Susan Synarski (DIV), Darryl Dickerhoff (BTUS), Ewa Elkins (HR), Henry Coles (BTUS)

EETD Safety Metrics (Ron)

The committee reviewed the November 2013 Safety Metrics presentation slides.

·  There was one burn injury in November. The Postdoc received a burn on the face when their hair caught fire from a candle at an off-site location. This is not considered an OSHA accident, but may be compensable. Action Item: Ensure that EETD personnel on travel are familiar where to get accident information (Ron).

·  The committee discussed a November parking lot coolant spill incident at the B54 MoWiTT trailer. Facilities responded and absorbed the spill, but it was not clear who would cleanup the resulting waste. Ron Scholtz cleaned up the absorbent due to a pending rainstorm. In the future, EHS should be notified to make arrangements for a third-party subcontractor. There is a cost that will be charged to EETD.

·  An ORPS report has been issued regarding a lockout/tagout issue identified at the B31 Refrigerator Test Chamber. Three corrective action requests were generated to address issues involving LOTO, use of the sJHA subcontractor process, and ensuring new equipment is NRTL approved.

·  Recent “Safety Concerns” submitted by EETD personnel were reviewed. There were 3 submitted in November. Several concerns submitted involved traffic and slip/trip issues near the B51 parking lot area. There are also some concerns being addressed at the B70 Liquid Nitrogen Fill Station regarding equipment and procedures.

·  Job Hazard Analysis completion continues to look good with 5 pending JHA’s for a 99% compliance rate. One has been pending for more than 30 days. Two are expired.

·  Open training assignments look good. We have 75 open assignments as of 12/5/13 for a 99% compliance rate. Many of the open assignments are for recent hires.

Safety Alerts and Lessons Learned (Ron)

All Safety Alerts are found on the EETD Safety webpage. The following alerts were recently issued:

·  Cord and Plug Lockout/Tagout exemption requirements

·  Subcontractor Job Hazards Analysis (sJHA) requirements

·  Simple and complex Lockout/Tagout procedures

·  Lockout/Tagout training requirements

Self-Assessment Program Update (Ron)

·  The 2014 Self Assessment Plan has been approved and submitted to OCA. The plan includes: Personal Protective Equipment Assessment, Chemical Inventory Assessment, and Off-Site Work Assessment.

·  We need to get going on our first self-assessment regarding personal protective equipment usage in the lab areas. Anyone interested in participating should contact Ron Scholtz. We will get started the beginning of January.

Building Emergency Team (BET) Update

·  No update this month.

Old Business (All)

·  Check the EETD Safety website for updated safety information. The link to access is: Improvements are on going.

New Business (All)

·  Our EETD Safety Committee Chair, Melissa Lunden has left LBNL. We need to find a replacement committee chair. We also need to find a new representative to the LBNL Safety Advisory Council (SAC). Please let Ron Scholtz know if you have any suggested candidates.

·  Doug Black commended Matt Rice of EHS for his assistance in fall protection measures at an off-site field project. The solution not only resulted in a safer working condition, but also better enabled the research. Doug will write a brief description so that recognition can be made.

Next Meeting: Thursday, February 6 @ 9:00am in 90-3075

Action Items

Item / Action Needed / Assigned / Status
01-3 / Generate a spill cleanup procedure for use in addressing chemical spills in glove boxes. Generate specific spill cleanup training for EETD lab workers. Ensure that adequate cleanup supplies are available. / Ron / Open
·  Small spill kits provided for glove boxes.
·  Fire department tours of B62 and B70 labs completed
·  New spill cart purchased for Building 70.
08-3 / Look into possibility of electronic format lab area self-inspections with centralized database. / Ron / Open- App developed and is about to be deployed to lab leads.
06-1 / Provide recognition to EETD Building Emergency Team members. Town hall meeting announcement. / Susan / Open- Planning on next EETD town hall meeting.
10-1 / Add “after hours” medical emergency information to the EETD emergency flip charts. / Ron / Open
12-1 / Work with EETD administrative assistants to ensure accident information is provided to researchers on off-site travel. / Ron / Open- will discuss at next EETD operations staff meeting.
12-2 / Identify new EETD Safety Committee Chair. / Ron/EETD Mgmt. / Open
12-3 / Identify new EETD representative to the LBNL Safety Advisory Committee (SAC) / Ron/EETD Mgmt. / Open