Presented To:
Airline Boarding Pass Printing,
Up-to-Date Flight Status
<Insert Date>
Contact Information:
CHA International
The CHA Solution – TravelEZ
With airlines increasingly tightening their schedules, changes and cancellation of flights are occurring much more frequently. TravelEZ provides hotel guests with up-to-date flight information, the ability to change or book flights and print boarding passes.
Guest Services
CHA offers these products as a stand-alone system or as an integrated solution:
Product Name / Description1 / BoardEZPlus / Airline boarding pass printing with
Interactive flight search and status
2 / FlightMate™42 / Display flight status in public area on a large screen
Benefits to Hotel:
- No capital outlay option – CHA pays for the hardware and software
- No cost to replace broken equipment – CHA provides full hardware warranty
- 3-yr warranty on hardware and software sourced from CHA
- Security of guests confidential information – 100% PCI Compliance
- Minimal hotel staff support required
o CHA provides 24/7/365 Help Desk
o CHA manages the health of each equipment via remote management
o CHA alerts hotel staff in real time if the system is non-functional
o CHA staff alerts hotel staff when the toner level has reached low level
- 24/7/365 on-line access to user activity report
Hotel Branding
The screen can be customized (logo, color, hotel name and location) to meet each hotel requirement.
Guest Data Security
CHA takes very seriously the issue of security and privacy of guest’s information. To accomplish as tight and secure an environment as possible, CHA uses a number of methodologies to protect user identity theft.
CHA has developed FreshStart™, proprietary software that gives each user the equivalent of a new computer. FreshStart™ technology is specifically designed for multiple, non-repeat usage. At the end of a guest session, the computer’s entire system is completely rebuilt and a new operating system (Windows or Mac), factory settings and applications are loaded. FreshStart™ deletes all user files, personal data and usage history upon log out, thereby ensuring absolute information security and privacy of user data. Additionally, any non-standard programs (virus, worms, sniffers) that might jeopardize future system or user security, and causes ongoing support and maintenance issues, are also deleted.
Product Features
a) BoardEZPlus b) FlightMate42
Airline boarding passes printing with Flight status on large display
Interactive flight search and status
Combination of airline boarding pass printing with interactive flight search features into a single system. The system provides simple steps for guests to search and book new flights, change existing reservations and print boarding passes. / Same flight departure status as displayed at the airports. Flight Status displayed on large screen monitor/s.Guests can check their flight status before leaving the hotel. In case of flight delays, guests can make other arrangements before going to the airport.
FlightMate22™ User Screen
BoardEZ™ User Screen / FlightMate42
c) Cypress Kiosk
A lobby kiosk available in warm wood tone. The printer is secured inside the kiosk, providing a clutter free solution.
Price List
- Customer to select the Business Model and enter quantities of each item to be installed
- After the selection is made, CHA will send an agreement for Customer’s signature
BoardEZPlus – Airline Boarding Passes Printing
Business ModelCategory / Description / Qty / Upfront Payment
(per unit) / Monthly Installment
(per unit)
Check One Option ------à / /
CHA Software / CHA BoardEZPlus Software Licensing / $350 / Included
PC Programming
PC / All-in-one, 23” / $975 / $105
Refurbished PC and 22” monitor
(units may have some scratches) / $525 / $86
Printer / Lexmark MS310d (b&w; 35 ppm) / $306 / $13
Lexmark MS510dn (b&w; 45 ppm) / $735 / $29
Furniture / Standard (48” desk, chair) / $495 / $22
Cypress Kiosk
(stand-alone lobby kiosk; custom by CHA) / $1,250 / $69
Purchase Price Paid by Customer / - / Upfront / None
Monthly Fee Paid by Customer / $55/PC / Installment Payment
FlightMate42 – Flight Status on large screen monitor
Business ModelCategory / Description / Qty / Upfront Payment
(per unit) / Monthly Installment
(per unit)
Check One Option ------à / /
CHA Software / CHA FlightMate42 Software License & Programming / $350 / $87
Controller Unit / $499
Monitor / 40” LCD / $550 / $23
Purchase Price Paid by Customer / - / Upfront / None
Monthly Fee Paid by Customer / $55/PC / Installment Payment
Description of Terms:
a) Upfront Payment:
- CHA shall purchase the HARDWARE and INDUSTRY SOFTWARE on behalf of the Customer if indicated by the Customer in the table above in addition to licensing the Customer with specified CHA SOFTWARE.
- Applicable sales tax will be added to the purchase price
- 50% of the payment at the time of order and 50% at the time of shipment due from Customer
b) Monthly Installment:
- Customer shall pay the total purchase price to CHA in 36 equal installments. CHA shall purchase the HARDWARE and INDUSTRY SOFTWARE on behalf of the Customer if indicated by the Customer in the table above in addition to licensing the Customer with specified CHA SOFTWARE.
a) System installed by the Customer.
b) Location where SOLUTION to be installed:
Hotel Name:
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