Living on the Edge
Elementary Leader Guide
Lesson Six – Giving Out Good When Things Get Bad
The goal of the Living on the Edge series is for children to learn how to be followers of Christ. The weekly lesson themes are in an acrostic to help children remember and apply the main point of each lesson. Our desire is for every child to remember what they have learned by recalling each lesson in the LIVING acrostic.
Living on the Edge Means…
Loving God and Loving Others (Lesson One)
ISurrender to God Daily (Lesson Two)
Victory Over the World (Lesson Three)
ILearn to be Humble (Lesson Four)
Noticing the Needs of Others (Lesson Five)
Giving Out Good When Things Get Bad (Lesson Six)
The Point of the Lesson:
Each child will learn that sometimes bad and difficult things happen to each one of us that we can’t control. Each child will learn to give out good when things get bad. By learning about the life of Joseph, kids will have a role model to help them understand the importance of returning bad with good and showing forgiveness to others who have hurt them, just like Joseph did.
The Power of God’s Word:
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21 NIV
The Practice of Each Child:
Each child will write down the name of another child who has hurt them and do something nice for them. If the other child who has hurt them is not around, then they will write a prayer of forgiveness and read it out loud to God.
** Note: This lesson on giving out good when things get bad is a great lesson for each child to learn. We do, however, want to note that you may have a child who indicates the person hurting them is another adult or a family member. We want children to give out good when things get bad but it is our hope, prayer and intent that they would not stay or feel like it’s right to stay in an abusive situation. Please take these thoughts into consideration as you thoughtfully prepare this lesson.
The Lesson in a Word
Prepare (Before Service)
Object Lesson: Broken toy
Game Materials: Timer or clock
Student Helps and Handoutsfor the Classroom:
There are three handouts for children.
Handout One: Family EnterAction Guide – Lesson 2 Page. Please make sure this goes home with parents and that they understand that it is to help them discuss the topics at home with their child.
Handout Two: Activity Book & Fun Sheet. Activity pages will be available to do before Big Room and after if needed.
Handout Three: Student Handout. Make sure this goes home with the child so that they can do the work. Remind them, and their parents, to bring it back the next week.
(Make sure children have a pencil with their Student Handout.)
Classroom Preview (5 minutes)
During Check-In Time:
Welcome the children.
- Activity Sheet to do with the kids – NOT the Student Handout.
- Get their sheets if they brought them back from last week.
- Review last weeks information (verse)
Big Room (come in at about 11:05)
Welcome From Emcee:
“Hey everyone, welcome to (name of your church). We are so glad you are here with us today. We are going to have a great time together worshipping God and getting to know Him better. Today we are finishing up our journey of learning about Living on the Edge! We’ve had a lot of fun in this series and we are going to end it with an awesome lesson…let’s get started!”
Kid Connect Question: (PowerPoint slide provided on Resource CD)
The Kid Connect question is designed to get each child up, talking, moving and beginning to think about the lesson. Have the group emcee ask the following question to get the kids connecting!
Would you rather be a toy or buy a toy?
Praise (15 minutes)
- Getting Into the Bible
- One Way
- Glory To God
Announcements (5 minutes)
- Fall Fest
- Prayer
- Birthday
- Visitor
- Send Kindergarten back to their classrooms
- Who brought back your forms? …. Have teachers give them to you. Collect during the video and do the drawing at the end.
Object Lesson
Broken toy
Hold up the broken toy. Say, “Look at this. Can you believe it? My favorite toy (name toy) – broken! I had a really bad day yesterday. I was minding my own business, playing with (toy), and my big brother came along and crushed it. He didn’t even care. He stepped on it and now it is ruined. I got really angry. I wanted to do something really mean to him to get him back and make him feel as bad as I did. Who has ever felt that way? Well, when bad things happen, we have a choice. We can dish bad back out or repay them with goodness – and be nice despite what bad was done to us.”
Today we are going to learn about Joseph who was treated very badly by his brothers. We are going to see how Joseph gave out good when things got bad.
Big Room Lesson Process
Below is what is covered in the video.
Lesson in a Word:
Memory Verse:
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21 NIV
What Should I See?
Joseph was one of 12 brothers. His father, Jacob, loved him more than the rest. His brothers resented Joseph for that. One day as they saw Joseph coming, they grabbed him and threw him in a big hole in the ground. They wanted to kill Joseph but decided to sell him to a group traveling by. They went and told their father, Jacob, that Joseph was dead. The group that bought Joseph sold him to a man named Potiphar in Egypt. While living in Potiphar's house Joseph was falsely accused of a crime he didn’t commit, so he was thrown in jail. The Lord was with Joseph, and He gave him success in whatever he did. While in jail Joseph interpreted two dreams for Pharaoh's baker and cupbearer who had been put into jail as well. Once the cupbearer was released, Joseph asked if he would tell Pharaoh to let him out of prison since he was falsely accused. But the cupbearer forgot to ask Pharaoh, so Joseph stayed in jail.
Later Pharaoh had a dream and no one could interpret it. The cupbearer remembered Joseph could interpret dreams so they sent for him. Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dream. He told Pharaoh that his dream meant there was going to be seven years of great harvest followed by seven years of complete famine, or no food. Because God helped Joseph interpret the dream, Pharaoh made Joseph second in command in Egypt. The only person more powerful that Joseph was Pharaoh himself.
Because the famine was so bad in the land, Jacob sent Joseph’s brothers to Egypt to buy some food. As they were going to buy the food, Joseph recognized his brothers but his brothers did not recognize Joseph. (These same brothers threw Joseph into a pit and sold him into slavery.)
When Joseph saw his brothers coming, he didn’t tell them who he was right away; he put them through a series of tests first. Later, Joseph said to his brothers, “Come close to me.” When they had done so, he said, “I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt! And now, do not be worried and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.” Joseph returned bad with good.
(Story found in Genesis 37, 39-45)
What’s the Key?
The key to unlock this lesson is our word for today, GOOD!Joseph went from a hole in the ground, to a leader in Egypt all because that’s the way God wanted it to happen. There were a lot of bad things that happened to Joseph but God allowed all of it and Joseph knew that. Even when Joseph was in a difficult or bad situation, he always responded with good. Joseph’s life went from good to bad to good to bad, but no matter what was happening to Joseph he knew God was always in control.
Joseph was one of many brothers: That was good!
Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery: That was bad.
Joseph ended up in Potiphar’s house: That was good!
Joseph was falsely accused and went to prison for about eight years: That was bad.
Joseph interpreted the dream of the cupbearer while in prison: That was good!
The cupbearer forgot Joseph when he was released: That was bad.
Joseph was let out of jail to interpret Pharaoh's’ dream: That was good!
What’s That to Me?
What does God want me to do? God wants you to understand that sometimes bad things happen to us. And even though bad things happen, God is in control and has allowed those things to happen for a reason. If someone has done something wrong to you, the Bible reminds us to forgive them! Yep, that’s right—forgive them. The Bible reminds us in Colossians 3:13 CEV to…
Forgive anyone who does you wrong, just as Christ has forgiven you.
We may not want to forgive them, but we must forgive them. Here’s a couple of things to remember.
1. Forgiveness is not a feeling. You probably won’t “feel” like forgiving.
2. If you “felt” like forgiving someone, you probably never would.
3. Forgiveness is a choice you must make with your mind.
4. Pray out loud to God, letting Him know that you are forgiving the person who hurt you.
How Should I Be?
This week, let’s practice this lesson by writing down the name of another child who has hurt you. Then do something nice for them. It could be writing them a note or making them some cookies or telling them you forgive them. If the child who has hurt you is not around, then write a prayer of forgiveness to that person and read it out loud to God. You may even want to share it with a parent.
Practice Point
I’ll return bad with actions that are good.
I’ll forgive others ‘cuz I know I should.
Review (from Video) ** Watch Time, you need to be done by 12:00. So, cut this out if needed or make it short.
- Word of the Day
- Verse
- Practice Point
Live It (Play the video – approx 5 min)
This segment will feature Diane sharing a real life experience about what it means to Live on the Edge and directly reinforces this lesson. On the DVD Menu Screen, choose “Lesson Six” and then select “Live It” on the sub-menu screen.If you do not use the video for this section you can have one of your own leaders or children give a testimony about what it means to love God and love others.
- Award the trophy
- Do the Drawing
- Review verse and practice point if not 12 yet.
- Remind the kids to bring back their sheets – completed and signed so they can get into the drawing.
- Dismiss Classes
Small Classroom
1. Total Recall(10 minutes)
Question One: What is the word for today?
Question Two: How many sons did Jacob have?
Question Three: True or False: Jacob loved his son, Joseph, the most.
Question Four: Who threw Joseph into a hole in the ground?
(His brothers)
Question Five: True or False: Joseph refused to help his brothers during the famine.
Question Six: What did Joseph interpret for the Pharaoh?
Question Seven: True or False: God took care of Joseph.
Question Eight: Complete the memory verse: Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with _____. Romans 12:21 NIV
2.Memory Verse Review
Spend some time working on this with the class. You can also reward children who come back the following week with their verse memorized.
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21 NIV
3.Student Handout & Activity Sheet
Let kids work on the student handout if time. Make sure they go home along with the parent interaction guide sheet.
Living on the Edge Elementary Leader Guide Lesson Six