The new policy and management plan for university education in Galicia, arising from the adaptation of the existing system to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) framework, places special emphasis on the importance of creating student work placement opportunities in public and private organisations at home and abroad, as an integral course element of undergraduate and Master's degree programmes, in the knowledge that the combination of theoretical university teaching with practical experience of the techniques and methodologies used in the professional world, offers students the most solid basis for a complete education insofar as it prepares them for their future entry into the labour market.

For this reason


Prof. Julio Abalde Alonso, President of the University of A Coruña, with registered office at Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña, and company tax code Q6550005J, acting in the name and on behalf of the aforementioned institution and in accordance with the legal powers vested in him under article 36.1.f of the University Statutes, ratified by Decree-Law 101/2004 (13 May) of the Regional Government of Galicia (DOG Nº100, 26 May) and amended by Decree-Law 194/2007 (11 October; DOG Nº201, 17 October), by which the President is empowered to sign agreements in the name of the University of A Coruña;


In mutual recognition of each other's legal status, powers and authority to authorise this agreement,


To establish an education cooperation agreement for integrated student work placement in accordance with the rules and regulations of the UDC governing Student Work Placement, as ratified by the University Council on 23 April, 2013, and the following


§1 Purpose

The purpose of the present agreement is to facilitate an integrated work experience module for INDICATE SUBJECT as part of the INDICATE PLAN OF STUDY for students of FULL NAME OF DEGREE PROGRAMME of the University of A Coruña, in accordance with the education cooperation programmes operated between the University and the host organisation FULL NAME OF HOST ORGANISATION (hereinafter, the Host Organisation).

§2 Beneficiaries

Students registered for one of the degree programmes offered by the FULL NAME OF FACULTY/SCHOOL of the University of A Coruña will be eligible to participate in the placement programme, in accordance with the plan of study for their degree programme.

Students with an existing contractual relationship with the Host Organisation will not be eligible to participate in the programme, unless otherwise authorised by the University in accordance with its internal policies and procedures.

§3 Duration

The duration of the integrated work placement module will be determined by the relevant plan of study, as established under article 12.6 of Royal Decree-Law 1393/2007 (29 October; BOE Nº260, 30 October), governing official university degree programmes, or subsequent regulations which may supersede it.

§4 Student rights and obligations

During the Work Placement period, students will undertake to honour the specific conditions of the programme; to fulfil the activities assigned to them by the Host Organisation in accordance with the established learning and training project; to respect the rules and regulations of the Host Organisation; to maintain complete confidentiality in respect of events which may occur and documents they may witness at the Host Organisation (even after the end of the Work Placement contract); and to maintain contact with his/her supervisors.

Students are guaranteed the following rights under the present agreement:

a) Right to supervision for the duration of the placement period by a teacher from the University and a professional employee of the host company, institution or organisation.

b) Right to assessment in accordance with the criteria established by the University.

c) Right to receive a report from the Host Organisation, specifically detailing the tasks and duties undertaken by the student, length of time worked and work placement outcomes (where applicable).

d) Right to receive a financial contribution from the Host Organisation in the form of a study grant or scholarship (where such a commitment has been made).

e) Right to protection of intellectual and industrial property, under the terms established by the relevant legislation.

f) Right to receive information relating to health and safety regulations from the Host Organisation.

g) Right to pursue his/her academic, learning, representative and associative activities at the University, when communicated with sufficient prior notice to the Host Organisation.

h) Right to the provision of all resources necessary to ensure access for students with disability to mentoring support, information, assessment and the performance of work placement duties and activities on the same terms as other students.

i) Right of students with disability to the reconciliation of work placement duties with activities and personal situations arising from or associated with their disability.

j) Right to avail of legal entitlements to leave and time off work.

At the end of the Work Placement period, students will be required to compile a final report, to be submitted to the academic supervisor at his/her university. The final report should include the following information:

a) Personal details of student.

b) Name of Host Organisation and location of placement.

c) Specific, detailed description of tasks and duties performed, as well as sections of Host Organisation to which student was assigned.

d) Evaluation of tasks and duties performed and learning and competences acquired in relation to university studies.

e) Problems encountered and procedures followed to resolve them.

f) Learning outcomes achieved as a result of Work Placement.

g) Evaluation of Work Placement programme and suggestions as to how it might be improved.

§5 Host Organisation's obligations

The Host Organisation undertakes to establish a learning and training project for each student, and to respect the student's right to the protection of personal data. The learning and training project will comply, moreover, with the principles of inclusion, equality of opportunity, non-discrimination and universal access.

The student's Work Placement duties will relate to his/her education and learning level.

At the end of the Work Placement period, the Host Organisation will issue the student with a certificate of attendance and record of work. The Host Organisation will also submit to the Faculty/School a final Work Placement evaluation report containing information on all the following points:

a) Technical ability

b) Learning ability

c) Administration and organisation of the work

d) Oral and written communication skills

In the case of students with disability who may have speech difficulties, the report should indicate the student's level of autonomy in this regard and if any additional technical and/or human supports have been required.

e) Sense of responsibility

f) Adaptability

g) Creativity and initiative

h) Personal engagement

i) Self-motivation

j) Receptiveness to criticism

k) Punctuality

l) Relationship with colleagues

m) Teamwork

n) Other relevant points

§6 Faculty/School's obligations

The Faculty/School undertakes to announce, advertise and administer the student Work Placement positions offered by the Host Organisation under the framework of this agreement.

§7 Relationship between Host Organisation and Work Placement students

The Work Placement relationship will not entail the same obligations as an ordinary contract of employment. The Host Organisation will be under no obligation to compensate students in any way; however, if it chooses to offer a financial contribution in the form of a study grant or scholarship, the Host Organisation will be required to register the student and make the appropriate social insurance payments in his/her name, in accordance with the terms described in Royal Decree-Law 1493/2011 (24 October; BOE Nº259, 27 October) and other secondary regulations.

A Work Placement may be terminated by the Host Organisation if the student is judged to be in serious breach of his/her obligations. The Faculty/School will be informed of any decision in this regard through its representative.

For students engaged professionally by the Host Organisation following the completion of their studies, the Work Placement period will not be taken into account in terms of length of service at the organisation or as grounds for exemption from probation, unless otherwise stated in the relevant collective agreement.

§8 Supervisors

Work experience students who choose to participate in this programme will be jointly supervised by an academic and a professional tutor. The academic supervisor will be a member of the Faculty/School teaching staff, while the workplace supervisor will be a professional employee of the Host Organisation. Both tutors will be responsible for supervising the work undertaken by the student during his/her placement, assisting him/her where necessary, and evaluating the benefits gained from the experience.

The University of A Coruña will provide both supervisors with recognition for their tutorial activities, in accordance with the relevant internal rules and regulations of the University.

Academic and workplace supervisors will have the following rights:

a) Right to receive recognition for their activity from the University, under the terms of the present education cooperation agreement and the rules and regulations of the UDC governing Student Work Placement.

b) Right to receive information concerning the policies and procedures governing work placement, and the terms and conditions of the Learning and Training Project.

c) Right to information and support from the University to enable them to perform their roles effectively.

Workplace supervisors will have the following obligations and duties:

a) Meet student and organise the work to be carried out in accordance with the terms of the Learning and Training Project.

b) Supervise student activities, orient and monitor the placement, and encourage a working relationship of mutual respect and commitment to learning.

c) Mentor student regarding the structure and activities of the organisation, and relevant company policies, particularly in relation to health and safety.

d) Coordinate with academic supervisor on activities required of the student under the education cooperation agreement, including any eventual changes to the agreed learning and training plan. The academic supervisor should also be consulted in relation to any incidents which may arise over the course of the placement and their resolution, and student requests for examination leave.

e) Submit the required reports.

f) Provide student with additional training as required to enable him/her to carry out his/her work placement duties.

g) Provide student with materials and resources needed to carry out his/her work placement duties.

h) Promote and encourage enterprise, innovation and plans for improvement on the part of the student.

i) Create access to organisation for the academic tutor to enable him/her to perform his/her role as supervisor.

j) Preserve the confidentiality of any information concerning the student obtained through role as supervisor.

k) Provide student with help and advice during his/her stay at the organisation, resolving any professional issues which may arise in relation to his/her work and duties there.

The academic supervisor will have the following obligations and duties:

a) Monitor the progress of the Learning and Training Project, ensuring that the Work Placement timetable remains compatible with the student's academic, learning, representative and associative activities at the University.

b) Monitor the progress of the Work Placement in coordination with the workplace supervisor and with reference to his/her reports.

c) Authorise any changes to the Learning and Training Project which may arise.

d) Evaluate the work placement experience and submit an overall report, taking into consideration the final reports of the student and the workplace supervisor.

§9 Student insurance cover

Students under the age of 28 are covered by the mandatory student insurance paid at registration. Students over 28 are required to hire the HacLuce Accident Insurance, if applicable. The other students also have the option to hire this accident insurance. Likewise, the Host Organisation may choose to contract additional insurance cover for students under its tutelage.

Third-party civil liability cover will be included in the policy contracted by the University of A Coruña for this purpose.

§10 Annexes to the agreement

The annexes to the present agreement will be completed and ratified on an individual basis for each Work Placement, using the templates provided here.

Each annex will include the following information: details of the relevant agreement; personal details of student; place of work; names of supervisors; start and end dates of Work Placement; total number of hours and timetable of work; individual training and learning project to be implemented by student; study grant or scholarship (if applicable); type of insurance covering the student.

Participation in the Work Placement will be accredited and recorded in accordance with the relevant plan of study under the Integrated Work Experience framework, and will be included in the European Diploma Supplement in accordance with the relevant legislation in this regard. Each annex will record the subjects, number of hours worked and corresponding credits obtained, and will be signed by the student, a representative of the the Host Organisation and a representative of the Faculty/School.

Failure to meet the terms of the agreement or its annexes may result in the early termination of the Work Placement by the Host Organisation.

§11 Dispute resolution

Disputes which may arise in relation to the interpretation, amendment, termination or effects of the present agreement will be resolved by mutual consent between the parties.

If a consensus cannot be reached, the dispute will be settled by arbitration, in accordance with the provisions of Arbitration Act 60/2003 (23 December; BOE Nº309, 26 December).

§12 Term of agreement

This agreement will remain in force for one academic year, to be renewed automatically thereafter for an equal period of time unless dissolved by one of the parties, in which event that decision should be communicated to the other party at least two months prior to the date of renewal.

The dissolution of the present agreement will not affect placements initiated while the agreement was in force.

§13 Data protection

The signing of an agreement of educational cooperation of external academic practices and its annexes implies the acceptance of the content of this regulation and the authorization for the treatment of the personal data of students with the exclusive purpose of the management of the practices and monitoring of labour insertion. The treatment for any other purpose will require the express consent of the holders, under the terms of personal data protection regulations.

In witness whereof, the parties sign this agreement in its three counterparts, which together will constitute one single agreement, in the place and time indicated below:


University of A CoruñaHost Organisation

Signed: Julio Abalde Alonso Signed:

Position: President UDCPosition: