You Have Become A Victim of Identity Theft! By Sholiach Koniuchowsky
Condemnation and guilt cannot transform you into an overcomer. Addiction, stress anxiety cannot be removed unless you and I receive a fresh and daily refocus on His FORGIVENESS. Yahushua’s forgiveness is the key to healing! When we need healing we need a renewed focus on where our journey started. Romans 8:1.
Yochanan 8: 1-11. No man can condemn or forgive you. And the only one who can condemn you chooses to forgive you. Power to remove guilt and condemnation doesn’t come from Torah or the fear of breaking Torah; for if it did, there would be no sin among Torah keepers including this man and woman in John ch.8. Threats of death don’t work. Yahushua was and is more concerned with the condemnation and guilt/fear resulting from sin than the sin itself. He made sure she walked away not feeling the condemnation of shame and fear. WHAT YHWH PUTS FIRST MAN CANNOT REVERSE. Religion says FIRST stop sinning and then Yah won’t condemn you. Verse 11. Messiah’s love says, ‘FIRST THROUGH ME YOU HAVE ESCAPED ANY CONDEMATION’….NOW AS A RESULT OF HAVING YOUR DEFILED CONSCIOUS AND AWARNESS OF SIN REMOVED THROUGH REMOVAL OF CONDEMANTION, go and sin no more. In other words VICTORY is achieved by the power of right believing not right living. If we believe we have been set free from guilt and condemnation, our actions will reflect the holiness that was freely shown to us. Grace and its freeing power leads to holiness, not the threats and penalty of Torah! Religion says when you stop sinning you won’t feel or be condemned, just the opposite. We receive no condemnation because of Messiah’s payment for the guilt and condemnation at the execution stake. Removal of condemnation brings empowerment! When we or a brother sins, we are to restore them by pointing them BACK TO THE FORGIVENESS of Moshiach and His spirit of meekness. It’s meek and it’s gentle and free of condemnation! Galatians 6:1-2. Because of Messiahs protection-His blood, the Torah curses have no authority or power to condemn us, but remains as a guideline to the living. Yahushua wrote on the ground of the temple courts where there was dust on top of stone. The dust was used to write the names of all those that stood condemned..her accusers…Jeremiah chapter 17:13-14. The stone under it represented the STONE tablets of the Torah. He was writing the names of the accusers that had forsaken his love and was writing the very laws on stone that the self righteous had broken! WE ARE FORGIVEN BECAUSE HE WAS JUDGED! WE ARE ACCEPTED IN OUR FALLEN STATE BECAUSE HE WAS CONDEMED! Without forgiveness the Gospel and our lives won’t work!
Yeshayahu 53:5-Forgiveness leads to healing. Not self help formulas. Are you struggling with dysfunctions, disease and addiction? That’s because condemnation abides. Our part is not a religious part of fig leaves-self help formulas but to receive a fresh dose and focus on FORGIVENESS! Daily. Psalm 103:1-3. What comes first? No condemnation or healing? “ALL” SINS FORGIVEN LEAD TO ZERO GUILT AND CONDEMANTION LEFT. Partial forgiveness won’t work it leads to partial guilt or partial healing of the soul. When we believe that His love and forgiveness does not apply to the darkest part of our lives, Isaiah 53:1, we remain in condemnation and fear. You cannot fully love the Creator holding on to fear of Him. All means all! He has set you free; you have to RECEIVE IT and TAKE IT, so that ALL dark and condemning areas of your life may be brought to the Light of non condemnation, John 8:12. Matthew 9:2, what came first? Removal of condemnation by total forgiveness or the healing? See the pattern to victory? If you are struggling with familiar sin, STOP STRUGGLING AND START RECEIVING!!!! Power of right believing not right doing. BELIEVING RIGHT LEADS TO DOING RIGHT! Romans 3:23!!! Romans 6:23. ROMANS 3:20-26! Read. We need the Torah and prophets as 2 witnesses that we are to refocus daily on the King of Righteousness who imparts to us a righteousness that is apart from both Torah and religion! It is a freedom that comes verse 22 ONLY through the power of right believing and getting your identity only from the Savior! Verses 25-26 say that this righteousness is for all times, including the present, not just when you get saved for sins in the past. When you feel condemned next time you may not feel righteous, but that’s where the good news of believing right comes in! Your identity does not change when you sin based on sin or feelings!!! Your are not your sin! You are who He says you are! Your identity changed once and for all times at the stake!!!! Your ledger is clean, so don’t reopen the books and get stressed out when you see your shortcomings. Just refocus on Him. See Him!
Close He carries your new identity on His heart, the breastplate, the Choshen. Exodus 39:9-14; the 12 stones are us. Over His heart! Rare stones not common rocks. Exodus 39:14 those from redeemed Israel are engraved, meaning His love can never be removed from you or you from Him! He is our Kohen HaGadol and He cloths Himself with you, if you cloth yourself first with His righteousness. Can this love and non condemnation ever leave you or forsake you? Revelation 3:5. Being a child of Yah has NOTHING to do with performance, feelings, sin, your relatives and friends and how they view you. It’s all about whom HE carries on His heart and whose names are engraved, meaning cannot be erased. LIGHT [John 8:12] is a gems best friend, as it makes the stones reflect a light not of their own making or possession! You and I are called to radiate that light of the Besorah of unmerited favor! Torah keeping is an act of gratitude not an action to impress Him with our own righteousness. Holinesses a byproduct of His Light, not our efforts to fix ourselves and make ourselves shine! Hebrews 12:1-2; sin gets laid aside not by struggling into depression and anxiety, but by LOOKING TO YAHUSHUA’S FINISH LINE! Shalom and selah!