MAY 7, 2017

Directors:Pat McKenna, Perry Cornforth, Ted Wright, Steve Angelo, Dan Landriault, Carmen Gauthier, Louise Campbell, George Butts, Cindy Butts.

Absent:Lew Ling, Dave Angelo

Acting President:Pat McKenna. Report Tabled. Pat has been Acting President for about 2 years due to the illness of our President, Stephanie Belbin. Meeting commenced around 1:05.

Treasurer.Pat McKenna. Report Tabled. The balance sheet is relatively healthy with approximately $21,500 in the Operating Account and $20,400 in the Building Fund. The balance of our OVCA loan is $6,000 which will be discharged in early 2018.

We have been informed by the OCA that their fees will be increasing this year by about $7.00 per person. The OCA will not require the LTC participants to pay this fee.

We are holding our fees at the same level as last year as we still have one more payment to make on our OVCA loan. Hopefully we will be able to address the variance in the draw fees between day and evening curlers to everyone’s satisfaction for the 2018-2019 season. It is part of the Boards duties to set the fees.

Match:Ted Wright. Report Tabled.

  • Tuesday evening5 teams
  • Thursday evening6 teams
  • Friday evening10 teams before Christmas

9 teams after Christmas

Club Championship – 10 teams qualified, 7 entered

Winner - Eric Desjardins team

Pat Lid – 8 teams entered

Winner - Michel Lorrain team

From Oct 1 to April – approximately 15 rentals

Ice:Steve Angelo. Report tabled. He thanked the volunteers who helped with the ice pad sand removal during the summer of 2016. He feels that due to the removal of sand, the ice compressor has run much less often, therefore less wear and tear. Saving of 35% in kilowatt hours.

We have signed a contract to replace the on ice lighting. Hydro has a promotion program where they will pay half the cost of a lighting upgrade when you go for more efficient lighting. We will replace the current lights with 9 LED units.

Membership:Perry Cornforth. Report tabled.

147 Total Members

36 Daytime members

70 Evening members

4 Daytime/Evening combo members

32 Learn to Curl members – included in new below

4 Social members

1 Lifetime member

36 New members

Men’s Deep Sea cancelled in March due to low number of registered teams. The Mixed Deep Sea (March 23-25) was run with 12 teams instead of the full draw of 16 teams.

An analysis of membership fees for curling clubs in our area show that our fees are competitive and comparable with other clubs.

Canteen:Lew Ling – Absent – Report tabled. He thanked the many volunteers who helped with the canteen duties: George and Mary Rathwell who kept the bar stocked and kept tabs on items needed, Ted Wright – our Rentals contact and canned beer supplier and the barvolunteers who tended bar on their required nights.

The bar revenue is $23,704. Tips this year totaled $723.10. Our bar profit is better that 50% so we are doing well overall.

Daytime:Dan Landriault. Report tabled. We had 46 daytime players.

MixedMonday – 14 players, Wednesday – 17 players,

And Friday – 11 players

Men’sTuesday – 21 players and Thursday – 17 players

We had a friendly with Russell in the New Year. Total profit from monthly luncheons approximately $879.00.

Entertainment:Louise Campbell. Report tabled. On October 30, 2016 we held a Meet and Greet to mark the 70th Anniversary of the founding of the Club. It was also an opportunity for returning members and newmembers to meet. On April 29, 2017 we had our closing banquet/ trophy and pins presentations to winners of the various events. The President’s trophy was awarded to Perry Cornforth for his continuous contribution to the Club. The Director’s trophy was awarded to Bob Rodney and his team for their hard work teaching and guiding the Learn to Curl program.

Communication: Carmen Gauthier. Report tabled.

She will continue to monitor the telephone and e-mail messages and take the required action.

OVCA/OCA:George Butts. Report tabled.

After the Director’s reports the floor opened to members forquestions/comments.

  1. Ron Senn. He advised that some Clubs have “senior rates”. Board response is that most of our members are seniors and we therefore cannot afford to offer a “seniors discount”.
  1. Doug McNally expressed displeasure with the daytimers paying less draw fees than the evening curlers. In the past it was felt thedaytimersdid not get as much “fresh ice” as the evening curlers. Doug feels that “fresh ice” is not an excuse for lower daytime fees. The Board has been working on closing the gap between the daytime and evening draw fees for several years. It is the job of the Board of Directors to set the yearly curling fees
  1. Bruce Campbell queriedif members need to pay the OVCA/OCA membership fees. (currently $17.00) and they are to be increased this year. In order to go into “sanctioned bonspiels” we must be members of these organizations. More discussion is needed – are we getting good value for our dues?
  1. Bob Rodney. Too few teams on Men’s Tuesday nights. He feels we need to be more creative in filling evening draws and membership numbers. We could increase the number of teams by involving the LTC members. He and Doug McNally are willing to take LTC members on their Men’s teams. He suggested having mixed curling on Saturday evening (this however could conflict with our rentals).
  2. Bob Rodney. Learn to Curl program. We should cap the registration at 18-20 people with 8 weeks of instruction followed by 13 weeks of league play. He feels they must continue on with the league play as we cannot just let them go after their 8 weeks of instruction – we must keep them playing.
  3. George Butts. He queried if we were going to try again to have a Men’s Deep Sea bonspiel in 2018. It had to be cancelled in March 2017 due to a lack of team registration. Perry said yes - however changes would have to be made for 2018.

After a short break we reassembled for the Nomination and Election of new members to our Board of Directors . Wayne Rock handled the Election. A volunteer sign upposter had been hanging in the Club for several weeks before the Election.

The following Directors still have another year in their term.

MembershipPerry Cornforth

HouseDave Angelo

TreasurerPat McKenna

IceSteve Angelo

EntertainmentLouise Campbell

CommunicationCarmen Gauthier

OVCA/OCAGeorge Butts

SecretaryCindy Butts

New Directors Required

President: Perry Cornforth

Perry was nominated for President. He accepted on the condition that somebody volunteer to be co-director of Membership. Perry will become President and we will look for a volunteer willing to be co-director of Membership.

Match: Marc Pilon

Absent. Marc volunteered for the position before the Election. Accepted.


Nobody was willing to take on this Directorship. Lew Ling has finished his term.

However George Butts and Dan Landriault with the help of lifetime member George Rathwell will look after this position until a Director can be found.

Daytime: Murray Hatt

Murray Hattvolunteered for the position. Accepted.

Perry made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Wayne Rock. Meeting finished at 2:50 pm. Next regular Board meeting to be determined.