Technology Department: Introduction to Electronics/Mr. Frew

Class Rules, Course Expectations and Requirements Fall 2011

() Phone: 926-2280

Successful Completion of this course earns 1/2 unit of credit

  1. Students are to report to class each day with following every day:

-pen and/or pencil-notebook or 3-ring binder with loose-leaf paper (1” minimum)

-textbooks-all work in progress and necessary project supplies

-student agenda book(no book=no passes, computer work, etc.)

  1. Be on time! If you don’t have a pass in your agenda book, get one before coming to class.

First late: warning Second late: Late Detention(3:00)

Passes will be issued on a very limited basis.No agenda book = No passes

Take care of visits to the lavatory, locker, office, etc. between blocks (8 minutes) Remember, when you have used all of your agenda passes, you may not go anywhere!

  1. Food and Beverages are not allowed in class. (Bottled water (only) is permitted.)

Cell phone use is not permitted during class time: no calls, no texting, no apps, no music, no video!

  1. The computer network will be used for class projects and research. Be sure to obtain your approval sticker for your agenda book. Agenda books should be opened to page 32 during computer time.
  1. Students are expected to follow the code of conduct as well as the dress code.

Cell phone use is prohibited: no calls, no texting! No audio or video recording devices!

Personal electronic devices!(ipods, MP3s,etc)may only be used during extended computer/project work time.

  1. Attendance is very important! Poor attendance often leads to course failure. An Attendance Policy is in place this year. If you are absent, see me before the end of your next scheduled class with your makeup/signature card. No makeup work will be provided without the card. Plan on attending help class to complete make up work. If you are truant or skip class, you may not make up work!
  1. Extra Help: I am available for extra help Monday-Thursday from 2:25-3:00, by appointment. Also, at other times, depending on my schedule, in room 114 or 118. You are welcome to work on projects/computers during your study halls if I have available space/computers.

Go on to the back of this document....

  1. Grading policy: All grades earned will be added together and then divided by total possible points to calculate your quarterly average. Approximate amount of total points as follows:


Written Classwork/Notebook20%

Tests and Quizzes20%

Projects/Lab work40%

Assigned work must be completed by due date. Any late work that is accepted will be

penalized for lateness. Absolutely no work accepted one week after due date.

Students are encouraged to check grades/assignments online in PowerSchool often.

Bring any discrepancies to the attention of the teacher immediately.

Successful students submit work which is accurate, correct, and complete!

Note: Final average is 4/5 quarterly grades, 1/5 final exam. If your combined quarterly averages are at least

92%, you may be exempt from the final exam.

9. Safety: During project work time, students will adhere to all safety rules, and will not use tools or equipment which is damaged or broken. Safety glasses will be worn when appropriate. Students will not use tools or machines without permission, or without appropriate instruction.

Introduction to Electronics

Prerequisites: none Meets: Alternate days for 20 weeks

Course Description: Units of study include electrical and electronic terms, electrical measurement and meter use, series and parallel circuitry, wire and wire insulation types, resistance, capacitance, transformer operation, schematic diagram use, and electrical safety. This course reinforces these concepts through the following project activities: printed circuit board construction, soldering, circuit testing, motor construction, house wiring, and electrical device repair.

Please complete and return this section to instructor on or before September 12, 2011

(I have read and understand the course expectations for Intro to Electronics, and agree to comply with them)

Student Name:______Cell#:______

Last First

Student Signature:______

Parent Name:______Contact: phone # ______

Parent Signature:______email:______