Pre-K 4 Muttel- Lesson Plans week of 9/18/17
Monday 10/18
Circle Time
“Colors, Green”- 1.4.2 Create two-dimensional works of art while exploring colors.
Centers & Free Play- 0.5.1-5 Play independently and cooperatively in pairs and small groups, take turns, share.
“Shape, Circles”- Standard 4.4.2: Use accurate terms to name and describe Two-dimensional shapes.
Snack & Story- RL.PK.10 Actively participate in read aloud experiences using age appropriate literature in individual, small and large groups.
“It’s Okay to Make Mistakes by: Todd Parr”
Outdoor Recess
Tuesday 10/19
Circle Time
“God Made Me”- 6.1.1 Describe characteristics of oneself, one’s family, and others.
Centers & Free Play-0.5.1-5 Play independently and cooperatively in pairs and small groups, take turns, share.
“Stay Healthy at School”- 0.4.2 Demonstrate socially acceptable behavior for teacher and peers.
Snack & Story- RL.PK.10 Actively participate in read aloud experiences using age appropriate literature in individual, small and large groups.
“One Little, Two Little, Three Little Apples by: Matt Ringler”
Outdoor Recess
Wednesday 10/20
Circle Time
“Colors, Blue”- 1.4.2 Create two-dimensional works of art while exploring colors.
Centers & Free Play-0.5.1-5 Play independently and cooperatively in pairs and small groups, take turns, share.
“Scarecrow”- 1.4.6 Create more recognizable representations as eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills develop.
Snack & Story- RL.PK.10 Actively participate in read aloud experiences using age appropriate literature in individual, small and large groups.
“Bark, George by: Jules Feiffer”
Outdoor Recess
Thurday 10/21
Circle Time
“Fall Leaves”- 5.3.1 Investigate and compare the basic physical characteristics of plants.
Centers & Free Play-0.5.1-5 Play independently and cooperatively in pairs and small groups, take turns, share.
“Picture Day” (block of time needed for taking class pictures)
Snack & Story- RL.PK.10 Actively participate in read aloud experiences using age appropriate literature in individual, small and large groups.
One Duck Stuck by: Phyllis Root
Outdoor Recess
Friday 10/22
Circle Time
“Our Classroom”- 6.3.1 Develop an awareness of the physical features of our classroom. 5.1.5 Represent observations through recording data.
Centers & Free Play-0.5.1-5 Play independently and cooperatively in pairs and small groups, take turns, share.
“Apples”- 2.4.2 Develop and refine fine-motor skills. 1.4.5 Demonstrate planning, persistence, and problem-solving skills while working independently, during the creative process.
Snack & Story- RL.PK.10 Actively participate in read aloud experiences using age appropriate literature in individual, small and large groups.
Parts by: Tedd Arnold
Outdoor Recess