
Margaret opened the meeting with a request for a CO-SUM and Gerry volunteered.

She will be giving up the Consultant position, which will need to be filled. This position is responsible for training new leaders and for keeping the service unit calendar. If interested let Gerry know.

Laura took up the open position for registrar and will be trained by Ginny.

Ginny handed out the Early Bird Registrations. Registration started on 4/4 and ends on 6/30. She would like them handed in by no later then 6/25 so she has time to process them. She would also like to remind everyone that these forms are handed in to her and not to council directly. You can put them in the bin on her front porch at 15 Mulberry Lane. Also no cash will be accepted only checks made out to MCOGS. Lastly please do not staple anything together. In the registration packet are the envelopes for the HUGS program. Please encourage everyone to put in at least $1.00. The envelopes will be turned in with the registrations to Ginny. It was suggested that you don’t let any of these forms leave your possession and that you prepare your troop to come in and fill out any forms and be ready with their checks for registration and HUGS.

Lina and Gerry reported that currently there are no new girls or leaders.

Lisa was not present so no product sale report was given.

Anna Maria reported that there is $3499.01 in our bank account.

Laura and Lina reported that turn out was poor for the beach clean up and we should do something different next year.

Maggie and Gerry stated that registration for father daughter bowling was going well. It takes place on 4/30 from 2:00-4:00. They asked that when your troops turn in their registrations that they must include the permission slip.

Field Day is May 18th from 4-6 at Dorbrook any questions contact Kelly.

Anna Maria said a flyer would be coming out soon for the Self Defense class, which will be run by Lanza’s Martial Arts and will be open to all Colts Neck Girl Scouts. A donation of food for the Missions of Charity will be the entrance fee.

Memorial Day Parade is coming on May 29th. Jola will be handing out favors to march with.

Colts Neck Fair is August 17-20. Contact Margaret if you can captain the soda booth for a time slot.

Cathy and Edie came from council. Cathy reminded us that there must be two registered adults for every troop. If you do not have two adults registered to your troop speak with your parents. They do not have to lead. This could be your cookie mom or even a parent that helps you with driving.

They also discussed day camp. There are many new camps this summer. Please check out the Monmouth Council website for details or visit Camp Sac on their many Open House dates: 5/9 6pm-9pm or 5/21 1-4. Register early space fills up quickly. You can contact Joan Basilotto ext 27 for availability. Some of the new camps are sports camps and a teen day-tripper camp.

Council dates for the calendar include:

4/25 Adult recognition dinner @ the Crystal Point Yacht Club.

Leader Appreciation Event 5/22 7pm at the PAC

Gold Award Dinner 5/17 Crystal Point Yacht Club

Girl Recognition Event 6/7 Pollack Theater, Monmouth U.

See leader letter or the website for details.

There were a few potential events for our service unit for next year discussed One being an encampment @ camp Sac. This would be an overnight with many activities including swimming, canoeing, archery and a campfire.

Also Maggie brought up a potential mother daughter tea with an antique dress show.

There was then much discussion for registration for next year. Further details to come.

Next Team Meeting 4/25/06

Leader Meeting 5/2/06 Parish Hall 9:30.