

Congressional Board Game Assignment (50 pts.)

Your job is to make a board game that shows the steps by which a bill becomes a law. However you format the board game is up to you. In class, I’ll show you some examples from previous years; but in general, I’m looking for the following:

·  game pieces

·  the actual game board itself with spaces (see above for a model)

·  the title of your game,

·  a rule book that explains how the game is set up.

·  Game cards that send you backwards or forwards. For example, you may want to include cards that say:

o  “President vetoes your bill: move back 5 spaces” or

o  “Bill passes through conference committee: move ahead 2 spaces”

o  Bill goes from House to Senate: move ahead 3 spaces

o  Etc., etc.

Since there will be four of you in a group, you’re going to divide up the tasks. Perhaps one student can do the rule book, while another makes the game cards and yet another does the actual game board. Either way, I want a list of what each student is doing so I can grade you individually for what you do!

Similarly, if you’re absent during a day, it’s your responsibility to make up what you missed so the board game can be completed.

Have fun, be creative, and be sure to include everything that’s in the rubric!

How a Bill Becomes Law Game Board Rubric

Group: Place students’ names in blanks:

The following elements must be visible on your game board:

____The bill is created out of an idea from a lawmaker, citizen, or special interest group.

____The bill is introduced in either house by a lawmaker.

____The Speaker of the House sends the bill to a specific standing committee.

____The bill is studied by the committee, marked up, passed or killed.

____The bill is debated and voted on by the House/Senate. The bill fails or is passed.
____The bill is sent to the other house.
____The bill is introduced in the other house by a lawmaker.
____The bill is sent to a specific standing committee by the Majority Leader.
____The bill is studied by the committee, marked up, passed or killed.
____The bill is debated and voted on by the House/Senate. The bill fails or is passed.
____Differing versions of the bill are worked out in Conference Committee.
____Both houses must approve the conference bill.
____The president signs or vetoes the bill. OR the president pocket vetoes the bill
____Override of a veto requires 2/3rdof both houses.
____The bill becomes LAW.
Scoring Rubric:

_____2 points per item above (30 pts) _____Color and creativity (10 pts)
_____ Images illustrating the process (5 pts)_____ Title present (5 pts)

Total: ______(out of 50)