Airwave terminal
You will typically be issued with a personal issue airwave terminal when you have obtained (or are close to obtaining) Accredited Patrol status, and are consistently performing 20 hours or more per month, this is taken by looking at the last 3 full months hours. Requests should be made to your Special Sgt, who will pass them on to the Special Chief Inspector (or a Special Inspector who they have nominated to be responsible). Extenuating circumstances may be considered and should be detailed when submitting your request to your Specials supervisor.
If you are a DMU Special then you will be issued with a pool airwave terminal on or shortly before the date when you commence your in-company period which you will retain throughout this time. You should make this request through the ViP office. When the in-company period has been completed then you are required to return this terminal. At this point you can then become eligible to apply for a personal issue terminal using the above process and will require you to have completed 3 months of hours after the in-company period has ceased.
Personal issue terminals
Personal issue terminals are issued subject to you maintaining an average of 20 hours a month over a rolling 3 month period. There are a limited number of terminals and consequently those unable to perform the requisite hours should relinquish their terminal voluntarily. This is subject to audit by the Special Chief Inspectors and if terminals are not relinquished voluntarily then unfortunately then when the audit is taken at this point it will be requested from you.
For security reasons, when you are issued with a personal issue terminal, it will need to be regularly audited (i.e. physically seen and examined by a regular Sgt or appointed Special Sgt) If you don't do this the terminal will be stunned.In addition you must comply with requests to submit your terminal for upgrades as and when required. Failure to do this will also result in it being stunned. There is a cost when stunning terminals so please comply with this procedure to ensure the Force is not unnecessarily dealing with additional costs.
Personal issue terminals must be kept in an airwave locker so they can be accessed and updated by the Airwave team. They should only be kept in your personal (i.e. locker-room) locker as a last resort or temporary measure. Shift Sgts, LPU Clerks and/or Special Sgts, should be able to help you arrange an airwave locker.