This section provides information for parents about RTI.

Parent Training and Information Centers (PTI)

Click here for a list of the centers across the country.

Each state is home to at least one parent center. Parent centers serve families of children and young adults from birth to age 22 with all disabilities: physical, cognitive, emotional, and learning. They are coordinated through a networkcalled The Technical Assistance Alliance for Parent Centers. PTIs are funded by the Office of Special Education Programs at the U.S. Department of Education.

Many of the PTIs are providing material on RTI. The ConcordParentInformationCenter provides an example of the resources you might find helpful on these sites.

The ParentInformationCenter, ConcordNH

Visit their website at:

The ParentInformationCenter, in collaboration with the NH Department of Education’s State Improvement Grant, has developed a new resource called A Family Guide to Response to Intervention (RTI). The primary purpose of this guide is to assist parents and others in understanding the RTI process and how it can assist struggling learners.This easy to read guide provides basic information on RTI as well as questions parents can ask to better understand how it is being implemented in their school. It also gives practical strategies to help parents become more involved in their child’s education. Please share this guide with your students, colleagues, and other professionals that you work with. For more information or for more copies, please contact The Parent Information Center at 603-224-7005.

A Parent's Guide to Response to Intervention

Parent Information Resource Centers (PIRC)

Click here for a list of the centers across the country.

The U.S. Department of Education created the first PIRCs in 1995 to provide parents, schools and organizations working with families with training, information, and technical assistance to understand how children develop and what they need to succeed in school. Today, more than 70 PIRCs operate in almost all of the states across the nation. They work closely with parents, educators and community organizations to strengthen partnerships so that children can reach high academic standards. These centers are funded by the U.S. Department of Education Office of Innovation and Improvement under the No child left Behind Act of 2001.

Other Sources of Information for Families

Many of the federal centers and other organizations prepare information for parents and families. As you visit their websites, search on "parents" for information specifically written for this audience.