Agistment Information and Fees

About Pine Hill

Pine Hill is a barefoot equine centre developed and managed using barefoot horse, Equicentral and regrarian land management principles, as well as equitation science horse management approaches. The core elements of these approaches mean that:

  • Horses are housed in herds in paddocks with natural shelter. Horses are kept individually only in exceptional circumstances and when there is no other option. This includes stallions.
  • There is no stabling available on the property and yards are only used long-term when medically required.
  • Horses are kept barefoot.
  • Paddock rotation is a core management strategy and, once fencing is completed on the property, horses will be moved to new paddocks every week to two weeks, depending on pasture quality. They will stay in their herds, but move paddocks.
  • Rugging of horses is kept to a minimum.Research has shown that a high percentage of horses suffer sleep deprivation due to discomfort from rugging.
  • A ‘loafing area’ is created for groups of paddocks so that horses will utilise surfaced areas to stand around in after drinking, or to get some shelter, rather than creating impacted areas in paddocks.
  • The riding areas are fairly hard and dry to encourage hoof growth and hardening. Needless to say, this is not ideal for shod horses.
  • Feeding of hard feed is minimized and only when necessary due to condition, stage of life or energy needs due to work. Low GI, high starch diets are fed to optimize hoof and gut health. Teff hay is fed via round bales in Gutzbuster nets in winter and Lucerne hay is fed via slow feeder nets when needed. No clover or rye hay is permitted to be fed in paddocks and is not recommended for horses.
  • Fire is a real threat in summer and a fire plan is being developed for Pine Hill. Our basic plan is to leave early and all agistees will be asked to give a written indication of their fire plan as agisted horses will not be our responsibility in case of bushfire. Fly masks and rugs will be removed from all horses on severe/catastrophic fire danger days, in any event.

Terms of Agistment

  • Shod horses are not generally permitted to agist on the property. Front shoes are acceptable by prior agreement with Pine Hill’s owners, however no horse with rear shoes will be accepted.
  • Horses will be stripped of heavy/fill rugs on warm days (where over-rugged) and any rug on severe/catastrophic fire danger days. If horses on Basic agistment require rugs to be removed due to overheating two or more times in any given calendar week, the owner will be charged the Full Care rate for that week.
  • Fees will be invoiced on the 1st of every month and an invoice will be emailed to agistees. Fees are to be paid within 7 days of the invoice date unless prior arrangement has been made with Pine Hill management.
  • If fees fall more than 30 days in arrears, a late penalty of $20 will be applied to the account. Where fees remain unpaid for more than 60 days, a penalty of $80 will be applied to the account.
  • Where agistees do not enter into, or honour, payment plans made with Pine Hill management, and fees are overdue by more than 90 days, proceedings will be commenced to auction the horse/s at public auction to recoup fees owing.
  • Any injury or death of a horse agisted at Pine Hill is not the responsibility of the Pine Hill management or any employees or volunteers at the centre. All reasonable care is taken of horses on the property, however horses are by nature flight and herd animals and injuries do occur in the paddock. Owners will be notified as soon as possible once the injury or illness is discovered and instructions sought as to treatment. Owners are to provide information via the ‘Care of Horse in Urgent Circumstances’ form regarding the owner’s wishes for treatment in the case of Pine Hill not being able to communicate with the owner in time.
  • Owners are entirely responsible for their horse/s on severe/catastrophic fire danger days. Agisted horses will not be transported by Pine Hill or handled on those days (except to remove fly masks and rugs) and owners are advised to provide details of their fire plan in the event of severe/catastrophic fire danger days, or in the event of an imminent bushfire. As much notice of these events will be given as possible.
  • Dogs are only permitted by prior arrangement. Two dogs live at Pine Hill and have priority if there are any issues. Any dogs caught chasing or harassing stock or wildlife will be banned from the property.
  • Unethical treatment of horses, and other animals, is strictly forbidden. Any ‘training’ that inflicts inescapable pain or discomfort, hitting the horse with objects with an intention to cause pain, stressful body positions (tie downs, tight side reins, deep and round/rollkur) or that cause fear will result in a warning. Pine Hill is more than happy to assist owners in learning better training approaches, but repeated unethical behavior will result in expulsion from the property.
  • Horses must be kept at an appropriate, healthy weight. Horses with a body condition score of 2 or less will need to be fed additional caloric intake, and potentially undergo a veterinary examination if their body weight does not improve. Horses with a body condition score of 4 or higher must be managed closely and dietary advice must be sought if the horse’s condition does not improve.
  • You ride at your own risk. No responsibility or liability will be accepted for any injuries/death resulting from falling on the property. Membership of an equestrian organisation that provides insurance, such as Equestrian Australia or HRCAV, is required in order to ride on the property. This includes riding down the road to exit the property.
  • Stallions reside at Pine Hill. Please take all reasonable care when working around them. Under no circumstances are agistees to enter a stallion’s paddock or yard without express permission of Pine Hill management. Breeding season can be tricky if you have a mare. Please be mindful of your mare near stallion areas.
  • The front gate is locked at dusk and opened first thing in the morning. If agistees need to access the property outside these hours, please ask – we are happy to accommodate you.


The fees for agistment and services are as follows:

Basic Paddock Agistment / $40 per week / Does not include any care of horse.
Full Care Paddock Agistment / $55 per week / Includes feeding up to twice a day, rugging/unrugging, catching/holding for trimmer/dentist/vet. Feed supplied by owner.
Stallion agistment / $80 per week / As per Full Care, housed with other horses where possible.
Foaling down / $250 / One-off fee for monitoring birth of foal
Mare and foal agistment / $55 per week / As per Full Care
High Needs agistment
For horses that are ill, need intensive treatment or management due to injury or illness such as laminitis / $120 per week / Includes all wound care, administration of prescribed drugs, hand walking, holding for vet/bodyworker/trimmer etc, feeding, mucking out yard etc.
Holiday agistment / $10 per day / Short term Full Care
Barefoot Transition/Rehabilitation / $80 per week / As per Full Care, includes hand walking and rehabilitation exercises
Handling fee
For horses on Basic Agistment / $5 per event / Catching and holding for vet/dentist/trimmer, feeding, rugging etc.
Exercise fee / $20 / Riding/ponying/lungeing of horses for fitness. 30 min session.
Training / $30 / 30 min session. Includes ridden and ground work (ie float loading, tying up, leading). We do not start/back horses at Pine Hill.

230 Beechworth-Chiltern Road, Beechworth, VICTORIA 3747 | 03 5728 3253 |