Subject: Westec Ô98
Trip by: Ann Torres
When: March 23, 1998
Where: Los Angeles, CA
Alpha1-induction heating equipment manufacturers
Lepel-induction heating equipment manufacturers
Wasino-automated machine tools manufacturers
North South Machinery-automation and machine centers
Applied International Motion-manufacturing automation developers
Abicor Benzel-automated welding equipment manufacturers
Delta Tau Data Systems-manufacturers of robotic motion controllers
a few cleaning and inspection companies
Induction Heating
Contacts: Dolye Wynn, Western sales eng, 818.768.4800,
Chuck Smith, Sales eng, 614.253.8981
These guys felt that induction brazing of the accessories might be difficult considering the number of joints, the need for uniform heating of the structure, and the uneven structure of work piece. Alpha1 manufactures heating generators and are involved in the coil design. They would like to look at our structure and them make appropriate recommendations/suggestions.
Contacts: Ray Ariss, Regional Manager sales, 714.257.1360
Michael Godfrey, West Cost Manager eng, 714.257.1360
Specialize in coil design and manufacture of generators. Given a bonding/brazing specification, they can do thermal analysis of temperature gradients through out the structure. The engineer I talked to was very interested in finding out more about our specs.
Contact: Robert Urfer, West Regional Sales Manager, 714.996.3300, 888.704.2248(P)
Sherwin has also talked to Robert about their precision machining centers. They rely on automated handling of their parts in order to insure reliability and consistency in their machining. Ideally their machines would like to see the parts oriented flat in a 24Óx36Ócassette. Wasino develops automation only as an add on to their machining centers. Currently they are doing cell manufacturing time studies and should be presenting results soon.
North South Machinery
Contact: Arnie Ruiz, 510.440.9464(Fremont,CA), 562.690.7616(Brea, CA)
At the Mitsubishi station there was a large robotic arm manipulating cups and opening and closing machinery doors. The manufacturer of the robotic arm is Fendik and this company represents them in sales. I was not able to get too much information from the representative I spoke with but I will be receiving information in the mail.
Applied International Motion
Contact: 909.592.4204
This is a small company which develops robotic systems for manufacturing. They are approximately 18 people large. They specialize in the total design of a robotic system given a specified task. They did not have any literature on hand but will send me information. They were showing a robot that they had developed which did a pick and place of a 3Óx4Ó part from one level to another.
Abicor Benzel
This company manufactures welding equipment which is used in automated welding. They had a robotic arm on display. They had no information about the robot. They work with the robot manufacturer and will pass on my name on for more information.
Delta Tau Data Systems
This company specializes in developing robotic motion controllers. They had a small robotic arm using a pen to write on a ping pong ball. They do not make mechanical robotic devices rather electronic controllers. It might be possible to get more information about industrial automation applications from them.
I also visited a few cleaning and inspection booths. I did not spend too much time at these booth but I requested more information from them.
Handouts from these companies were given to Brent.