Alexandra Juniors

SEND Policy Statement 2014

Definition and Aims

Central to all our policies at Alexandra Juniors is the opportunity for all children to achieve and to know success. Within our school we have children who have been identified as having Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). The term “special education needs and disability” includes all pupils who have learning, behavioural, sensory, physical, communication or emotional difficulties which call for special provision to be made for them. For these children, as with all our pupils, we aim to enhance their knowledge, experience, imaginative understanding and capacity for enjoyment, to enable them to become active and independent learners with an awareness of moral values.

The governors and staff recognise and accept their responsibility for ensuring that those children with SEND should have their needs met. As well as having full access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum, they will receive provision, which is additional to or different from this. At all times, the school, and any outside agencies involved, will be working in partnership with the parents and the views of the child will be sought and taken into account.

To recognise and address the SEND of pupils, the school aims to

make early assessments, identification and provision

enable equal opportunity to the curriculum for children with SEND.

take into account children’s ability whilst setting high, but realistic, expectations of what pupils can achieve in all areas of the curriculum.

work in partnership with parents, child, school and other relevant professionals, in order to gather information and give support to address the child’s needs.

To meet our aims we have

 clear criteria to establish the level of a child’s needs.

suitable resources available to enable assessment and identification.

provision to meet the child’s needs

targets to specifically meet needs.

differentiation so that pupils with SEND have full access to a broad and balanced education.

Roles and Responsibilities

The school Inclusion Manager is responsible for co-ordinating the day-to-day provision of education for pupils with SEND at the school. The identified governor responsible for Inclusion will work in partnership with the Inclusion Manager to ensure the governing body’s responsibilities are fulfilled.

The Inclusion Manager:

Oversees the day-to-day operation of the school’s SEND policy.

Co-ordinates provision for children with SEND (including resources,
equipment and deployment of personnel).

Liaises with and provides professional guidance to colleagues to
secure high quality teaching of SEND pupils.

Oversees the records of all children with SEND.

Contributes to the in-service training of staff.

Liaises with external agencies : educational psychology services, health and social services and voluntary bodies.

Keeps up to date with current good practice by attending courses and meeting other Inclusion Managers.

Plays a key role in the development of SEND provision in the school in order to raise the achievement of children with SEND – ensuring SEND provision is an integral part of the School Improvement Plan.

Manages teaching assistants (TAs)

In fulfilling the above responsibilities, the Inclusion Manger, with the support of the Headteacher and colleagues, will seek to develop effective ways of overcoming barriers to learning and ensuring effective teaching for pupils with SEND through analysis and assessment of needs and pupils’ achievements, monitoring teaching and target setting for improvement.

Ensure all governors are up to date and knowledgeable about the school’s SEND provision, including how funding, equipment and personnel resources are deployed.

Do its best to ensure that the necessary provision is made for any pupil who has SEND

Ensure the school’s SEND Policy is fully adhered to in relation to pupils with SEND.

Regularly monitor, evaluate, review and develop the school’s SEND policy.

Have regard to the SEND Code of Practice when carrying out its SEND related duties.


Provision for pupils with SEND is a matter for the school as a whole with all members of staff being responsible.

Work in partnership with parents and carers, encouraging them to be
involved and comment on the provision and review for their child.

Endeavour to work closely with all other services for the benefit of our children.

Identification, assessment and review

All staff at Alexandra Juniors are responsible for identifying pupils with SEND and the Inclusion Manager will work with staff to ensure that those pupils who may need additional or different support are identified at an early stage.

Children who are identified as being with SEND are monitored carefully through the school’s SEND register. This register may also include children who have medical needs and may have a Health Care Plan.

Additional support will be provided and will be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis. In consultation with pupils, parents/carers and Inclusion Manager, the teachers will write an Individual Provision Map (IPM). This may involve consultation and advice from external agencies. The IPM will set targets for the pupil and will detail these as well as strategies and provision to be put in place. The IPM will be reviewed normally once a term with input from parents and pupils.

Class teachers review previous targets and set new ones. However, the Inclusion Manager is always available to give advice and support to staff and parents, as well as attending any review meetings wherever possible. At review it may be agreed that the child is making good progress and is now at age-related expectation. In this case the child is no longer on the SEND register. When a range of evidence collected through the school’s assessment and monitoring arrangements suggest that a learner is not making the expected progress the class teacher will consult with the Inclusion Manager in order to decide whether additional provision is necessary. Where there is evidence that a pupil is making insufficient progress despite significant support and intervention, the pupil may be seen by the School’s attached Educational Psychologist (EP) or we may seek further advice and support from other outside professionals. Pupils and parents will be fully involved and kept informed about the involvement of external agencies and proposed interventions. In most cases, parental consent is required for outside agency intervention.

Advice from outside professionals will be incorporated into the IPM and these professionals will be invited to contribute to the monitoring and review of progress.

At times the school will need to request for additional funding in order to meet the child’s needs. The school will then apply to the Local Authority for a Pupil Resource Agreement (PRA). In addition to the regular review of their IPMs, their progress and the specific support outlined in their statement will be reviewed annually and areport provided for the LA. When pupils are due to transfer to secondary school, planning for this will be started in the year prior to the year of transfer.

Curriculum access and inclusion

Teachers are required to differentiate tasks according to a child’s ability. This will be indicated in the short term planning. Provision will be made for pupils taking into account three key principles for inclusion:

Setting suitable learning challenges

Responding to pupils’ diverse needs

Overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups of pupils

We recognise that a variety of approaches, materials and groupings are necessary if we are to provide a lively, stimulating and satisfying learning environment for all our children, regardless of ability. Children are supported within the classroom. If children are withdrawn from class for interventions, it is for an identified purpose and for an identified period of time.

Partnership within and beyond the School

Complaints procedures

Under the SEN and Disability Act 2001, parents will also be able to request independent disagreement resolution and the school will make further information about this process available on request.

Links with other agencies

External and internal support services play an important part in helping Alexandra Junior School identify, assess and make provision for pupils with SEND. The school has intervention teachers, a Learning Mentor and SEN Teaching Assistants and receives regular visits from our appointed Educational Psychologist. In addition, the school may seek advice from specialist advisory teaching services for children with Speech and Language Difficulties, Social Communication Needs, sensory impairment or physical difficulties.

Partnership with parents

At Alexandra Junior School, parents are informed when the school first identifies a concern about a child. The class teacher will work closely with parents at all stages in a child’s education and consultation will take place in reviewing progress and target setting.

Bromley has a Parent Partnership service, offering independent support for parents and carers with children with SEND. Parents of any pupil identified with SEND may contact the Parent Partnership Service for independent support and advice.

Staff Development

The school makes an annual audit of training needs for all staff, taking into account school priorities as well as personal professional development. The Inclusion Manager is responsible for arranging inset training to staff, whenever need arises. Staff and governors are kept fully informed of changes and developments in SEND.

Links with other schools and transfer arrangements

Advance planning for pupils transferring from Infants schools and in Year 5 and Year 6 is essential to allow appropriate options to be considered. The Inclusion Manager will liaise with the Inclusion Manager of the infants and secondary schools serving the area to ensure that effective arrangements are in place to support pupils at the time of transfer.

Evaluating Success

The success of the school’s SEND policy will be judged against the aims set out above. The policy will be reviewed regularly and the governing body’s Annual Report will report on the implementation of the policy. The success of the school’s SEND policy and provision can be evaluated through:

Review of the SEND register – progress made by identified pupils

Monitoring of IPMs by Inclusion Manager – effectiveness of strategies used

Monitoring of classroom practice by Head/Inclusion Manager/wider leadership team

Involvement of parents/carers in provision made for their child

Analysis of pupil tracking data and test results

Monitoring of procedures and practices by Inclusion Governor

School self-evaluation, linked to SEF