All you need to know to make a video entry for The European Business Awards 2014/15 Awards programme!
Why did we decide to make video a key part of the entry process? Page 02
Overview of the ‘Video Entries’ phase Page 03
How to produce your video entry – Option One Filmed by Tracc at our venue in your country Page 05
How to produce your video entry – Option Two Filmed by Tracc at your venue in your country Page 08
How to produce your video entry – Option Three Filmed by you, Edited by Tracc Films Page 11
How to produce your video entry – Option Four Produce your own Video Page 15
Video Process – How do you start? Page 18
Production Guidelines Page 16
Why do we ask for a video entry as part of your entry?
· A key reason for the existence of the EBA is to share knowledge, particularly from the best businesses across Europe. Last year over 400,000 people visited the EBA website and there were 93,000 votes! Entering businesses subsequently got an opportunity to leverage a huge amount of free PR from their video!
· Unlike the written submissions we can make video entries public which also makes the process transparent so that everyone can see what a great business looks like.
· The public get an opportunity not only to see some amazing video case studies, but also to vote for their favourite. The public vote makes 1 company in each country a Public National Champion providing yet more PR opportunities and another route to progress in the competition.
· The videos form part of the biggest online library of case studies.
· The video entries also form powerful marketing collateral for all the businesses that have entered.
Well done and congratulations on being selected as a National Champion in the 2014/15 European Business Awards. As National Champions your business will go on to compete in the second exciting phase of the competition which will result in organisations being short-listed for Ruban d’Honneur status. Alongside the RDH judging for this phase, Judges will view your online video entry with your written submission, there is also an opportunity for the public vote and the National Champion the highest vote in each country will be selected as a Public National Champion and continue in a further online public vote to select the overall European Public Champion. (please see Awards process diagram below)
It is important for the integrity of the competition that all National Champions are judged following a consistent methodology and by information submitted in a standard format. As such every video entry must follow the guidelines provided in this document.
As you already know, in order to progress to the second phase of the competition it is necessary that together with all National Champions you submit a video entry for further assessment by the judging panel and for the online public vote.
The European Business Awards is one of the most highly regarded business competitions in the world attracting significant media, business and political interest. The Awards Entries team engaged with over 24,000 organisations during the entries campaign this year so it is safe to say that being selected as a National Champion is an amazing achievement! Your video entry will give you an excellent opportunity to create visibility and to tell your business story to a wide audience. Last year over 400,000 people visited The EBA website during the online public voting campaign. Apart from convincing the public to vote for your company, it is also your chance to convince the judging panel that your business should be chosen as a Ruban d’Honneur in the 2014/15 European Business Awards and a guaranteed place at the Gala Awards presentation next year.
DEADLINE for Video Entry Submission: 12:00 CET on Monday 1st December 2014. *All videos will be approved by 12th December 2014.
Your video entry along with video entries from all National Champions will be uploaded and available for viewing on the European Business Awards website from 09:00 CET on Tuesday 6 January 2015.
Video entries will also be viewed on-line by the general public giving them the opportunity to vote for their favourite businesses, resulting in the business with the most votes in each country automatically gaining National Public Champion status. Following two phases of public voting during last year’s Awards programme a massive 93,425 votes were generated by our National Champions.
Fantastic news you are now on the way to creating your video for European Business Awards 2014/15. We look forward to working with you and helping you produce a great entry.
How to make your video entry
There are a number of ways to make your video entry this year, please take a look at all the options and the separate guidelines for each option:
· Video Option 1 – Standard Video Entry (filmed at a Tracc Films filming location) - Price 1,350€
· Video Option 1- 2-in-1- Standard Video Entry 2-in-1 (includes “Re-Packaging*) (filmed at a Tracc Films filming location) Price 1,725€
*Re-Packaging for an extra 375€ on the standard price of 1,350€– is a 2nd additional version of your video entry which includes chapters 1 to 3, clean chapter slates, your own company logos and call to action slate with company details at the end of the video will be added, therefore you will be able to use this version for other purposes, company website, social media, internally or for customers etc… (for this 2nd version of the video we will remove the EBA packaging, logos and chapter 4).See chapters in the Video process below on page:13
For both these options Tracc Films will film, edit and submit your video entry for you.
Your video entry will include:
o EBA graphics package (Opening & Closing Titles, Chapter Headings)
o On screen text/Infographics (Style similar to our video entry and included where appropriate)
o Footage from your presentation this will appear in each of the chapters.
o Filming will take place at an European Business Awards chosen location (in some instances we may use green screen for the filming this will be determined by Tracc Films if necessary) Tracc Films will provide two person crew including Film Director and Camera operator.
If you wish to choose one of the two options (“Video Option 1” or “Video Option 1 – 2-in-1 re-package”)above please follow the steps below:
Step 1 – Book and confirm your filming option with the EBA Team. You will be able to book a filming slot for your country through your EBA Coordinator who will be in contact with you to guide you through the process. Once this is confirmed Tracc Films will issue the appropriate invoice and confirm the booking.
Step 2 - Prior to filming with Tracc Films team you will be required to upload your script (using the Script template and guidelines which will be provided on your profile page on the European Business Awards website) and company logo via your “profile page”, and include any additional material such as images, videos etc that you wish us to include in the entry if it is possible. (Images / videos may not be included if too poor quality or if your video is running over length etc...)
Step 3 – Please arrange for your Presenter(s) to rehearse your presentation, this will ensure the delivery of the presentation comes across as natural as possible on camera. Tracc Films will not provide an actual autocue but we will have available (where possible) Teleprompter kit for iPads and tablets, you will of course be expected to provide the actual iPad or tablet. There are some fantastic inexpensive autocue apps available from iTunes and Google Play Store which you can use and will work great for your presentation. Cue cards If you are going to use cue cards make sure the text is big enough to be able to read from a distance of at least 1.5 meters as your Producer will hold these up underneath the camera for you to read from so that you can avoid looking down at any cue cards held on your lap. Further information under Video Process on page – 20/21.
Step 4 – When attending your filming session please ENSURE your final script and additional material (if required) has all been uploaded to your profile page at least 72 hours before filming, failure to do so might slow down the production of your video entry.
To ensure that your film is a visual success, we recommend you give some thought to your wardrobe before the film shoot. In our experience it is best to select clothing that falls in the medium range of brightness and hue. Pastel colours work particularly well on film as do medium greys and blues since the light reflecting qualities of these shades help establish good exposure. Avoid wearing any/all green, all white and patterned fabrics (no stripes or checks), as these sometimes do not work well on camera.
Step 5 – When filming we suggest that you take time to listen to the director. The director will explain the filming process, where your eye line will be, while also giving you advice on how to appear relaxed and natural on camera. When your presentation is being filmed try not to stop if you make a mistake, we will be able to edit out mistakes, the director will let you know if you need to stop and start again.
Step 6 – During filming the director will agree with you which takes/sound bites will work best for your video entry and then these will be passed to the editing team to start compiling your video entry. Once your video entry is edited it will be sent to European Business Awards for sign off and submitted for judging.
Please note the Video Entries (Standard Option) produced by Tracc Films for European Business Awards will not be submitted back to the client for viewing, changing or approving prior to upload, instead the finished film will be viewed and approved by the Series Producer at the European Business Awards before being uploaded to the website for judging. (Sign off will be required during the shoot – the director will talk through the clips with you before sign off on the shooting day)
· Video Option 2 – Standard Video Entry 2-in-1 filmed at Client Location includes a *re-packaged version of the video - Price 2,725€ (excluding Travel & Accommodation, we will keep this to a minimum and agree the cost with you but it is an additional cost)
*Re-Packaging is a 2nd additional version of your video entry which includes chapters 1 to 3, clean chapter slates, your own company logos and call to action slate with company details at the end of the video will be added, therefore you will be able to use this version for other purposes, company website, social media, internally or for customers etc… (for this 2nd version of the video we will remove the EBA packaging, logos and chapter 4).
If you aren’t able to make it to one of many EBA venue filming sessions then we can arrange for Tracc Films to come to you.
o They will film, edit and submit your video entry for you.
o Video entry will include EBA graphics package (Opening & Closing Titles, Chapter Headings) On screen text / Infographics (Style similar to our video entry and included where appropriate) and footage from your presentation.
o If there is time in the schedule we will also capture some general footage of your office which can also be included in your video entry.
o Filming will take place in the comfort of your office (in some instances we will may choose to green screen the interviews this will be determined by Tracc Films if necessary) We will send a small two person crew consisting of a Film director and camera person to your office.
o Including a finished video entry, Tracc Films will also include a repackaged version of your video entry as stated below which you can repurpose for use on your website, marketing etc.
Repackaged Video Entry (included in cost for main film)
We can repackage your video entry for you so you can use this for your own purposes – For this we will remove EBA Opening Sting and voting message and EBA/RSM logo from the video. We will start and finish the video entry with your logo, and leave in or remove the chapter headings from the film you can then use this new version for your own purposes.
If you wish to choose this option please follow the steps below:-
Step 1 – Speak to one of the European Business Award team and they will discuss and arrange with you for filming to take place at your preferred location. EBA team will let you know what dates are available so please have some dates in mind when talking to the team (Subject to first come first served basis we cannot hold dates any longer than 24hrs) The crew will be on site for a couple of hours so some flexibility with time will be required so please bear this in mind.
Step 2 - Prior to filming with Tracc Films team you will be required to upload your script (using the Script template provided on the European Business Awards website) via your profile, and include any additional material such as images, videos etc that you wish us to include in the entry if it is possible. (Images / videos may not be included if too poor quality or if your video is running over length etc.)