Algebra 2 Note-Taking Guide s1

Algebra 2 Note-taking Guide

Algebra 2 - Lesson 5.04 Simplifying Complex Fractions

Please print this out in advance, and as you are working through the lesson, fill in the information and use this as your notes.

þ The goal is to have all the empty boxes checked

As you complete this lesson, please check that you can answer:

¨ What are the two methods to simplify complex fractions?

Method 1—Divide the Rational Expressions (page 1)

Remember, fractions are just another way to indicate the operation of division.

Therefore, can be written as: ______÷ ______.

You already know how to divide rational expressions by keeping the first fraction, changing the division sign to a ______sign, and ______the second fraction.

Finish the problem in the space below:

Use the space below to complete examples 1 and 2 on page 2:

Method 2—Simplifying Before Dividing (page 3)

Rather than converting a complex fraction into the division of two rational expressions, you may find simplifying the expressions within the complex fraction easier.

When simplifying a complex fraction without converting to division, look for common factors between the numerators and then between the denominators.

The numerators x − 1 and x + 5 don’t have a common factor. So examine the denominators.

The greatest common factor between 3 and 18 is 3. Divide both denominators by this GCF and the complex fraction will be in simplest form.

At this point, it may be necessary to divide the numerator by the denominator. Rewrite the complex fraction as the division of rational expressions.

Keep the first fraction, change the division sign to a multiplication sign, and flip the second fraction. Finish the problem in the space below.

This method is best used when the addition or subtraction of rational expressions is included within the complex fraction.

Use the space below to complete examples 1 and 2 on page 3:

You Try 1 (page 4)
You Try 2 (page 4)
Practice (page 5)

Finally, complete the 5.04 Assessment, Simplifying Complex Fractions. This is an auto-graded assignment. You will get immediate feedback on your work.

Algebra 2 Notetaking Guide

Version 14

Florida Virtual School