Long summer break is the most enviable part of school life! It provides time for rest and leisure. This is the time

when you will get an opportunity to spend quality time with your child.

holidays are great, but schoolwork can be fun filled and inspiring too! As the school closes for the summer

break we have planned some activities/ worksheets for your child to enhance his/her learning skills in a fun

filled way. We have tried to make the work enjoyable keeping in mind the interest of the children. Space out the

work and child will enjoy doing it.


Make your child more independent by teaching him or her various activities like

  • Buttoning and unbuttoning the shirt.
  • Folding mats and clothes.
  • Learning to wear shoes and socks.
  • Learning how to zip their school bag and their uniform. (shorts)
  • After eating, keeping his/her plate in the kitchen.
  • Watering the plants.

Good Manners and good habits are lifelong assets and they should be practiced until they become habit.

  • Revise the five magical words WELCOME,PLEASE, SORRY, THANK YOU, EXCUSE ME which we have learned as the

part of basics of good manners. Make these four words a habit and see the difference.


  • Brush your teeth twice a day.
  • Trim your nails regularly.
  • Take a bath every day.
  • Wash your hands before and after meals.
  • Switch off lights/ fans/ T.V when you do not require them.
  • Save water by closing the taps after use.
  • Keep your surrounding and environment clean.
  • Do not throw anything out of the window, car or balcony. Always throw garbage in the dustbin.


The child should say his/her name in full sentences.

Teach the child to use short sentences e.g. –

Please switch off the light/fan,

May I come in?

May I go to drink water?

I am thirsty. Please give me water.

Please open/close my Tiffin/bag.

I am hungry. Please give me food.

I have finished my work/food.

Please give me a glass of water

Please trim my nails.

Please tell me a story.

Can I watch T.V.?



  • RHYME RECITATION COMPETITION: Prepare any Hindi/ English Rhyme (not from syllabus). Thepoem should have at least 8 -10 lines with self introduction.
  • STORY TELLING COMPETITION: Prepare one story in English and one story in Hindi for thecompetition with self introduction. Few short stories are mentioned below.
  • Let’s germinate seeds in a small pot, water them daily and observe them grow into a plant. Label the pot and bring it to school after vacation.

Activities of month of June and July 2018

Sl no. / date / activity
1. / 21st June 2018 / International yoga day
2. / 4th July 2018 / Plantation day
3. / 25th July 2018 / English recitation competition
4. / Medical check up

Note : kindly send 1 yoga mat / your wards size cloth or mat for yoga day

The Foolish Weaver

A weaver and his wife lived in a village. He went to the forest to get wood that he needed to repair his loom. As he began to chop the tree, a genie appeared and asked him not to cut his abode. In return, the genie offered to give anything that the weaver wanted. The weaver left the forest to discuss this with his wife. The greedy and dimwitted wife told the weaver to ask the genie for an extra head and two extra hands so he can think more and work more.

The stupid weaver agreed and went back to the genie, which immediately granted the wish. The weaver happily walked back to the village, where people thought him to be a monster and beat him to death.

Moral:Lack of proper judgment can lead to several missed opportunities.

Four Friends And A Hunter

A deer, a turtle, a crow and a rat were friends. They lived happily in a jungle. One day, the deer was caught in a hunter’s trap and the friends made a plan to save him. The deer struggled as if it was in pain and then it lie motionless, with eyes wide open, as if it were dead. The crow and the other birds then sat on the deer and started poking it as they do to a dead animal.

Right then, the turtle crossed the hunter’s path to distract him. The hunter left the deer, assuming it dead, and went after the turtle. Meanwhile, the rat chew open the net to free the deer while the crow picked up the turtle and quickly took it away from the hunter.

Moral:Teamwork can achieve great results.

The Talkative Tortoise

Once upon a time, a tortoise named Kambugriva lived near a lake. It was friends with two swans that also lived in the lake. One summer, the lake began to dry up, and there was little water for the animals. The swans told the tortoise that there was another lake in another forest, where they should go to survive. They came up with a plan to take the tortoise along. They made the tortoise bite the center of a stick and told it not to open its mouth, no matter what.

The swans then held each end of the stick and flew, with the tortoise in between. People in the villages along the way saw a tortoise flying and were awestruck. There was a commotion on the ground about two birds taking a tortoise with the help of a stick. In spite of warnings from the swans, the tortoise opened its mouth and said: “what’s that commotion all about?” And then, it fell to its death.

Moral:One should speak only at the right moment.