AY 2016-2017
The Mission of Air Force JROTC is to develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community.
CREDIT HOURS:5 Elective Credits for the entire year (must complete both semesters)
INSTRUCTORS: Col (r) Jonathan Spare and MSgt (r) William Wilson, Col (r) Spare is the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI), and MSgt (r) Wilson is the Aerospace Science Instructor (ASI)
Classroom: B337
Telephone: (732) 229-7300 Ext. 41335
Aerospace Science 200: The Science of Flight – A Gateway to New Horizons
Chapter 1: How Airplanes Fly
Chapter 2: Working Through Flight Conditions
Leadership Education 200: Communication, Awareness, and Leadership
Chapter 2: Communicating Effectively
Chapter 5: Developing Vision and Teams
AF Manual 36-2203, Personnel Drill and Ceremonies, V-2627 Chapters 1 – 6
Student Workbooks
Selected Videos
NJ-20102 Cadet Guide
COURSE DESCRIPTION:AFJROTC consists of three components: Aerospace Science (40%), Leadership Education (40%), and Wellness/Physical Fitness (20%). The Aerospace Science 200 portion pertains to the science of flight. The course will apply principles of science learned in other courses such as earth science, biology, chemistry and physics. The major units covered include: the aerospace environment, the human requirements of flight, the principles and physics of aircraft flight, weather, and navigation. The Leadership Education 200 portion includes communicative skills, individual and group behaviors, physical training and leadership theory. It stresses communicating effectively, understanding groups and teams, preparing for leadership, solving conflicts and problems, and personal development. Additionally, cadets will be taught the fundamentals of Drill and Ceremonies. This portion of the course concentrates on the elements of military drill, and describes individual and group precision movements, procedures for saluting, drill, ceremonies, reviews, parades, and development of the command voice. Students are provided detailed instruction on ceremonial performances and protocol for civilian and military events and have the opportunity to personally learn drill. Most of the work will be hands-on. The Wellness/Physical Fitness portion will incorporate the Cadet Health and Wellness Program (CHWP). The CHWP is an exercise program focused upon individual base line improvements with the goal of achieving a Presidential Physical Fitness standard calculated with age and gender. The goal of the CHWP is to motivate JROTC cadets to lead active, healthy lifestyles beyond program requirements and into their adult lives. Students WILL wear the Air Force JROTC uniform weekly on the designated uniform day and the issued PT uniform on Fridays.
Aerospace Science 200 - The Science of Flight:
1. Know the atmosphere environment.
2. Know the basic requirements of flight.
3. Know why Bernoulli’s principle and Newton’s Law of Motion are applied to the theory of flight and the operating principles of reciprocating engines, jet engines, and rocket engines.
4. Know the flight controls of the aircraft and how they control the aircraft in the three axis of motion.
Leadership Education 200 - Leadership Education/Drill and Ceremonies:
1. Apply the key factors of effective communication.
2. Know the ways in which personal awareness affects individual action.
3. Know the key elements of building and encouraging effective teams.
4. Apply the key behaviors for becoming a credible and competent leader.
5. Know the importance of attitude, discipline, and respect, and why values and ethics are so important.
6. Know the importance of individual self-control, common courtesies and etiquette.
7. Know the importance of drill and ceremonies.
8. Know basic commands and characteristics of command voice.
9. Apply and execute the concepts and principles of basic drill positions and movements.
10. Know when and how to salute.
Wellness and Physical Fitness:
1. Motivate AFJROTC cadets to lead active, healthy lifestyles beyond program requirements and into their adult lives.
2. Create an individualized training program based on national standards by age and gender.
3. Identify areas of improvements for each cadet.
4. Incorporate a physical training program to reach goals.
UNIFORM DAY: Cadetsare required to wear their uniform one day each week. The designated uniform wear day is TUESDAY or WEDNESDAY (depending on which day of the week the cadet has ROTC on the A/B schedule). For those cadets that have ROTC every weekday, the designated uniform wear day is Wednesday. The SASI or ASI may change the uniform wear day for a particular week to coincide with special events. Cadets are required to wear their Physical Training uniform on FRIDAYS. Wearing the AFJROTC uniform on designated days is a requirement of this course. To that end, Cadets that fail to obtain permission for NOT wearing their uniform, PRIOR to uniform day will be given a participation grade of “0” for each violation. Uniform availability and serviceability (cleanliness) is ultimately the responsibility of the cadet.
UNIFORM WEAR ON UNIFORM DAY IS A “PARTICIPATION” GRADE. The third violation of the uniform policy during the semester will result in referral to In School Suspension (ISS). Subsequent violation(s) of the uniform policy will result in a recommendation to the cadet’s academy principal for his/her removal from the AFJROTC program. (FYI “My uniform is in the cleaners is NOT a viable excuse.”) UNDER THIS GRADING SYSTEM CADETS WILL HAVE GREAT DIFFICULTY EARINING A PASSING GRADE FOR THIS COURSE WITHOUT WEARING THEIR UNIFORM EVERY WEEK! HABITUAL NON-WEAR OF THE UNIFORM AND FAILURE TO MAINTAIN STANDARDS WILL RESULT IN A FAILING GRADE AND DISMISSAL FROM THE PROGRAM.
Homework consists of reading the assigned pages PRIOR to class and the occasional written assignment. Failure to read the assigned pages will place the cadet at a severe disadvantage. Instructors teach the class with the assumption that the cadet will actively participate in classroom discussion. From time to time, instructors will assign additional projects to each cadet that will require independent research. If a cadet does not have ready access to the internet, ROTC instructors will provide class time and classroom computers to assist the cadet in completing that research. This is a dynamic course that will provide a great deal of knowledge about the science of flight and leadership. Like any other endeavor, the amount of work a cadet applies will be directly proportional to the amount of information gained and retained.
All cadets are required to complete, sign and obtain a parent or guardian’s signature on the “WELLNESS PROGRAM CADET PARTICIPATION CONSENT FORM” (provided). All able bodied cadets are required to participate in a physical fitness assessment within 45 calendar days of the start of the school year. Cadets will also be required to participate in Physical Training (PT) once a week, usually Friday. Cadets will be given the opportunity to lead and demonstrate various exercises and activities. Cadets will be graded on preparation (including the wear of the appropriate fitness attire) and active participation in scheduled events. Students will only be excused from PT participation with a note from a parent/guardian or from a medical professional.
Wellness training serves to motivate AFJROTC cadets to lead active, healthy lifestyles beyond program requirements and into their adult lives. The program will provide individualized training programs based on national standards by age and gender and will identify areas of improvement and incorporate a physical training program to assist cadets with reaching their goals.
COMMUNITY SERVICE:Cadets will have multiple opportunities to perform Air Force JROTC sponsored community service during the school year.
CURRICULUM IN ACTION TRIPS (CIA)/FIELD TRIPS:Throughout the school year, the cadets will have opportunities to participate in school-sponsored activities that serve as an extension of the AFJROTC curriculum. These trips may include military base visits, museum tours, local government agencies, airports etc. Cadets must be in good academic and disciplinary standing to participate.
CLASS BEHAVIOR:The nature of the AFJROTC mission, as well as its high visibility within the school and community, requires its members to adhere to higher standards than might be found among the student population. Inappropriate behavior, in or out of uniform, is prohibited while participating in AFJROTC. This behavior includes, but is not limited to, consuming alcohol, drug abuse, tobacco use, horseplay, public displays of affection, fighting, disparaging remarks, insubordination, disrespect, verbal threats and physical attacks. Final thought: RESPECT is the bottom line in our classroom. If you give it, you will receive it.
Weekly participation grade will be cadet driven, that is, each cadet is required to be an ACTIVE participant in the classroom each and every day. A cadet that contributes in any way to the learning experience while in class will receive a minimum grade of 90; higher grades up to 100 will be earned by those with exceptional participation for the day. Regardless of other accomplishments during any given week, an UNEXCUSED uniform violation on uniform day will automatically lower a cadet’s weekly participation grade by at least 20 points. A cadet who fails to actively participate in class will significantly hurt their grade in ROTC. Test/quizzes are administered throughout the school year. The more frequent quizzeswill cover the in depth theprevious lesson’s material. Grades will be computed by averaging quizzes, uniform/grooming inspections, class participation, homework and in-class assignments, etc. from the Aerospace Science and Leadership Education courses. Tests will be a comprehensive assessment of all material taught since the last test. These tests will cover the concepts taught in all portions (AS, LE, Wellness) of the AFJROTC II curriculum.
Final grade will be computed as follows: Four marking period grades (each worth 20%),a midterm exam and a final exam (each worth 10%).
Grading Scale:
Grade Percentage Required
A 90% and above
B 80%-89%
C 72%-79%
D 66%-71%
F 65% and below
Cadets are required to arrive to class on time. (Unexcused tardiness will result in a lower participation grade. Excess unexcused tardiness will result in action up to and including referral, suspension or elimination from the program.) Prior to each class, cadets will file into the room quietly and move by the most direct means to their assigned seats. Once a cadet has reached his/her assigned seat they will stand at the position of “Parade Rest.” After the bell sounds for the start of class, the fight commander or flight sergeant will, in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Long Branch (NJ-20102) AFJROTC Cadet Guide, take attendance and prepare the class for instruction. Likewise, at the end of class, the flight commander or flight sergeant will dismiss the class following the appropriate protocol. Cadets will be held to the standards set forth in the Long Branch (NJ-20102) AFJROTC Cadet Guide. Additionally, cadets are expected to be prepared for the day’s assignment and to actively participate in class discussions, remembering that all opinions are valid and are to be respected.
Electronic devices including but not limited to cell phones, iPods, iPads/tablets, MP3 players, and mobile gaming devices (including visible earbuds/earphones) are NOT PERMITTEDand will be stored in such a manner as to not be accessible to students during the duration of the class period (unless specifically authorized by the instructor). If a cadet is observed using an unauthorized device, the device will be confiscated for the duration of the instructional block. Any cadet not voluntarily relinquishing the offending device will receive a discipline referral.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to contact ROTC instructors throughout the school year. The best time to call is between 2:30 PM and 3:00 PM. Please use the phone number and e-mail addresses listed on page one of this document.
We look forward to an exciting and productive learning experience for everyone enrolled in AFJROTC this semester.
I have read, understand and agree to the requirements forAFJROTC ii as described in the syllabus.
***** Parent Email Address ______*****
(To be used to keep you updated on cadet corps field trips and other activities. Optout at any time).
Student’s Signature and Date Parent/Guardian Signature and Date