AiB Records Retention and Disposal Schedule
Type of File / Instruction / Notes1.Policy
Policy files held on the corporate electronic Records and Document Management system (eRDM) and retained/destroyed in accordance with Scottish Government (SG)Records Management Team (RMT) disposal schedule.
Hard copy policy files transferred from SG to be destroyed 2 years after closure.
Legislation files held on eRDM system and retained/destroyed in accordance with SGRMT disposal schedule.
Hard copy legislation files transferred from SG to be destroyed 2 years after closure.
Generalcorrespondence / Documents scanned to eRDM then hard copies destroyed immediately.
4.Office Procedures
Management Planning, resource requirements, training, work plans, monitoring. / Files held on eRDM. To be closed/destroyed in accordance with SG RMT disposal schedule.
Standard Operating Procedures / Files held on eRDM. To be closed/destroyed in accordance with SG RMT disposal schedule. / Are the records candidates for early or extended closure? If so, inform RMT accordingly.
Agency-wide Guidance / Files held on eRDM. To be closed/destroyed in accordance with SG RMT disposal schedule.
Branch meetings / Files held on eRDM. To be closed/destroyed in accordance with SG RMT disposal schedule.
Minor procedural instructions and general notices / Files held on eRDM. To be closed/destroyed in accordance with SG RMT disposal schedule.
5.Sederunt Books
Sederunt Books
Key Documents / Hard copy files received from Agents and Trustees checked and retained, then destroyed after 6 months. Electronic submissions saved to case management system MIDAS (agents) or eRDM(trustees). Sederunt Books on eRDM deleted six months after trustee’s discharge.
Scanned and saved to case management system (MIDAS) and then hard copies destroyed. Electronic submissions (Agents) saved to MIDAS and then deleted.
Cases not recorded on MIDAS – key documents to be destroyed 2 years after the date of the trustee discharge, or 5 years after the date of award of bankruptcy, whichever date is the latest. / Project on-going to develop new case management system with appropriate archiving and destruction facility.
Key documents have been identified as Petition/application for sequestration, Warrant to cite, Award, Notice of appointment of trustee/agent, Statement of affairs, Act & warrant, Supplementary questionnaire, Adjudicated list of creditors’ claims - trustee’s decisions on all claims (rejected and accepted), Final accounts, Scheme of division, Notification of the accountant’s discharge as trustee and Court documents.
6.Insolvency and Debt Management information
Agents’ correspondence files
(does not include Sederunt Book or Key documents) / Hard copies not scanned to MIDAS. Destroy6 months after trustee discharge.
Administration case documents / Cases not recorded on MIDAS: retain in hard copy file; destroy 6 months after trustee discharge.
Cases recorded on MIDAS: scanned to MIDAS; destroy hard copies after 2 months. For Debtor applications only – destroy after 4 months. / Review to check if file contains precedent material.
Bankruptcy Restrictions documents / Scanned and saved to eRDM case file and hard copies destroyed after two months. eRDM files to be destroyed one year after end of Bankruptcy Restrictions period in accordance with SG RMT disposal schedule.
Trust deed documentation / Scanned to MIDAS then hard copies destroyed after 2 months. / Project on-going to develop new case management system with appropriate archiving and destruction facility.
Corporate Insolvency documents / Scanned to MIDAS then hard copies destroyed after 2 months. / Project on-going to develop new case management system with appropriate archiving and destruction facility.
7.eRDM files
AiB files held on Objective / Destroy in accordance with SG RMT disposal schedule.
8.MIDAS Records
Records held on the MIDAS Case Management system / Linked with project to develop new case management system which will include archive/destruction facility.