Alexander V. Soldatov, 601224 – 8776 Novel materials derived from molecular carbon at high pressure… Bilaga B


Name: Alexander V. Soldatov, born 1960

Nationality: Sweden, Ukraine

Permanent residence: Sweden, USA

Current position: Professor of Physics (permanent, 50% research/50% teaching).

Primary affiliation: Department of Applied Physics & Mechanical Engineering,

Luleå University of Technology (LTU), SE - 97 187 Luleå, Sweden

Tel.: +46 920 49 1136 Fax: +46 920 49 1074 e-mail:


1984-02-25 M.S. (Physics and Engineering). Kharkov Polytechnic University (KPU), Ukraine

1995-07-12 Ph. D. Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering (ILTPE), Kharkov, Ukraine. Thesis title: Thermal properties of crystals with high symmetry molecules

Research titles:

2000-03-13 Docent, Umeå University, Sweden

2002-09-01 Professor, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden

Professional experience:

1984-1985 Physicist-engineer, Metals and Semiconductors Laboratory, KPU, Ukraine

1985-1988 Research associate, ILTPE, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkov, Ukrain

1989-1993 PhD student, ILTPE, Kharkov, Ukraine.

1994-1997  Visiting research fellow, postdoc, lecturer Department of Experimental Physics, Umeå University

1997 – 1998 Visiting research fellow, School of Chemistry, Physics and Environmental Sciences (CPES), University of Sussex, UK.

1998 -1999 Visiting research fellow, Scientific Research Center Karlsruhe (FZK), Karlsruhe, Germany.

1999 -2002 Research associate/lecturer, Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA.

Sept. 2002 - Professor, Dept. of Applied Physics & Mechanical Engineering, LTU, Sweden

Jan.2008 – June 2009 sick leave (75%: 08-01-14 - 08-04-30; 50%: 08-05-01 – 09-03-31; 25%: through 09-06-01)

Honors and awards:

1987 Shubnikov Prize (one award per year) from the ILPTE, for the best scientific results in Low Temperature physics

1994 Fellowship for visiting researchers from The Swedish Institute

1995 Postdoctoral fellowship from The Swedish Natural Sciences Research Council (NFR)

1997-1998 Fellowship for visiting scholars NATO / Royal Society (UK)

1998-1999 Fellowship for visiting researchers from FZK Karlsruhe, Germany

April-May, 2003 Visiting professor, Institute for Solid State Physics, FZK Karlsruhe, Germany

Sept.-Oct., 2004 Visiting professor, Institute for Solid State Physics, FZK Karlsruhe, Germany

Sept. 2009 Visiting professor, Nancy University, Nancy, France

Research funding history:

1996-1997 total 150 kSEK, Swedish Royal Academy. Swedish-Ukrainian joint project “Thermal, structural, and spectroscopic properties of pristine and polymerized C60 Granted was renewed in 1998.

2003-2004 2250 kSEK, Kempe foundation, for setting-up a “High-pressure spectroscopy lab” at LTU

2004-2005 500 kSEK, Engineering Faculty, LTU.”Research on Advanced materials”

2005 600 kSEK, EU Framework grant/Norrbottens Research Council. “High pressure synthesis of nanostructured Materials

2006-2009 1950 kSEK, Engineering Faculty, LTU. Collaboration between LTU and Nancy University, France “Research on nanostructured Carbon” (PhD studentship).

2006 2000 kSEK, Kempe foundation, for setting-up an “AFM/STM lab” at LTU

2008 230 kSEK, SKF Engineering and Research center, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands. “Tribochemistry of lubricants at high pressure”, R&D project

2008-2010 2070 kSEK, Swedish National Reseach Council (VR),”Novel materials derived from molecular carbon at high pressure: Synthesis and Characterization.”

2009-2011 750 kSEK, The Swedish Institute, “High Pressure Synthesis of Novel Nanostructured Materials”

2009-2012 1500 kSEK, Engineering Faculty, LTU. Collaboration between LTU and Nancy University, France“Laser heating effects in pristine and functionalized carbon nanotubes”(PhD studentship).

Comission of trusts

Member elect (since July 2003) of the European High-Pressure Research Group (EHPRG) Committee which organizes and coordinates activity (conferences, communication, etc.) of scientists conducting high-pressure research in Europe

Member of the International Advisory Committee of the joint 22nd AIRAPT International Conference on “High Pressure Science and Technology” and 50th Japanese High-pressure Conference, July 26-31, 2009, Tokyo, Japan.

Member of the Program Committee of the AIRAPT/EHPRG International Conference on “High Pressure Science and Technology”, August 17-23, 2007, Catania, Italy

Organizer of a session on “Nanostructured Materials” at Joint AIRAPT/EHPRG International Conference on “High Pressure Science and Technology”, June 26 – July 1, 2005, Karlsruhe, Germany

Member of the Program Committee of the 40th EHPRG Meeting (September 4-7, 2002, Edinburgh, UK)

Member of PhD examination Committees: Luleå TU (2006), Umeå University (2007), Stockholm University (2009).

Current research interests

Synthesis of nanostructured materials, using high pressure and study of their physical properties; research on molecular electronics devices, single molecule spectroscopy; research on materials properties at ultra-high pressure Conducting experiments at central facilities: synchrotron radiation (ESRF (Grenoble, France), CHESS, Cornell University, USA) and neutron (ISIS (Rutherford Lab., UK), ILL (Grenoble, France)) sources.

National and international collaboration

Sweden: nanostructured carbon materials from colloidal lithography Prof. D. Chakarov (Chalmers), chemical synthesis of nanostructures Doc. G. Westin (UU), tibolochemistry/physics, Prof. E. Höglund (LTU), USA: experiments at ultra-high pressure, Prof. I. Silvera (Harvard U.), molecular electronics, Prof. P. Mc Euen (Cornell U.), purification of carbon nanotubes for high-p experiments, Prof. M. Hersham (Northwestern U.), UK: free standing single-layer graphene for high-p experiment, Dr.K. Novoselov (U. of Manchester), Japan: double-wall CNT, peapods synthesis, Prof. S. Iijima (NEC), Prof. K. Hata (AIST), Germany: high-resolution dilatometry, Dr. C. Meingast (FZK), France: synthesis of CNT-polymer composites, Dr. E. McRae (Nancy U.), Finland: synthesis of CNT-C60 composites, Prof. E. Kauppinen (Helsinki UT), Russia: synthesis of metal - CNT/C60 composites, Dr. E. Drozdova & Dr. V. Milyavskiy.

Leadership and supervision

Coordinator of the Materials Research at LTU

Head of the High pressure spectroscopy laboratory at LTU.

Coordinator of Materials physics research on nano-structured materials, Faculty of Engineering, LTU.

Postdocs supervision:

Shujie You (research area: Carbon nanostructured materials (enrolled 2009))

Current supervision of four PhD students (LTU): Ilya Dobryden: “Structure and physical properties of carbon nanostructures derived from carbon Nanotubes at high pressure”; Mattias Mases: “Laser heating effects in pristine and functionalized carbon nanotubes”; Andreas Mueller: “Composite materials based on Functionalized carbon nanotubes.“.

David Olevik: “Spectroscopic properties of functionalized carbon CNTs for composite materials“(licentiate 2009)

PhD students co-supervision: Akobuije Chijioke, Harvard University (graduated 2006); Thomas Wågberg, Umeå University (graduated 2001).

Conferences, invited talks, publications, peer review, etc.

More than 40 presentations at scientific conferences, 24 invited talks and received invitations. Chaired sessions at 12 conferences, including the Gordon Research Conferences on “Research at High Pressures”, June 1998, June 2000

70 publications, including submitted papers. H-index 14, 619 citations (ISI Web of Knowledge).

Regular reviewer of scientific papers (including submitted to Phys. Rev. B, Europhys. Letters, Journ. Phys. Chem. Solids, Journ. of Materials Research, Carbon) and research proposals/applications.

Professional affiliations American Physical Society, Materials Research Society, Sigma Xi Research Society, SULF