Algebra I CT – Syllabus 2016 - 2017
Mrs. Ashley ThurinMr. James VermilionW: (308) 635-6230
C: (308) 760-0888
Planning 1st & 3rd / “Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding” – William Paul Thurston
Instructor Rights / Mrs. Thurin and I reserve the right to modify these expectations as we see fit. We will make certain you are made aware of changes we intend to make prior to doing so.
Materials / Bring a pencil, a notebook, a three ringed binder (5 dividers), and your best attitude to class every day. (If you decide to check out a book bring that as well.) Supplies such as a pencil can be borrowed for collateral.
Expectations / Be professional – Be mentally present. Take good notes. Engage in discussions. Think. Complete and submit assignments on time.
Be respectful – Take turns speaking and only at an appropriate time. Be on time. Be ready and working when the bell rings. It is disrespectful to the entire class to be late or unprepared.
Be considerate – Value the contributions of others. Help promotea non-threatening environment. Treat others as you want to be treated. Disagree respectfully.
Be mindful – Ask questions during lecture or discussion. If you make a mistake, accept it and move on. A mistake is an opportunity to learn. Constantly work to improve your skill set.
Grades / Grades will be a professional judgmentbased on the following evidence:
- 70% Assessments
- 30% Daily Work (homework, quizzes, etc.)
CATS - High School Success
Before School Tutoring: 7:00am-7:40am ROOM: 311a
After School Tutoring: 3:25pm-4:00pm ROOM: 311a
Saturday School: 9:00am-11:00am - LIBRARY
Daily work assignments are due at the beginning of the class period. Late daily work assignments will be accepted until the end of the assigned week (Friday) following the due date, but will receive no higher than a 60%. After Friday, assignments will no longer receive credit. For school activities - it must be complete before the absence
Rules / Leaving the room: Each student is allowed to leave the classroom during class 4 times per semester and is issued a Hall Pass at the beginning of the semester. Hall passes should be kept in the designated location in the classroom. If you lose your pass, you will not be issued another one. Passes are NON-transferrable. If a student leaves the classroom in excess of 4 times within the semester, the student will serve a 15 minute detention with Mrs. Cheek for each trip out of the classroom. Any unused hall passes will be bonus daily points at the end of the semester.
Electronic devices: Students will not use phone in the classroom unless otherwise specified.Teachers will collect the cell phone at the beginning of class and return it at the end. Extenuating circumstances if student has an issue and needs cell phone. Student can get a note from the office to allow cell phone. If student is using a phone, teacher will collect until end of the class. Students can pick up the phone at the end of the period.
Food & drink: Water with a lid only allowed. The classroom is not for eating.
Discipline: We will follow the disciplinary guidelines outlined in the SHS handbook. Follow class procedures every day.
Attendance / Students are considered tardy if they arrive after the bell. After 10 minutes, they are considered absent. Opening daily warm-ups or bell ringer. Multiple offenses will result in a call to parents. Students will not be allowed to charge their phones. Warm ups will be used to track attendance. Each warm-up is worth 5 points in the daily work category.
Students must be in their seat and ready to go to do the warm-up before the bell. If they are tardy, they must come in after school to complete the warm up and receive points.
Course Topics / Algebra I will include the following topics: number sense, expressions, equations, graphing, inequalities, absolute value, proportional reasoning, statistics and probability, systems of equations and inequalities, exponents and exponential functions, polynomials, factoring, solving quadratic functions, and rational functions.
Work hard, follow the procedures, be respectful, stay caught up, and be here. Looking forward to a great year!