Aiea High School 2016

Geography Syllabus

Ms. Anderson


Room: R-3

Course Description:

Geography is a course designed to teach students about Planet Earth. In this course we will learn about Physical Geography, which are Earth’s physical features such as landforms and ecosystems.We will also study Human geography whichlooks at the impact of humans on Planet Earth.

Course Vision: The vision of Aiea High School is “learning today to enlighten tomorrow” and the school’s mission is “to develop fine citizens in a diverse and ever-changing world”. My job as your teacher is to carry out Aiea High School’s mission by providing you with a meaningful education and a safe environment that promotes diversity and good moral character. I expect all Students to become driven, active, and empathetic individuals who will contribute positively to their community.

Course Motto: Think Globally and Act Locally!

QUARTER 1 Physical Geography

Spatial Organization, Dynamics, and Interaction

  • Explain different patterns of land use (e.g., land use in urban, suburban, and rural areas.

What is the difference between urban, suburban, and rural areas?

  • Describe the relative location, size of, and distances among significant physical features and their relationship to political features.

Physical Systems

  • Explain ecosystems in terms of their biodiversity and productivity

Nature of Regions

  • Describe why places and regions are important to individual human identity and as symbols for unifying or fragmenting society (e.g., physical and symbolic characteristics of places, effects of climate on culture)

QUARTER 2 Human Geography

Human Systems

  • Assess the impact of human migration on physical and human systems (e.g, effects on ecosystems, resource use, and economic development, effects on population characteristics such as religion and average age)

Interaction and influences

  • Describe contemporary issues in terms of Earth’s physical and human systems.
  • Investigate the relationships among resources (e.g., gold, water, oil, fish), their distribution by humans, and the explorations, colonization, and settlement of different regions of the world

Course Goals:

-Students will strive their very best to achieve at least 80% mastery on all objectives taught in class.

-Reach all Common Core Standards for Reading and Writing in Social Studies, and state-wide General Learning Outcomes (GLOs).

Course Policies/Procedures

Rules and procedures are fundamental in life. We follow rules and procedures in our daily lives for things such as approaching a traffic light, driving a car, or crossing the street. There are also rules and procedures in this classroom. These rules and procedures ensure a positive atmosphere in the classroom and contribute to a controlled and learning environment for everyone.

Student Expectations:

  1. Come to class prepared and on time.
  2. Take notes on readings, lectures, discussions, and assigned outside class activities.
  3. Show respect and courtesy to other students, teachers, administrators, and school personnel.
  4. Leave food, gum, and beverages (other than water) outside the classroom.
  5. Raise your hand as a request to speak. Show consideration and listen to what others have to say.
  6. Follow Aiea High School rules including dress code, cell phones, and ID policy. (cell phone used in class will be confiscated & turned into the office)
  7. Ask questions about any unclear aspect of the class.
  8. Use appropriate language at all times. Speak in a professional manner.


Failure to abide by the classroom rules and expectations will result in the following:

1.Verbal Warning/Name written on board

2.Detention during lunch or after school.

3.Call and/or email to parents


***Consequences are subject to change depending on severity of the Infraction

Required Materials

  • Pen or pencil everyday
  • Composition Notebook
  • Folder

Entering the classroom

  1. Enter quietly and politely and do not disrupt anyone
  2. Turn in your homework
  3. Take your assigned seat

During Class

  1. Copy the bell-work/do-now in your composition book.
  2. Take notes.
  3. Work on your class work.
  4. When you are done with your work you can read a book wait for further instructions.

End of class

  1. Clean off your desk
  2. Check if your area is clean
  3. Return all classroom supplies
  4. Wait quietly in your seat until you are dismissed.


1. Enter quietly and politely and do not disrupt anyone

2. Sign-in the Tardy Sheet. (Name, date, time) If you have a pass then hand it in to the teacher.

3. Take your assigned seat.

4. Join the activity in progress.


  1. Obtain excuse note from the office.
  2. Fill out absence agreement in class.
  3. Obtain my signature.

Homework/Classwork (turn in to the tray)

  1. Homework is turned in the beginning of class. Classwork is turned in by the end of class.
  2. Make sure all work has your name, date, and the period.
  3. Turn in your work into the colored tray.

Late work: (1/2 credit)

  1. Turn in late work a.s.a.p.
  2. Do not turn work more than 1 week late.

Make-up Work: (only allowed for an excused tardy or absent)


  1. Tutoring is available to all student afterschool from Tuesday-Friday.
  2. Please let me know me at least 2 days in advance in person.

Cell Phone Policy

  1. Your cell phone should never be out in class
  2. Cell phones must be turned off or on silent unless we are using them for a class activity.


1st offense: verbal warning

2nd offense: confiscated for entire class period

3rd offense: confiscated entire day

4th offense: Turned into the office with a written referral/ phone call home to parent

***All rules and procedures are subject to change depending of situation and without notice.

Bathroom Policy

  1. Fill out classroom log
  2. See me for approval.
  3. Leave your belongings in class.
  4. Return to class within 5 minutes

Classroom Visitors

1. Do not talk to the visitor unless he/she is talking to you directly.

2. Show respect to the visitor

3. Continue working on your assignment as usual.

4. If the visitor needs to speak to me privately, I expect you to remain in your seat without talking until I finish speaking with the visitor.

Going to the Library/Computer Room

  1. Follow the leader (do not go ahead of the leader)
  2. Bring your belongings and ID.
  3. Do not take alternative routes, go to the bathroom, or disturb other classes.
  4. Find a computer and work immediately
  5. Do not eat in the library or chew gum.
  6. If you are done with your work early. Stay seated and be productive/read achieve articles/borrow library books.
  7. Wait for me to dismiss you.
  8. Push your chair in and take your belongings.



Grades will be available online via Infinite Campus

Your grade will reflect your level of mastery of the Hawaii Content Performance Standards and Common Core reading, writing, and critical thinking skills standards. You will have several opportunities to earn mastery of these standards and skills. There will be several assignments such as projects, class work, homework, Achieve articles, and tests.

Grading Scale:

Summative Assessments (Tests/Projects/Essays) (30%)

Classwork/Homework (50%)

Participation (10%)

Quizzes (10%)

A(90% - 100%)

B(80% - 89%)

C(70% - 79%)

D(60% - 69%)

F(Below 60%)

Under certain circumstances this scale may be modified

Student Contract and Honor Code

I, ______, will do my best in Geography. I accept the challenge to work hard and succeed. I will make my mark as an active citizen by applying ideas from history to today’s world, acting like a professional, and advocating for myself, my future, and my community. I will respect my classmates, my teacher, my school and myself. I will be prepared for class. I will ask for help when I need it and offer help when I can give it. I will do my own work. I am in charge of my own behavior. I will accept the consequences of my actions. I have read and understand the information imparted in the syllabus. I will email/communicate toMs. Anderson if I have any questions or concerns.


Parent/Guardian Contract and Honor Code

I, ______, will support and encourage my student to do excellent work. I will provide my student with tools for success including materials for class and time and space for homework. If at all possible, I will ensure that my student gets sleep at night and something to eat in the morning before school so that he or she can focus in all of his or her classes. I will speak with Ms. Anderson about any questions or concerns I have about my student. I will work with Ms. Anderson to make sure my student gets the most out of this class. I have read and understand the information imparted in the syllabus. I will email Ms. Anderson at if I have any questions or concerns.


To schedule a conference, please contact your son/daughter’s counselor at 483-7300.

Parent/Guardian’s Email Address: ______

Parent/Guardian’s Phone #: (Home) ______(Work) ______

Syllabus Contract is due 8/4Thursday

Syllabus Quiz will be on 8/4 Thursday

*****Ms. Anderson reserves the right to change the syllabus as necessary