Alberta Funeral Service Association

Executive Board


February 6, 2013


Conference Call


Sheila Van Alstyne, Chair Joel Poissant

Rod Attwell Kirstie Smolyk

Gary Lynn Dorothea Schaab

Stu Murray Dean Ross

Jeremy Allen Deanna Schroeder, Recorder

Regrets: Sue Lasher, Cam Parker


1.  Welcome and Call to Order

2.  Adoption of Agenda as amended M/S/C

3.  Adoption of AFSA Board Meeting Minutes January 9, 2013 as circulated M/S/C

4.  Business Arising From Minutes

4.1.  Performance Review (in camera)

4.2.  Acceptance of Financial Statements 2012 as presented at last meeting (with circulated revisions) M/S/C

5.  Reports

5.1.  President

5.1.1.  Children’s Grief Day – Nov 21, 2013. Nothing to report. Jeremy and Kirstie will assist.

5.2.  Government Relations

5.2.1.  Human Services Schedule A & Approval Times

5.2.2.  Public Trustee Visioning Meeting (see attached)

5.2.3.  CPI increase for cremations .8%

5.2.4.  Government Committee changes – Linda Cantell, Manager Human Services Contracts will chair the review meetings and any negotiations. Her office is the contact for problems and issues when all other avenues have been exhausted.

5.3.  Communications

5.3.1.  Working on Conference Packages for website, hard and soft copy

5.3.2.  Member Services  Bear Creek Funeral Home, Grande Prairie approval for membership M/S/C

5.3.3.  Protocol for member support - tabled  AFSA Letter of appreciation to Mitch

ACTION: Sheila

5.4.  Loss Grief & Growth

5.4.1.  Francophone translation services – meeting later in February

5.4.2.  Edmonton Public Schools - nothing to report

5.4.3.  Contact with Leduc School District in process.

5.5.  Dealing With Grief Committee

5.5.1.  Sharing of information and discussion of if and how it might continue.

5.5.2.  Educational competition does impact attendance.

5.5.3.  Next meeting on February 18 for further discussion and recommendations

5.6.  85th Annual Conference and AGM

5.6.1.  Sponsorships are being received, board accepted individual possibilities for completion by the end of February

5.6.2.  Events are booked

5.6.3.  Awards are coming as per deadlines. Details are proceeding  Past Presidents and Membership Director will form committee to review Life Time Achievement and Snodgrass

5.6.4.  MRU and CCFS representation at Banquet with formal acknowledgements

5.7.  Administration

5.7.1.  Financials for January received M/S/C

5.7.2.  2013 Budget be forwarded to the AGM for ratification, April 27, 2013 M/S/C

6.  FSAC - Nothing to report

7.  AFSRB - Nothing to report

8.  New Business

8.1.  MRU – Funeral Director/Embalmer Diploma name for new designation to reflect change from certificate to diploma

ACTION: Dorothea, Stu and Kirstie to research suggestions by, Feb 11, 2013

8.2.  Board Nominations

8.2.1.  Board Members should contact Dorothea with commitment for director and vice-president positions

8.2.2.  Suppliers will be contacted for nominations prior to the AGM


9.  Next Meeting: March 13, 2013 – AFSA Board Room – 10:00a

10.  Adjournment: 11:09a