Cloverbank PTA Board Meeting Minutes – September 28, 2015
Board Officers Present: Melanie Allesi, Co-Pres; Jen Vitko, Co-Pres; Laura Errington,Treasurer; Rhonda Stone,Vice President; Sue Zydel, Council Delegate; Dawn Mejia, Corresponding Secretary; Amy Walker, Recording Secretary
Meeting Called to order at 6:35pmPledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence.
Introduction: All present introduced themselves Quorum established with the presence of 26 members.
Reading and Approval of Minutes: meeting minutes from May 2015 were made available to all members present. A motion was made by Jenniffer Krupski and a 2nd by Dawn Meija to waive reading and to accept as presented.
Treasurer’s Report: was available for review. Recent checks of $250 to Yankee Candle Fundraiser and $37.98 towards Recognition were reviewed. A copy of the PTA Reimbursement Policy was provided to members.
Correspondence: No activity to report.
President’s Report: PTA Council Meeting to be held tomorrow and information from that meeting will be shared at our next PTA meeting.
Principal’s Report: Mrs. Kumiega was in attendance. She reported Cloverbank had a great start to the school year with a small library and music added to the cafeteria to settle the lunchroom noise a bit. Changes made to dismissal pickup have improved the students’ safety. The Cloverbank website is up to date and 3 Email blasts have been sent to increase communication between school and home. Mrs. Kumiega also stated Parent Info night was a success and the October school assembly will be a musical version of the book “Have You Filled A Bucket”.
Teacher Representative: Mrs. Lavelle will be our new Teacher Representative for this school year. She is a teacher at Cloverbank as well as a parent of two Cloverbank students. She was not present at tonight’s meeting.
- Membership: membership cards will not be passed out this year however, they will be distributed electronically via email or text.
- Fundraiser: Yankee Candle Fundraiser is underway and 40% of sales go to PTA. Asked for suggestions for a spring fundraiser. Suggestions made for chocolate sale (Niagara or Fowlers) before spring break.
- Homeroom Parents: Jen Krupski advised teachers will contact the selected Homeroom Parents. Concerns were taken over the varying levels of involvement required depending on teacher and varying funds by class.
- Box Tops/Labels for Education: Submission by November 2nd.
- Monster Bash: Planning is underway. DJ is set and estimates received for pizza and pumpkins.
Old Business:
- Kindergarten Ice Cream Social was a success. Each Kindergartner received a free book and icecream treat.
- Parent Information Night was a success.
New Business:
- PARP begins in October. Rhonda Stone reported this year it will be a monthly reward in the form of an activity.
- Picture Day is October 8th.
- Book Fair will be November 16th-20th.
- Red Ribbon Week is the last week in October. Volunteers needed to sort or organize handouts. Interested contact Jen Vitko or Melanie Alessi.
- Santa Shop will be the half day on Dec. 4th. Teachers have volunteered to assist PTA in this year’s event. A new vendor will be used this year and there are additional opportunities for other outside vendors.
- Assembly looking for ideas and suggestions for school assemblies.
- Facebook page is used to share information or seek information. No unauthorized pictures should be shared.
- Cloverpatch Newsletter first edition should be distributed this week. The goal is 4 editions this year. Submissions welcome.
Announcements: Next PTA Meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, October 21 at 6:30pm.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:55pm. Motion to adjourn by Sue Zydel and 2nd by Stephanie Stayoch.