VS1000: Evaluation Kit EVBA_2.0.valuation Board for Series 1000

EVBA_2.0 – is a “plug and play”an Evaluation Kit for Valuation BoArd, designed “plug and play” evaluation of Colibrys VS1000 accelerometers line of accelerometers. (future series 1000 accelerometers).
To facilitate the integration inn user environment and easily verify the excellent performances of VS1000 sensors, EVBA_2.0 integrates a VS1000 sensor with the user specified range, an low noise LDO puUltra-lLow-nNoise,, hHigh-aAccuracy 3.3V vVoltage rReferenceower supply, the decoupling capacitors and output buffers.
EVBA_2.0. is a complete, ready to operate evaluation Kit containing: Features:
- Low noise power supply management LDO converting +5V to 3.3V
ready alimentation (additional electronic circuit implemented to achieve a preliminary signal conditioning)Output
- ready output signal conditioning:
 buffers to (enableing the use of long lines between the sensor and the user electronic)
 and low-pass filters with a cutting frequency of 16kHz
- Easy integration into system: 4 fixing holes
connectors of Iindustrial interface standard
EVBA_2.0. Features:
-developed for evaluation
-plug and play electrical integration: user needs only to feed kit with 5VDC power supply to sense the signal
-easy mounting: 4 holes available for mechanical fixture of the board on the system housing.
-Bill of Material is adapted for VS1000 evaluation
-Output single or differential (converter)
-100% tested at production to guarantee datasheet performances.The EValuation BoArd EVBA is a complete board that allows user to plug and play with the new Colibry’s series 1000 accelerometers. Around the sensors additional electronic circuit are implemented to achieve a preliminary signal conditioning. The user needs only to feed the EVBA with 5VDC power supply and sense the signal line using a 14 pins connector (part of the kit) or by hand soldering the signal wire on the dedicated pads. 4 holes are provided for the mechanical fixture of the board on the system housing.

Ajouter photo EVBA1000 + connecteur + cable


1EVBA_2.0 description:

2Evaluation board function


4Ordering Information


247991...... EVBA_2.0 description: 2

2Evaluation board function...... 4

3Operation...... 7

4Ordering Information...... 9

5Disclaimer...... 9

1Evaluation Board description...... 2

2Evaluation board circuit...... 4

VS1000: Evaluation Kit EVBA_2.0Evaluation Board for Series 1000
Document number / 30N.EVBA_2.0.A
Document revision / V1.0
Date of revision / 0631 SeptemberAugust 2016
Note / Colibrys reserves the right to change these data without notice

COLIBRYS SA30N.EVBA_2.0.A.098.16

Av. des Sciences 13 – 1400 Yverdon-les-BainsT +41 58 100 5000

1F +41 58 100 5001


1 EVBA_2.0 Evaluation Board description:

1.1 General overview

The EVBA_2.0. is a Kit containing 3 componentsis delivered in a single box which contain:

1 analog evaluation board with soldered VS1000 of corresponding G range.

- Evaluation board contains electronic circuits to achieve a preliminary signal conditioning

-1 printed circuit EVBA of different g range with soldered VS1000 sensorEVBA with the selected g range

- 1 * separate 14 pins hHheader connector “J1” with 14 pins (to be soldered onto the EVBA J1 dedicated padspadsholes)

- 1 * 14 pins mating connector (14 pins) with mating 14 pins (including mating connector provided with ~13 cm length signal cable linesribbon).

The EVBA_2.0. is protected from outside atmospheric condition effects (temperature, humidity) by using an vacuum sealed electrostatic conductive plastic bag sealed with sealed plastic bag sealed that is vacuum sealed.

/ Note: MEMS accelerometer and electronic circuits on the EVBA can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD). Handle with appropriate precautions and placement should be done in accordance with strict ESD control
Please check the integrity of the plastic bag and report if any damage or if the bag is open on arrival.

1.2 Interface Pinout

The Table 1Table 1Table 1 below describes the pin name and interface for the connecting pads J1:

Pin Nr / Pin name / Connector / Description
1 / VTempEMP_f / J1 / Temperature sensor analog output (buffered)Temperature sensor analog output
2 / VDD _s(3.3 V) / J1 / +3.3 VDC reference voltage sense output (not buffered)+3.3 Vdc Analog power supply
3 / OUTN_f / J1 / Negative differential output (buffered)Negative differential output
4 / VMID(1) / J1 / Internal ASIC reference voltage. For decoupling capacitors only
5 / OUTP_f / J1 / Positive differential output (buffered)Positive differential output
6 / VSS (0 V) / J1 / Must be connected to ground plane (GND)
7 / Vout_SE / J1 / Single output acceleration (Vout_SE = OUTP - OUTN) (buffered)Single output acceleration (Vout = OUTP - OUTN)
8 / Vp (+5V) / J1 / Power supply 3V to 15V5.0VDC – 5.5VDC
9 / VSS (0 V) / J1 / Must be connected to ground plane (GND)
10 / VSS (0 V) / J1 / Must be connected to ground plane (GND)
11 / ERR / J1 / Error signal (flagoutput, active high)
12 / ST / J1 / Self-test activation, (input, active high)
13 / POR / J1 / Power-on Reset signal (flagoutput, active high)
14 / RESET / J1 / System reset signal, (input, active low)

Table 1: Interface Pinout

Note 1:: this pin should be left unconnected. Usually not to be used for normal operation. Level can be checked for debugging purposes

1.3 Electrical connections

It is the user choice to mount Header connector on J+1 connecting pads or the attached 14 pins Header connector or to solder the signal wires directly on the EVBA EV board. The size of the soldering hole are of 0.8mm, so wires up to a conductor area of 0.5mm2 or AWG21 are suitable. The wires or the Mating connector will ideally be hand soldered using a PB free solder with the appropriate flux.

CONNECTOR Connector J1 / Note: Connector J1 is a 14 Positions Header, Shrouded Connector 0.100" (2.54mm) Through Hole, Right Angle
This connector is delivered unsoldered to the evaluation board with the evaluation board. The user is free to use it or to solder any connection directly on the board. In addition, the EVBA is delivered with the connector J1 and the complementary connector already assembled with nappe cable 14 position and ~13 cm long

1.4. Power Supply:

1.4 Mechanical dimensions

The mechanical layout of the evaluation board is shown in Figure 1Figure 1Figure 1. All components are soldered on the top and bottom surface and the board can be mounted using the 4 x Ø3.40 mm through holes:

Note: This is for the VS1002, other range looks like same

Figure 1: Mechanical Dimensions [mm] showing a VS1002

2 Evaluation board circuitfunction

To facilitate the speed-up integration in an user environment and easily obtain requiredverify the excellent obtain the best device performances the of the Colibrys VS1000 serie sensors, the plug and play board EVBA_2.0 . kit integratescontains includes a ready to implement circuit forone VS1000 sensor with the user specified range,: an reference voltageuUltra-lLow-nNoise,, hHigh--aAccuracy 3.3V vVoltage rReference, reference voltagelow noise power supply,, the the sensor, decoupling capacitors and output buffers asis shown in Figure 3Figure 2Figure 2.

The board will powered by a single +5VDC power supply..

2.1 normal operation (recommended)I: by Normal operation (recommended)

Optimal acceleration measurements are achieved by using the differential buffered signal outputs OUTP_f and OUTN_f.

2.2 OptionnalOptional operation

If user application requires a unipolar signal, a : single-ended buffered output Vout_SE is provided as well.

Furthermore, optimal acceleration measurements are achieved using the differential device output (OUTP– OUTN). If a single-ended output is required, it must be generated from the differential output in order to remove the common-mode noise. Using a single device output (OUTP or OUTN) will result in degraded performance.

2.12.3 Block Diagram

The Block diagram of the EVBA2.0 is given below. The sensor implemented is represented by the green marked zone. The VS1000 sensor signal outputs are linked to a unity gain buffer via a 1st order low pass filter (fc=16kHz). The Output of the unity gain buffer is then connected to the dedicated pins of J1. The board +5.0V power supply is connected to VP and an Ultra-Low-Noise, High-Accuracy 3.3V Voltage Reference generates the necessary +3.30 VDD voltage. The capacitors C1, C2 and C3 forms the decoupling elements for the ASIC reference voltage Vmid. Note that this voltage level is also linked to J1. That pin must be left open for normal operation.main blocks that require particular attention are the power supply management, the accelerometer sensor electronic and the output buffer. The following schematic shows an example of VS1000 implementation.

The single ended output signal Vout_SE expresses the relation described at §2.8

Figure 2: Functional Diagram EVBA2.0

2.4 Electrical Schema

The corresponding detailed electrical schema is given below.

Figure 332: EVBA Electronic circuit

2.22.5 Power Supply

The EVBA power supply is set for +5.0VDC (pin8 of J1) and the the +5V return or 0VDC will musthave to be connected to all VSS named pins of J1 (pin 6, pin 9, pin10).

The VS1000 serieseries accelerometers require a +3.30VDC

The accelerometer need a +3.30VDC power supply named Vdd. The sensor outputs are ratiometric to thate Vdd voltage level. T and this could directly impact the accelerometer bias, scale factor, noise or thermal performance. Therefore, a low-noise, high-stability and low-thermal drift Vdd power supply has been implemented on the board using an Ultra-Low-Noise, High-Accuracy 3.3V Voltage Reference type ADR4533.

A low noise, low drift voltage reference type ADR4533. The Sensor +3.30VDC Vdd line (+3.30VDC ) is also connected to PIN 2 of the J1 solder pads and can be then used as an output signal (VDD_S) in order to compensate any variation on the power supply voltage that will may impact the accelerometer signal (ratiometric output).

The Mid voltage Vmidagnd may sets to a level of 0.5 x Vdd and serves as is a reference voltage required by the internal ASIC of the sensor. For a normal operation of the sensor this line should be left open. Checking the level shall be only reserved and limited for debug purposesalso be used to achieve optimum compensation of the accelerometer by the user electronic.

Please note that this line is at high impedance and specific care need to be adopted when using this signal line. Any The resulting impedance connected to that line could directly impact the stability, bias, scale factor and noise figure of the VS1000 serieseries sensors.

The ADR4533 requires only 2 decoupling capacitors C4 (1 µF) and C5 (0.1 µF).

2.32.6 Accelerometer sensor

The sensor block is composed of the VS1000 accelerometer and three capacitors C1 (10 µF), C2 (1 µF) and C3 (1 µF). These capacitors are required as decoupling capacitors and for a proper sensor startup. They are mandatory for the proper operation and full performance of the accelerometer. They are located as close as possible to the VS1000 package on the printed circuit board.

2.42.7 Output signal conditioning

The analog acceleration signal output lines (OutN, OutP) require a high impedance load in order not to degrade the signal characteristic. In orderTo to drive enable the use of llong signal lines between the sensor EVBA and the user electronic, buffers have been implemented on the EVBA. Additionally the Temperature analog output signal is also buffered.

The buffers are implemented using a Zero-Drift, Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Operational Amplifiers type AD8574.Additionally the Temperature analog output signal is also buffered.

The output buffer must is selected in order to match the VS1000 output impedance and signal bandwidth. The AD8574 is used for the acceleration output (OUTP & OUTN) and the temperature output (TEMP).

The operational amplifiers U3AB, U3BC and U3CD are configured as voltage follower (gain=1) and are preceded by low-pass filters R8/C8, R7/C7 and R6/C6 respectively introducing a cutting frequency of 16 kHz. The attenuation at 1500Hz is less than 0.5%, allowing the use of the full bandwidth of the sensor.

The resistors R15, R14 and R13 (all of 100 Ω) are connected to the buffer output reduce the loop phase shift at high frequency when driving a capacitive load (ie the cable link between the EVBA and the Electronic system).

2.52.8 Differential to Single Output

Colibrys’s VS1000 serieseries provide a differential output for the sensed acceleration. The EVBA implements a differential to single ended mode converter made built around the fourth OP amplifier of the AD8574 (U3AU3D). A set of matched resistances is used to divide the voltages and add an offset to avoid saturation of the amplifier:


- The scale factor of the single ended output is only half that of the differential output.

- The common mode noise is not canceled when using a single ended output.

2.9 Temperature sensing

Each Colibrys’s VS1000 accelerometer integrate an internal temperature sensor. The output voltage Vtemp_f buffered by OPAMP U3B (unity gain) to PIN1 of J1 gives a voltage proportional to the internal sensor temperature and can be used to achieve additional compensation of the measured acceleration to obtain the optimum readouts.

The temperature is then given by the function

2.62.10 Bill of material (BOM)

The following table lists all components used for the presented design:

Component / Value / Function
U1 / VS1000 / Colibrys Accelerometer
U2 / ADR4533 / 3V3 Voltage Reference – Analog Devices ADR4533BRZ
U3 / AD8574 / Quad Operational Amplifier – Analog Devices AD8574ARZ
R1, R2, R3, R4 / 10 kΩ / Voltage divider – 0402 resistor
R5 / 20 kΩ / Voltage divider – 0402 resistor
R6, R7, R8 / 100 kΩ / Low pass filter – 0402 resistor
R9, R10 / 5 kΩ / Voltage divider – 0402 resistor
R11, R12 / 40 kΩ / Voltage divider – 0603 resistor
R13, R14, R15, R16 / 100 Ω / Output load – 0402 resistor
C1 / 10 µF / Decoupling – 0603 capacitor
C2, C3, C4 / 1 µF / Decoupling – 0402 capacitor
C5 / 100 nF / Decoupling – 0402 capacitor
C6, C7, C8 / 100 pF / Low pass filter – 0402 capacitor
J1 / HEADER 7X2 / Connector (if required*)
*The wires may also be soldered directly on the board.

Table 2: Bill of material

3 Operation

Handle with appropriate precautions and be done in accordance with strict ESD control.

It is the user choice to use the connector provided or to solder the signal wire lines directly on the board. In both situation please follow the proper soldering process. Hand soldering is recommended.

3.1 Power Up

Once the cabling done the EVBA can be powered up by applying the VP voltage level.

The current consumption and the reference voltage VDDof the board could be observed. At this point the board current consumptions shall be: within

Parameter / Designation [unit] / Typical
Sensor +3.30V power supply / VDD [VDC] / 3.30
Board current consumption / IP [mADC] / 7.14

Vdd and Vmid voltage

The value of the voltage VDD (J1/4) and Vmid(J1/2) can be checked and shall be within

Parameter / Designation [unit] / Min / Typical / Max
Sensor +3.30V power supply / Vdd [VDC] / 3.297 / 3.300 / 3.302

3.2 TemperatureOutputs indication

With the EVBA board placed horizontal in a quite environment will expose the sensor to an acceleration of 1g. The corresponding level of the signals OUTP_f, OUTN_f and Vout_SE settles proportional to the range and scale factor of the VS1000 mounted. The available ranges are ± 2g, 5g, 10g, 30g, 100g and 200g.

The typical readouts are at 1g acceleration:

Parameter / Designation [unit] / Typical
2g / 5g / 10g / 30g / 50g / 100g / 200g
OUTP / OUTP [VDC] / 2.325 / 1.920 / 1.785 / 1.695 / 1.677 / 1.663 / 1.657
OUTN / OUTN [VDC] / 0.975 / 1.380 / 1.515 / 1.605 / 1.623 / 1.636 / 1.643
Single-ended output / VOUT_SE [VDC] / 2.325 / 1.920 / 1.785 / 1.695 / 1.677 / 1.663 / 1.657

With the EVBA operated in an ambient temperature of +25°C +/-± 3°C the Vtemp-f signal on J1/1 shall read:

Parameter / Designation [unit] / Typical
Vtemp buffered / Vtemp_f [VDC] / 1.2101

The VS1000 accelerometer provides logic output signals:

Parameter / Designation [unit] / Typical
Error signal (flag) / ERR [VDC] / Vss
Power-on Reset signal (flag) / POR [VDC] / Vdd

3.3 Logic signals

Some functionalities The VS1000 accelerometer provides logic output signals and some functionalities can be controlled by applied logical signals according to the Table 3Table 3.

They all are referenced to the VS1000 Vdd (+3.3VDC) voltage level and proper interfacing is required. A Logic HIGH level corresponds to the Vdd voltage level and a logic LOW level to the Vss voltage level.

J1 / Pin# / Signal / Designation
11 / ERR / Error signal (flag)
12 / ST / Self-test activation, active high
13 / POR / Power-on Reset signal (flag)
14 / RESET / System reset signal, active low

Table 3

For the detailed function and effects of these signals please refer to the Datasheet of the VS1000 sensor.

Acceleration output signal.

With the EVBA board placed horizontal in a quite environment will expose the sensor to an acceleration of 1g. The corresponding level of the signals OUTP_f, OUTN_f and Vout_SE settles proportional to the Range and scale factor of the VS1000 mounted. The available ranges are +/- 2g, 5g,10g, 30g, 100g and 200g.

The typical readouts are

4 Ordering Information

The user will have to select the appropriate sensor range for his application (see VS1000 family data sheet) and then order the corresponding EVBA version. T

Here a table showing table 4 shows the range, Designation and Part number for each available EVBAs.:

Range [g] / Designation / Part Number
±2 / EVBA_2.0_VS1002.A / 37628071
±5 / EVBA_2.0_VS1005.A / 37623081
±10 / EVBA_2.0_VS1010.A / 37625033
±30 / EVBA_2.0_VS1030.A / 37628084
±50 / EVBA_2.0_VS1050.A / 37629043
±100 / EVBA_2.0_VS1100.A / 37629061
±200 / EVBA_2.0_VS1200.A / 37629081

Table 4: EVBA ordering number

5 Disclaimer

EVBA_2.0_VS1000 eEvaluation kit is boards are only intended for device evaluation, and not for production purposes.

Evaluation boards are supplied “as is” and without warranties of any kind, express, implied, or statutory including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patents or other intellectual property by application or use of evaluation boards. Information furnished by Colibrys is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Colibrys for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Analog Devices reserves the right to change devices or specifications at any time without notice. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Evaluation boards are not authorized to be used in life support devices or systems.

COLIBRYS SA30N.EVBA_2.0.A.098.16

Av. des Sciences 13 – 1400 Yverdon-les-BainsT +41 58 100 5000

1F +41 58 100 5001