2008-09 Assessment Windows
Writing: October 1 – April 14; KELPA: February 16 – May 1; Math/Reading: February 18 – April 14; Science/History-Government: Mary 17 – May 9 (In 08-09, History and Government are available only at HS for OTL). The above dates are subject to change.
Northwest Kansas Reading Conference
SWPRSC will be hosting a K-12 reading conference at ColbyHigh School on Monday, October 13, 2008. The keynote speaker for this event is Dr. Danny Brassell – Professor at CaliforniaStateUniversity. In addition to the keynote, participants will get to attend 4 break-out sessions from over 50 session choices. See brochure for more details.
Western Kansas Math Conference
SWPRSC will be hosting a K-12 math conference at LiberalHigh School on Wednesday, October 15, 2008. The keynote speaker for this event will be Dr. Jim Burgett – President of the Burgett Group. The conference will also feature Tracy Newell, Jerry Braun and Mindy Applegate whose focus will be on high and low indicators and teaching math across the curriculum. Participants will get to choose two break outs from over 60 options. See brochure for more details. We can still use some more presenters!
Mentor/Mentee Academy
In May KSDE announced changes in the way a “Conditionally Licensed” teacher moves to a “Professional License”. The Kansas Performance Assessment (KPA) will no longer be used to make that determination. Instead, districts will be required to provide a yearlong mentoring program for those teachers. All other requirements (such as teaching in an endorsed field) must still be met by teachers moving to the professional license.
Research clearly shows the power of a strong mentoring program in retaining teachers, and Southwest Plains wants to help districts provide that program. We are offering to the door delivery for your district or a series of workshops and IDL support for both the mentor and the early career teacher. Keep in mind that you may have teachers still on conditional licenses who have taught several years. In fact we know of several teachers in that situation.
*Mentor/Mentee Academy at SWPRSC:
Day 1: September 11—participants should bring a copy of at least one set of grade level standards and their handbook of school policies
Day 2: November 25—participants should bring a copy of state standards for their content
Day 3: February 9
Day 4: April 29
*Geared to all grade level mentors and mentees. Mentors and mentees attend as a team with separate and combined trainings to support each. This training fulfills the requirements for the conditionally licensed teacher to qualify for a professional license.
Mentor/Mentee IDL (Supplemental Sessions): To make these timely to the needs of the participants, topics will be determined by the group prior to the scheduled date. IDL dates: November 5, January 14, March 4, and April 1. Each session will run from 3:30 – 5:00 pm to protect instructional time in the classroom.
New Council Pricing Structure
Effective 7/1/08, the registration fee per person for all SWPRSC Councils (superintendents, principals, counselors) will be $30/session. We are also adding a pre-payment discount for those districts who wish to pre-pay for attendance at all councils of the same type (for example: attendance at each monthly superintendents’ council). The pre-payment rate will be $25/person/council. This pre-payment will be set-up as a use-it or loose-it with no refunds issued for missed councils. If you are interested in this option, please let either Rhonda or Belinda know.
World Language Standards
The summer of 2008 marked another milestone in world language teaching in Kansas with the adoption of new standards. You can choose either PDF or word files to download and print these at Phyllis Farrar and Carol Swinney will be co-hosting at WL Cadre (focused on the new WL standards and curriculum planning) at SWPRSC on September 11 from 9-3. In addition to heading up a caravan to travel to the world language conference, Carol Swinney will host 2 cadres on January 21 and April 16. Please share this information with your staff.
Change in Internship
Effective July 18 individuals holding a conditional school specialist or school leadership license must complete a year-long district-administered mentoring program to successfully complete the performance assessment as a prerequisite to receiving a professional school specialist or school leadership license.
Policies and requirements:
- Mentoring and supervision for a one-year period must be provided by the district during the term of the conditional license.
- The assigned mentor must be an appropriately licensed school specialist or school leader within the district or from another district.
- Candidates are no longer required to enroll in and complete internship credit through the higher education institution.
- The higher education institution where the program was completed is no longer required to provide supervision.
- The district providing the mentoring/supervision will be required to complete a verification form as part of the upgrade application process for the professional license.
2009 Leadership Retreat
The 08-09 school year holds some calendar challenges with Memorial Day falling on May 23. Therefore, we have scheduled our retreat for June 4 and 5 with a pre-conference the evening of June 3 in Red River. Mark your calendars now to join us!
KansasHigh School Character Education Initiative
KSDE and the service centers of Kansas have partnered and received a character education grant for Kansas high schools. This grant was funded for three years and will allow each service center to train four district teams each year in the Smart and Good High School Curriculum. The goals of the grant include:
- Integration of character education principles with the performance and moral culture of Kansas’ high schools while maintaining consistency with the state’s core academic curriculum.
- Collaboration with other educational reform efforts (MTSS) to foster high academic achievement and good moral character of Kansas’ students at the secondary level.
If you are interested in becoming a part of this grant, please contact either Kelly Gillespie or Bill Biermann. Your expressed interest does not guarantee your participation. Your names will be submitted to KSDE for selection to create a well balanced group for years I, II and III of the grant. We hope to be allowed to serve four different districts in our service area each year.
STI District Administrators Training
There will be a workshop on September 17 at SWPRSC for STI District Administrators. There have been some new updates that you should be aware of, so it would be very beneficial to send a representative. If you have a new administrator who is not familiar with the STI program, this would be the time to help familiarize them with it to make it a success in your district. Registrations should be called into Nonie at 800-728-1022.
Don’t forget…science and social studies are now available! If you have any STI questions, please contact Joyce Frederiksen at 620-353-8104 or .
We just completed the first two days of the 6 day academy. It’s not too late to send your new or novice principals to the remaining 4 dates: October 8, December 10, February 25, and June 10. Participation in this academy also comes with the option of attending the Red River Leadership Retreat. For more details, questions, or comments, please contact Bill Biermann at 800-728-1022 or .
The Kansas Schools Hotline
The Kansas School Safety Hotline (1-877-626-8203) became operative August 1, 1999, for use by students, parents, and community members in anonymously reporting any impending school violence. As of July 1, 2008, the hotline logged 3,719 calls with 816 of them being referred to school districts and/or law enforcement agencies.
We encourage all school district personnel to discuss the Hotline during staff development, and include the toll free telephone number on school calendars, handbooks, websites, etc.
Science & Social Studies Cutscores
There are new cutscores available for both science and social studies. See the handout provided for details. Please share this information with your teachers as soon as possible. This chart can also be accessed from our website at by clicking on the State Assessments tab.
State Assessment Conference
On October 27 at the Dodge CityLearningCenter, Bill Losey – Assessment Consultant for SWPRSC, will summarize the two-day conference held in Topeka into a one-day informative meeting. The day will begin at 9 and end at 3. Pre-registration is requested. You can pre-register by calling our office at 800-728-1022. Save time & travel expenses by attending locally.
Life Skills Training
The SouthwestKansasRegionalPreventionCenter based out of GCCC will be providing a one-day Life Skills training for area school counselors and nurses on campus from 8:30-4:00. This training is provided at no charge and participants can choose the date that works best with their schedules. To register or for additional information, please contact Becky Thomas at 620-276-9648. See brochure provided for additional details.
8th Grade Technology Assessment
SWPRSC has a teacher resource available to help prepare your 8th grade students for the technology assessment they are required to take. Each Technology and Curriculum Assessment Tool (TCAT) CD is $195 for member districts and $224.25 for non-members.
Writing Assessment Information
QPA writing goals have been established to tie student writing achievement to school accreditation. Unlike the AYP targets, the following numbers are static and will remain constant over time. In 5th grade 67% of students must meet or exceed the standard; 8th grade is 73%; high school is 76%. The cut scores are as follows: Exemplary = 4.40; Exceeds Standard = 3.75; Meets Standard = 3.00; Approaches Standard = 2.30; Academic Warning = < 2.30.
2008 Early Reading Assessment due November 14, 2008
Beginning September 15, 2008 each school principal will be able to submit the Early Reading Assessment results electronically utilizing the Kansas Department of Education Web Application Tool at . If you have not registered at the KSDE Common Authentication Web site, you will need to do that first.
The purpose of administering an early reading assessment is to identify and focus on the critical years when the development of reading takes place. The Early Reading Assessment is a state mandated assessment for reading which can be given at any one grade including kindergarten, 1st, or 2nd grade, as determined by the local district. The results of this assessment are due to the Kansas Department of Education by November 14, 2008.
Each school will determine the appropriate reading assessment to be used. The Kansas State Department of Education strongly encourages schools to select an assessment listed from the suggested list of approved assessments, “Kansas Guide to Early Reading Assessments”, which have been proven valid and reliable. Please be aware that the latest editions of assessments included in the guide are acceptable. However, local choice allows schools to administer an assessment of choice. For more information, see the KSDE Reading Assessment webpage at .