WSEAS and NAUN Conferences
Joint Program
15th CSCC Multiconference:
15th WSEAS International Conference on Circuits
15th WSEAS International Conference on Systems
15th WSEAS International Conference on Communications
15th WSEAS International Conference on Computers
4th WSEAS International Conference on Urban Planning and Transportation (UPT '11)
4th WSEAS International Conference on Cultural Heritage and Tourism
(CUHT '11)
8th WSEAS International Conference on Engineering Education
4th WSEAS International Conference on Engineering Mechanics, Structures, Engineering Geology (EMESEG '11)
International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Simulation, Modelling
(ASM '11)
International Conference on Circuits, Systems and Signals (CSS '11)
International Conference on Communications and Information Technology (CIT '11)
International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Heat and Mass Transfer 2011 (FLUIDSHEAT '11)
International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2011
(TAM '11)
International Conference on Education and Educational Technologies 2011 (EDU '11)
International Conference on Geography and Geology 2011 (GEO '11)
International Conference on Energy and Development - Environment - Biomedicine 2011 (EDEB '11)
Corfu Island, Greece, July 14-17, 2011
1st Day, July 14, 2011
Registration: 08:00-09:00
Keynote Lecture 1: 09:00-09:45, Room A’
Fundamental Laws of Nature: Mass-Energy, Work, Heat and Entropy - From Reversible Isentropic to Irreversible Caloric Processesby Prof. M. Kostic, Northern Illinois University, USA.
Keynote Lecture 2: 09:45-10:30, Room A’
Jet Noise Predictions Using Large Eddy Simulationsby Prof. Anastasios Lyrintzis, Purdue University, USA.
Keynote Lecture 3: 10:30-11:15, Room A’
Fuel Cell for Electric Locomotive Transportation: State-of-the-Art Review and Challengesby Prof. Pradip Majumdar, Northern Illinois University, USA.
Coffee-break: 11:15-11:45
Plenary Lecture 1: 11:45-12:30, Room A’
New Approach to Continuous and Discrete-Time Systems based on Abstract State Space Energyby Prof. Milan Stork, University of West Bohemia, CZECH REPUBLIC.
Plenary Lecture 2: 11:45-12:30, Room B’
Romania, Tourism and Culture Major Drivers of Regional Attractivenessby Prof. Mirela Mazilu, University of Craiova, ROMANIA.
Plenary Lecture 3: 11:45-12:30, Room C’
Intelligent Robotic System with Fuzzy Learning Controller and 3D Stereo Visionby Prof. Shiuh-Jer Huang, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, TAIWAN.
Plenary Lecture 4: 11:45-12:30, Room D’
Infrared Image Processing Methods and Systemsby Prof. Alexander Bekiarski, Technical University Kliment Ohridski, BULGARIA.
CONFERENCE ROOM A’: 12:30-14:30
CUHT Session: Sustainable Development, Urban & Rural Tourism
Chair: Mirela Mazilu, Nistor Stelian
Romania, Tourism and Culture - Major Drivers of Regional Attractiveness / Mirela Mazilu / 659-263The Statistical Analysis of Romanian Tourism in the Context of the World Economic Crisis / Mirela Mazilu, Dumitru Bala, Roxana Severineanu / 659-446
Tourism - Revival Factor at Social, Cultural and Economic Levels / Mirela Mazilu, Madalina Andrei, Daniela Dumitrescu / 659-447
Belgrade as a Tourism Destination: Strategic Management Aspects / Nina Djurica, Gordana Tomic, Maja Djurica / 659-178
Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Sustainable Development in Beius Land: The Wood Civilization as Wandering Tourism Product / Rodica Petrea, Claudiu Filimon, Luminita Filimon, Paul Olau / 659-361
Protected Areas in Hungary and Romania, Bases for the Development of a Sustainable Tourism – A Comparative Preliminary Analisys / Stelian Nistor, Camelia Teodorescu, Ribana Linc, Iulian Dinca, Liviu Bucur / 659-380
CONFERENCE ROOM B’: 12:30-14:30
EDEB Session: Energy Efficient Systems
Chair: Kurt Geckeler, Martino Paolucci
The Use of Thermal Energy Storage for Energy System based on Cogeneration Plant / Anna Volkova, Andres Siirde / 303-243Monitoring of Energy Flows and Optimization of Energy Efficiency in a Production Facility / I. Leobner, K. Ponweiser, C. Dorn, F. Bleicher / 303-269
Hydrogen Energy Storage Materials Based on Conducting Polymers and their Nanocomposites / Kurt E. Geckeler / 303-331
Heavy Metals Behaviour in a Gasification Reactor / Martino Paolucci, Carlo Borgianni, Paolo De Filippis / 303-309
Energy Performance Implies Measures from Consumers to the Energy Supply Sources / Rodica Frunzulica, Mirela Sanda Toropoc / 303-401
European Energy Policy – Directives and Action Plans / V. Pozeb, D. Goricanec, J. Krope / 303-306
CONFERENCE ROOM C’: 12:30-14:30
GEO Session: Geography and Geology
Chair: Abdalla Amir Omar, Alamta Singarimbun
Abnormal Deflection in the Some Folded Axes within Zagros Fold and Thrust Belt, Northern Iraq, Mirawa-Mawaran Synclinal Axis as a case Study / Abdalla Amir Omar / 303-113Self–Potential Methods on Geothermal Exploration (Case Study: Mount Patuha, West Java, Indonesia) / Alamta Singarimbun, Mitra Djamal, Fitri Meilawati / 303-278
Extreme Climatic Phenomena during the Hot Period of the Year in Targoviste Municipality and its Surroundings (1961-2010). Case Studies / Ovidiu Murarescu, Gica Pehoiu, Bogdan Puscoi / 303-329
Present Features of the Migration Phenomenon in Romania / Tamara Simon, Madalina-Teodora Andrei, Iuliana Pop, Petronela-Sonia Nedea, Florin Vartolomei / 303-235
Aspects of the Tourist Development on the Romanian Black Sea Coastline / Tamara Simon, Mirela-Elena Mazilu, Madalina-Teodora Andrei, Roxana-Cristina Severineanu, Costin Dumitrascu / 303-236
CONFERENCE ROOM D’: 12:30-14:30
ASM Session: Applied Mathematics I
Chair: Ljiljana Petrovic, Azami Zaharim
On Markovian Extensions and Reductions of a Family of Hilbert Spaces / Ljiljana Petrovic / 303-220On Spatial Estimation of Wind Energy Potential in Malaysia / Nurulkamal Masseran, Ahmad Mahir Razali, Kamarulzaman Ibrahim, Wan Zawiah Wan Zin, Azami Zaharim / 303-313
The Value of Demand Postponement under Demand Uncertainty / Rawee Suwandechochai / 303-330
Estimating Wind Energy Using Extrapolated Data of Cameron Highlands / Siti Khadijah Najid, Ahmad Mahir Razali, Kamaruzaman Ibrahim, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Azami Zaharim / 303-318
A Delay-Differential Equations Model of Bone Remodeling Process / Suchanan Thongmak, Wannapa Kunpasuruang, Chontita Rattanakul / 303-207
The Design and Realization of Data Accessing Service in the Meta-Synthetic Integrated Environment of Stratagem Research / Wei Jicai, Bai Hanbin, Zhao Wei, Ren Tingguang, Li Junmei / 303-129
Localized Resonant States and Transmission in a Two-Dimensional Photonic Quasicrystal / Yair Neve-Oz, Therese Pollok, Sven Burger, Michael Golosovsky, Dan Davidov / 303-345
CONFERENCE ROOM E’: 12:30-14:30
CIRCUITS Session: Advances in Circuits and Systems I
Chair: José Antonio Siqueira Dias, Eko Supriyanto
Precision Table-Top Portable Thermal Chamber with Double Thermoelectric Module / Anderson W. Spengler, Elnatan C. Ferreira, Jose A. Siqueira Dias / 659-214Pulse Width Modulation Managing Application / Dalibor Slovak / 659-511
Low Cost PVDF Sensor Casing for Ultrasound Power Measurement / Eko Supriyanto, Imamul Muttakin, Mohd Hafizul Mohd Fathil, Camallil Omar / 659-360
Lightning Surge Response Improvement by Combinations of Varistors and Gas -Discharge –Tubes / Hitoshi Kijima / 659-310
Hardware Implementation of Field-Weakening BLDC Motor Control / Robert Istvan Lorincz, Mihai Emanuel Basch, David Cristea, Ivan Bogdanov, Virgil Tiponut / 659-582
Hardware Implementation of BLDC Motor Diagnosis / Robert Istvan Lorincz, Mihai Emanuel Basch, Ivan Bogdanov, Virgil Tiponut / 659-558
Thermal Field Distribution in Bolted Busbar Connections with Longitudinal Slots / Yanko Slavtchev, Nikos Mastorakis, Valeri Mladenov / 659-475
CONFERENCE ROOM F’: 12:30-14:30
EDEB Session: Air, Water and Environmental Pollution
Chair: Maris Klavins, Cornelia Aida Bulucea
Assessing the Environmental Pollutant Vector of Combustion Gases Emission from Coal-Fired Power Plants / Cornelia A. Bulucea, Andreea Jeles, Nikos E. Mastorakis, Carmen A Bulucea, Constantin Brindusa / 303-200Approaches for Peat Modification to Improve Oil Sorption Capacity / Maris Klavins, Dmitry Porshnov / 303-217
Trace Elements in Sediments of Lakes in Latvia / Maris Klavins, Ilga Kokorite, Maruta Jankevica, Jonas Mazeika, Valery Rodinov / 303-214
Evaluating the Environmental Impact of Coal-Fired Power Plants through Wastewater Pollutant Vector / Nikos E. Mastorakis, Andreea Jeles, Cornelia A Bulucea, Carmen A. Bulucea, Constantin Brindusa / 303-356
Stress-Sensitivity in Tight Gas Reservoirs: A Curse or an Opportunity for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration? / Rosalind A. Archer / 303-346
CONFERENCE ROOM A’: 14:30-16:30
CIT Session: Latest Researches in Communications and IT I
Chair: Amjad Daoud, Gabriela Czibula
Adoption Paths for Barcode and RFID Technologies in the Medication Process: Full Implementation, Hybridization or Migration / Alejandro Romero, Elisabeth Lefebvre, Louis-A. Lefebvre / 303-288Augmented Order Preserving Minimal Perfect Hash Functions for Very Large Digital Libraries / Amjad M Daoud, Hussain AbdelJaber, Jafar Ababneh / 303-405
A Distributed Reinforcement Learning Approach for Solving Optimization Problems / Gabriela Czibula, Maria-Iuliana Bocicor, Istvan-Gergely Czibula / 303-132
Current Technologies and Trends in the Development of Gyros Used in Navigation Applications – A Review / I. R. Edu, R. Obreja, T. L. Grigorie / 303-272
Digital Signature and Encryption in a Single Logical Step / Laura Savu / 303-182
Cryptography Role in Information Security / Laura Savu / 303-183
Information Security on Elliptic Curves / Laura Savu / 303-286
CONFERENCE ROOM B’: 14:30-16:30
SYSTEMS Session: Dynamical Systems I
Chair: Alin Gilbert Sumedrea, Gennady Leonov
A Mathematical Approach to the Dynamics of Psychological Instances / Alin Gilbert Sumedrea / 659-169Modeling of Cement Milling Process Based on Long Term Industrial Data / Dimitris Tsamatsoulis / 659-176
Simplified Modeling of Clinker Cooling Based on Long Term Industrial Data / Dimitris Tsamatsoulis / 659-239
Hidden Oscillations in Dynamical Systems / G. A. Leonov, N. V. Kuznetsov, S. M. Seledzhi / 659-537
Autonomous Mobile Robots Motion in Unknown Environments / Hachour Ouarda / 659-131
CONFERENCE ROOM C’: 14:30-16:30
EDU Session: Education and Educational Technologies
Chair: Azami Zaharim, David Tucek
Action Research and Application of Repeat to Remember (R2R) as a Teaching Techniques in Physics / Adibah Ahmad / 303-302Using BPM Principles to Increase the Efficiency of Processes in Higher Education in the CR / D. Tucek, J. Basl / 303-378
Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Game as Economic’s Teaching Support / David Martincik, Mikulas Gangur / 303-294
A Prediction Market in Education and Market Liquidity / Mikulas Gangur, David Martincik / 303-268
Educating the Masses for the Middle Path Strategy and the Political Action of the Islamic Base Political Parties Post Malaysia 12th General Election, 2008 / Shaharuddin Badaruddin, Mohammad Redzuan Othman, Azami Zaharim / 303-245
Educational Access and Opportunities in Higher Education for Socio-Economic Restructuring: The Malaysia Experience / Shaharuddin Badaruddin, Rosnani Hashim, Zurina Md. Nen / 303-246
Rasch Probabilistic Model as a Diagnostic Tool to Gauge Students’ Attitude Towards Learning Statistics / Zamalia Mahmud / 303-252
CONFERENCE ROOM D’: 14:30-16:30
CSS Session: Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing
Chair: Benabdellah Yagoubi, Tsai-Ming Hsieh
Memory Efficient and Low Power VLSI Architecture for 2-D Lifting Based DWT with Dual Data Scan Technique / A. D. Darji, A. N. Chandorkar, S. N. Merchant / 303-341A Geometric Approach to the Linear Modelling / B. Yagoubi / 303-126
3D Area-Aware Partitioning for Floorplanner / Hsin-Hsiung Huang, Tsai-Ming Hsieh / 303-165
A Reconfigurable Architecture for Multi-Frame Motion Estimation / Huong Ho / 303-263
Stained Glass Rendering for Images / Hwei-Jen Lin, Yue-Sheng Li, Shwu-Huey Yen, Chi-Yuen Chang / 303-355
CONFERENCE ROOM E’: 14:30-16:30
TAM Session: Theoretical and Applied Mechanics I
Chair: Jaan Lellep, Zdenek Kala
Dimensioning Control of Non-Rigid Parts using the Iterative Displacement Inspection with the Maximum Normed Residual Test / A. Aidibe, A. Tahan, G. N. Abenhaim / 303-125The Effect of Diamond Particle Size on the Wear Resistance of Silver/diamond Electroplated Dispersion Coatings / I. V. Rigou, G. Marginean, D. Frunzaverde, C. V. Campian / 303-397
Optimization of Elastic and Inelastic Conical Shells of Piece Wise Constant Thickness / J. Lellep, E. Puman / 303-400
Optimization of Elastic Circular Plates with Additional Supports / Jaan Lellep, Julia Polikarpus / 303-267
Examples of Application of Fuzzy Logic to Building Industry Research / L. Puklicky, Z. Kala / 303-202
Micromechanical Experiments of Interlaminar Deformation and Damage in Angle-Ply Thermoplastic Composite Laminates / Min Shen, Jingwei Tong, Shibin Wang, Hongqi Li / 303-280
CONFERENCE ROOM F’: 14:30-16:30
EDUCATION Session: Latest Researches in Educational Technologies I
Chair: Igor Rozanc, Ladislav Burita
Mathematical Methods Assessment for New Innovation Performance / Amin Daneshmand Malayeri, Ali Hilal-Alnaqbi, Nikos E. Mastorakis / 659-094Methods and Model Evaluation for Probabilistic Load Flow Used in Electrical Engineering Education / Felicia Coroiu, Alexandru Baloi, Corneliu Velicescu / 659-510
One Year Later: The Effect of the Bologna Reform on Algorithms and Data Structures Course Teaching / Igor Rozanc / 659-512
Knowledge Management - Research and Education / Ladislav Burita / 659-127
Simulation of Powder Flow in a Die Shoe / M. Radzi M Yunus, D. T. Gethin, R. Hashim / 659-516
Application Of iCON(r) Software In Solving Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Problems / Siti Rozaimah Sheikh Abdullah, Masturah Markom, Mohd Iqbal Razak / 659-460
Teaching Collisions - Methodological Suggestions / Stefan Nitsolov, Maya Mitkova / 659-221
Coffee-break: 16:30-17:00
CONFERENCE ROOM A’: 17:00-19:30
EDUCATION Session: Contemporary Teaching Techniques I
Chair: Brandusa Prepelita-Raileanu, Jian Chen
Professional Development in Teaching Mathematics to Engineering Students / Brandusa Prepelita-Raileanu / 659-612Cooperative Learning on Mathematics Engineering Courses at UKM: Students' Response toward Cooperative Learning / Izamarlina Asshaari, Haliza Othman, Noorhelyna Razali, Norngainy Mohd Tawil, Fadiah Hirza M. Ariff, Nur Arzilah Ismail / 659-454
An Approach for Assessing Students’ Performance in Software Engineering Capstone Projects / Jian Chen / 659-349
Student's Diversity Problem in Programming Courses / Michal Blaho, Martin Foltin, Peter Fodrek, Jan Murgas / 659-291
Importance - Satisfaction Analysis For Wiley Plus in Vector Calculus / N. M. Tawil, A. Zaharim, N. Razali, N. A. Ismail, Z. M. Nopiah / 659-455
Developing Conducive Sustainable Outdoor Learning (CSOL): The Impact Of Natural Environment On Student's Ability / N. M. Tawil, N. A. G. Abdullah, S. Z. Mirrahmi, A. I. Che Ani, N. Utaberta / 659-456
Developing Sustainable Architecture Education Approaches in Malaysia: A Case Study of Critiques Session in 2nd Year Design Studio of Architecture Department, National University of Malaysia (UKM) / N. Utaberta, B. Hassanpour, A. I. Che-Ani, A. Zaharim, N. A. G. Abdullah / 659-452
Criteria-Based Assessment and Grading in Architecture Design Studio / N. Utaberta, B. Hassanpour, A. I. Che-Ani, A. Zaharim, N. A. G. Abdullah / 659-453
CONFERENCE ROOM B’: 17:00-19:30
SYSTEMS Session: Advances in Systems Science I
Chair: Ioan Gavrilut, Reinhard Viertl
CBR Based Problem Diagnostics Application as a Decision Support System in the Cultural Heritage Objects Restoration / Cristina Grama, Ljubisa Urosevic, Matthias Wuerthele / 659-226CNN Processing Techniques for Image-Based Path Planning of a Mobile Robot / I. Gavrilut, L. Tepelea, A. Gacsadi / 659-495
Qualitative Modeling in the Landscape Development Monitoring / J. Bila, J. Jura, I. Bukovsky / 659-097
Optimization Normal Availability of a Cold Standby System with Priority / Lixia Ma, Genqi Xu, Nikos E. Mastorakis / 659-095
Simulated Company as Validation Environment for the Design Methods and Algorithms of Informatics Systems Meant for the Business Environment / Marian-Stefan Neicu, George Savii, Marius-Calin Benea / 659-368
Stability Boundary of Impedance Controlled Robots: Effect of Stiffness, Damping, Friction and Delay / Peter Galambos / 659-484
Fuzzy Data and Information Systems / Reinhard Viertl / 659-175
The Blade Flutter Measurement Based on the Blade Tip Timing Method / Vjaceslav Georgiev, Michael Holik,Vaclav Kraus, Ales Krutina, Zdenek Kubin, Jindrich Liska, Martin Poupa / 659-499
CONFERENCE ROOM C’: 17:00-20:00