Council considers all matters with reference to Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, any disability and age), Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights.

1.  To receive apologies for absence

2. To record members’ declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests

3.  Affordable Housing To receive update from Martin Hutchings, GRCC Rural Housing Enabler and Laura Stephens, SDC Senior Housing Strategy Officer, on the sites identified in Newport and Woodford.

4.  Public comment

3 minutes allowed per person.

5.  To note County Councillor's report

6.  To note District Councillor's report

7.  To approve the minutes of the meeting of 14th November 2016

8.  Matters arising from previous minutes

8.1 Adopting phone box in Woodford To formally agree to adopt the phone box in Woodford at a cost of £1 with a view to installing a defibrillator

9.  Highways

9.1 Glos Highways Community Match To discuss match funding permanent upgrading of footways along A38 between Newport and Woodford. The full cost quoted by Highways is £3400 per 100m and the length is approximately 2500m (1.6 miles from southern end of Newport Towers to Woodford).

9.2 Glos Highways Community Top-up To discuss paying for weed spraying along the footpaths at Berkeley Heath at a cost of £500 per day.

9.3 Haycroft Lane To receive a report from the Clerk following request to Highways for Narrow Road signs to be erected to discourage HGVs and caravans from using this single-track road.

10. Planning

10.1 Since the last meeting the following planning applications have been received and dealt with by the Clerk, according to Standing Order 10b (x):

S.16/2609/HHOLD 3 Church View, Newport

S.16/2602/CPTE Crendon Bungalow, Lower Wick

S.16/2658/GDPE Hillview, Newport

S.16/2669/HHOLD Whitehall Cottage, Damery Lane

10.2 Since the last meeting, notification of the following planning decisions has been received:

S.16/2400/TPO The Old Chapel Berkeley Heath - permission granted

S.16/2276/HHOLD Blanchworth House, Blanchworth - permission granted

S.16/1993/HHOLD One Acre, Damery Lane - permission granted

10.3. S.16/2820/COU Actrees Farm, Heathfield Change of use of agricultural building to mixed B2 or B8 use with ancillary office space To discuss and agree response

10.4. S.16/2050/VAR Upper Huntingford Farm To note that this planning application will be considered by the SDC Development Control Committee on 10 January

11. Finance

11.1 Statement of Council’s Accounts 1.4.2016-31.12.16

11.2 Payment of Accounts

11.3 The Budget

11.3.1 To discuss and approve budget proposal 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018

11.3.2 To agree to maintain the precept request at £8500.

11.4 Internal Auditor

To confirm our existing Internal Auditor, Peter Newman, to carry out internal audit for 2016/17 at a cost of £40.

11.5 Investing money

To consider looking into long-term investment for part of the solar farms’ community benefit money to benefit from higher interest rates, such as the Local Authorities’ Property Fund which has a return of 4.8%.

12. Community Benefit Welcome to Alkington Parish signs

To receive costing for ‘gateway signs’ on A38 - £1656 for two, including delivery and installation. Rental of planted boxes fitted to signs, £170 for two boxes per season (summer/winter)

13.  Local Council Award Scheme (Foundation Level)

13.1 To confirm that council has the following policies:

Disciplinary and Grievance policies (adopted November 2016)

Training Policy (adopted November 2016)

13.2  To confirm that council publishes online on Alkington PC website:

Standing Orders and Financial Regulations; Code of Conduct and link to councillors’ register of interests; Council publication scheme;2015-16 Annual Return; Transparent information about council payments; Calendar of all meetings; Minutes for at least one year of council meetings; Current agendas; Budget and precept information for the current financial year; Complaints procedure; Council contact details and councillor information in line with the Transparency Code; Action plan for the current year; Evidence of consulting the community;

Publicity advertising council activities; Evidence of participating in planning (responding to planning applications)

14.  Matters for notification

SDC Town & Parish Council meeting 19 January

Date of the next meeting 13 March 2017 at 7.15pm at Stone Village Hall.