Summary Time Approval is a quick and easy way to review and approve any unapproved time entry for an employee or team assigned to an Approver or Time Administrator. Timecan be approved for PriorWeek or currentweek as a whole (This Week).



  1. Click in the TAAS Header Bar.
  2. On the Selection Parameters page, select the week to be approved from the Week Start Date dropdown list.

  1. To select one or more employeesto be approved click the icon next to Employees.


To select one or more teamsto be approved click the icon next to Team.

  1. In the Database Lookup window, click the checkbox next to the name of each employee/team whose timesheet you wish to view.

Hint: To search for employees/teams type the first few letters of the name in the ‘Description’ field, then click Find.



  1. Click to return to the Selection Parameters page.
  2. Select the sort order of the employees from the Order By drop-down list.
  1. Click.
  1. Review the hours listed for each employee.

Note: Only time that requires approval will be shown on the Summary Time Approval Form.

  • Click on the date hyperlinkto view the Timesheet Detail and review an employee’s time entry for each day of the week. To return to the Summary Time Approval form from the Timesheet, click the hyperlink at the top of the timesheet.
  1. Click the Approvedcheck box next to the employee to approve the time entry for the entire time frame.
  2. Click .

If you disagree with a time entry:

  1. Contact the employee and discuss the discrepancy.
  2. From the Summary Time Approval Form, click the date hyperlink next to the employee to view the Timesheet Detailand review an employee’s time entry for each day of the week.
  3. If you come to an agreement on the day’s entry, select “Approved” from the Authorizeddrop-down listfor each row you agree on.
  4. If you and the employee cannot come to an agreement oryou cannot reach the employeeselect“In Dispute” from the Authorized drop-down list for each day in the timesheetyou question. Any records “In-Dispute” will not be able to approve in the Summary Time Approval Screen.
  5. Click before you exit theTimesheet.

When you log in, your default access is to be a Time Approver with ability to see your team members’ timesheets.

To change your access to view/edit your own timesheet:

  1. Click on the tab in the headerbar.
  2. Click Use Alternate Access.
  1. Select “USERNAME_ME” from the drop-down list.
  2. Click .

To Access your timesheet:

  1. Click .
  2. Enter the selection parameters to view a timesheet.
  3. Click .

To change back to having Time Approver access:

  • Click on your name underlined in the upper left corner (next to the red X).


  • Log out, and then log in again. (Your default access is to be a Time Approver.)

To identify the current access mode (Approver or Personal Time Entry):

  • Approver - Your name appears at the top left of your screen. You currently have access to your team’s records for approval.
  • Personal Time Entry - Your nameis followed by “acting as[USERNAME-ME]” appears at the top left of your screen. You have access to your own records.

Applies to Non-Exempt (hourly) employees ONLY. Partial time off must be taken in full hour increments. Exempt (salary) employees must refer to “Entering A Full Day Absence.”

Please see TAAS Time Entry Quick Reference Guide for full details.

Applies to Exempt and Non-Exempt employees entering a Full Day of time off.

  1. In the Timesheet, find the Full Day Code field for the day to be charged with the full day absence and click .
  1. In the Time Code pop-up window, click on the appropriate Time Code.
  2. Click on the Timesheet to save your entries.

FINAL REMINDER…Approve employee timesheets by Monday 2PM.

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  1. Log in to TAAS.
  2. Click in the Header bar.