St Basil’s Catholic Primary School
Pupil Premium Spending 2014-15
Pupil Premium Opening Balance / £210, 400 / IMPACTInclusion Manager / £41,000.00 / Monitor pupil progress and interventions so pupils make rapid progress & narrow gaps Early intervention& assessment
ECC programme to ensure raising standards in KS1 (Y2) and targeted support in Y3 & Y4 to narrow gaps.
1:1 support as appropriate
Pupil Premium Leader / £26,500.00 / Monitor pupil progress and interventions
Early Intervention & assessment
Achievement for All Leader
KS1 Intervention for phonics in Y1, Y2 & Y3
1:1 support as appropriate
1:1 Y5 & 6 Booster / £1,200.00 / Targeted pupils to achieve End of Key Stage targets
KS2 1:1 Targeted support / £500.00 / Targeted support as appropriate to ensure that pupils achieve targets
Achievement for All Programme / £9,000.00 / Ensure Leadership & Management which focusses upon the needs of pupils needs; teaching and learning focussed upon pupil need and narrowing the gap; improvement in wider outcomes for pupils including attendance, well-being and behaviour; and parent and carer engagement
Speaking & Listening Interventions
Training and resources / £6,000.00 / Early assessment and intervention which closes the language and communication gap for pupils; intervention programmes which continue to improve outcomes for pupils including Talk Boost and Primary Boost programmes.
Reading Intervention
Training & resources / £7,000.00 / One-to-one support programme to help them to develop independent reading and comprehension skills so that pupils can make faster progress and narrow the gap providing a balanced approach to developing phonic skills, comprehension and the enjoyment of reading.
ICT Support & Intervention Group / £1,250.00 / Ensure that pupils have appropriate ICT skills and knowledge to access appropriately across the curriculum and narrow gaps in Computing attainment.
Laptops / £20,000.00 / To ensure pupils who do not have access to ICT have access.
Intervention Programme Costs
Talk Boost, Primary Talk, Better Reading Partners, First Class@ Numbers, ECC (light touch), Success @ Arithmetic, additional phonics & / £25,000.00 / Ensure pupils make rapid progress, narrowing the gaps which are sustained through quality 1st teaching.
After School Learning & Homework Support
Maths & reading clubs (KS1)
Study support for (KS2). / £3,500.00 / To improve support for pupils and enquiry skills.
Y1 Development of continuous provision & outdoor area / £1,500.00 / To ensure that pupils have appropriate provision to support the continuation of the Learning Journey in Y1; improve transition and ensure that pupils make rapid progress narrowing the attainment gap.
Learning Mentors / £20,000.00 / Enable all children through support to improve self-esteem, emotional resilience, wellbeing and a readiness to learn, and to enable all children to take an active part in the wider life of school.
Seasons for Growth programme
Lunchtime mentoring of pupils resulting in improved behaviour and increased participation in sport
Family Liaison & Welfare Officer / £35,000.00 / Early intervention with regard to attendance, behaviour and well-being.
Improve parental engagement and involvement in their child’s education.
Increase parental engagement through Achievement for All Programme
Out of school care / £1,000.00 / Supported attendance due to various home circumstances.
Funding School Trips / £6,500.00 / Equal access to trips and residential trips
Uniform, water bottles / £250.00 / Equal access
Staff Training –Behaviour Policy, Attachment Issues & lunchtime training / £600.00 / Review of behaviour policy (all staff including midday supervisors)
Midday staff training to ensure improved lunchtime behaviour and reduced time spent dealing with lunchtime issues in lesson times.
Pupil well-being and enjoyment of school.
Assessment and tracking / £3000 / To enable effective tracking of pupil progress
Toast / £5000 / Equal access & pupil well being
TOTAL SPENDING / £210,800.00