Questions for the snakes and ladders game
- When, who and why CBR has been promoted ?
- Tell us at least 2 important international events related to CBR that happened during the last 10 years.
- Tell us 5 key principles of CBR strategy
- list 4 disability models ?
- tell us 5 principles of the human rights convention for pwd ?
- What are the meanings of inclusive education ?
- Define prevention in primary health scare system.
- What kind of activities could be useful toward empowerment or participation?
- What could be the role of a CBR worker ?
- What is the function of your RIC ?
- What are the main variance between the 1993 standart rules and the 2004 ?
- what does mean holistic approach ?
- Could you explain briefly what is CAHD ?
- Why social communication skills are very important for CBR professionals ?
- What are the new rights created by the convention adopted in December 2006?
- What does mean equalization of opportunities?
- what daes mean inclusive community ?
- What could be the role of DPOs ?
- What does mean sustainability ?
- Choose 4 words to define the new CBR promoted in the new guidelines.
- What does mean self advocacy ?
- Tell us 2 actions which could be included as barriers free environment activities.
- Whats major event happened in 2004 ?
- what is the main difference beetween medical disability model and social medical model ?
- beginning 80s by WHO (1981) as an alternative strategy to serve disabled people in developing countries who do not have access to the very few institutional based service
- 2003-2012 : Arab Decade of Persons with Disabilities
2004 UN standard rules
2006/2007 UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
ICF in 2001
- CBR principles
–barriers free environment
- Disability models
–traditional model : pwd viewed as less deserving people
–charitable model
–medical model : related to impairment
–functional limitations perspective : some non medical criteria are added
–social model leads to a complete change in pespective
–human rights model
5. HR convention principles
–Dignity, autonomy, freedom to make one’s choices, independence
–Participation and inclusion in society
–Respect for difference
–Equality of opportunity
–Equality between men and women
- Inclusive education is a system of education in which all the pupils with special educational needs are enrolled in ordinary classes in their district schools, and are provided with support services and an education based on their forces and needs.
Inclusive schools are based on the basic principle that all schoolchildren in a given community should learn together, so far as is practicable, regardless of their handicaps or difficulties.
They should recognize and take into account the diverse needs of their pupils, adapt to different styles and rhythm of teaching and provide quality education through the appropriate use of resources, school organisation and study plans as well as partnership with the community.
There is need to ensure that the services provided correspond exactly to the special needs, regardless of their grades.
- Primary prevention Action performed to preclude the development of a disease
secondary prevention Action performed to take care of early symptoms of a disease and preclude the development of possible irreparable medical conditions.
Tertiary prevention generally consists of the prevention of disease progression and attendant suffering after it is clinically obvious and a diagnosis established. This activity also includes the rehabilitation of disabling conditions
- empowerment
–social mobilisation
–encourage political participation
–set up self help groups
–suport DPOs
- CBR workers
CBR workers provide information to people with disabilities and their families, including advice on carrying out simple tasks of daily living or making simple assistive devices to improve independence, such as communicating in sign language or using a white cane to move around outdoors. The community CBR worker also acts as an advocate for people with disabilities by
making contacts with schools, training centres, work places and other organizations to promote accessibility and inclusion. In addition, the CBR worker provides information about services
available outside the community, and acts as liaison between the families of people with disabilities and such services.
10 RIC
RIC is set up at intermediate level and is the main structure to disseminate information about disability and CBR. He is the CBR focus point for all.
11. Although its definition and major objectives have not changed, there has been an evolution of concepts within CBR and of stakeholder involvement. This evolution is around the concepts of
disability and rehabilitation, the emphasis placed on human rights and action to address inequalities and alleviate poverty, and on the expanding role of DPOs.
12 Holistic approach means global approach or multisectoral approach. A lot of issues are considered in the approach CBR strategy used : different kind of people, of structures, of institutions.
- Community Approach to Handicap and Developpement. It is a strategy which consists to include the disability component into community's organisations.
- Communication skills are important because CBR professionals are supposed to sensitise communities people (inhabitants, political or religious leader, the youth and the old people, the women and the men, etc.) on disabilities issues and CBR. They should build links between different kind of people or organisations ;
- No new rights in this convention ; the rights are the same for all and the same than the ones edicted in the 1948 UN declaration. It expresses all human rights in terms of the specific needs and situation of pwd.
- The term 'equalization of opportunities' means the process through which the various systems of society and the environment, such as services, activities, information and documentation, are made available to all, particularly to persons with disabilities.
- The concept of an inclusive community means that communities adapt their structures and procedures to facilitate the inclusion of people with disabilities, rather than expecting them to change to fit in with existing arrangements. It places the focus on all citizens and their entitlement to equal treatment, again reinforcing the fact that the rights of all people, including those with disabilities, must be respected. The community looks at itself and considers how policies, laws, and common practices affect all community members.
18. The role of DPOs includes educating all people with disabilities about their rights, advocating for action to ensure these rights, and collaborating with partners to exercise rights to access services
and opportunities, often within CBR programmes.
19 . sustainability means that the programme must be lasting ; beyond the initial intervention initiated by NGO. Strong links beewteen organisations are the key point to sustainability
- Participation
human rights
respect of differences
- self advocacy
means the central and consitent involment of people with disabilities defining for themselves the goals... it's a collective notion... not an individual one
- barriers free environment
to facilitate access to health care, to school, to social events, etc.
to sensitise the communities about disabilities as different abilities and not incapabilities
to value the potential of pwd rather than to raise their limitations
to translate some information in braille
to organise sessions for teaching sign language
- New joint position paper of 2004
- the medical model focus on an individual impairment and lead to pwd who should adapt themselves to society and the social model focus on the fact that society is disabling pwd. Social model promote the adaptation of the society to disabilities.