Stratham Community Church, UCC

An Open and Affirming Congregation

of the United Church of Christ

Wherever you are on life’s journey,

Know you are welcome here!

6 Emery Lane - Stratham, New Hampshire 03885

(603) 772-3389 -

Ministers - The Congregation

Pastor – Rev. Jonathan C. Roach, Ph.D. -

Sunday, July 23, 2017- 9:00 am




prelude “No. 4”

(by Frederic Chopin)

Call to Worship:

One: Just as we are, we come to You, God. We set aside this one hour from the other 167 in our week and we come; just as we are.

All: We bring our joys and our sorrows, our celebrations and our needs.

One: We enter this holy space with hope and expectation.

All: Recharge us with Your compassionate love. Renew us with Your transforming wisdom.

*Prayer of Invocation:

All:Many great empires have come and gone: Napoleon's, Alexander the Great's, Caesar's. All these havebeen built on force andall have crumbled and burned. But Jesus, Your kingdom, built on love, has survived over 2000 years, andthis day hasover 2 billion citizens.

Soften our hearts and open our ears to hear the message You have for Your church today.

*Hymn “Great is Your Faithfulness”

New Century Hymnal (black)#423

* The Lord's Prayer (using 'debts') (in unison)

* Passing the Peace of Christ

One: The Peace be with you!

People: And also with you!

(Please pass the peace of Christ with those around you)

* Gloria Patri Pilgrim Hymnal (red) #513

All: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.


Thankful Dollars


Children’s Sermon Lily Nutt

(All children are invited to leave for the Children’s program.)

Scripture: Matthew 5:43-45; Matthew 23:24-30

Sermon: “There are Weeds Among the Wheat!” Cheryl Stromski, MDiv Candidate

*Hymn “Stand up, Stand up for Jesus”

Pilgrim Hymnal (red) #385


Prayer Concerns

Time for Silent Prayer

Pastoral Prayer


*Offertory “Baby Going to Sleep”

(by Shuman)


Prayer of Dedication (in unison):

We are grateful for Your many blessings, including the opportunity to give. We ask that You multiply our gifts as You multiplied the fish and loaves of bread. Help us to have faith that it will be enough. Amen.


* Hymn “I Will Trust in the Lord” vs. 1

New Century Hymnal (black) #416

* Benediction

Please remain in your pew until the Light of Christ is carried out of the sanctuary. Thank you.

* - All those who are able are invited to stand.


Deacons: Martha Myers and Roger Stephenson

Thank you to Joan Holmes and Everline Elkerton for sharing their musical talents this morning.

Immediately following Worship, please join us for coffee and fellowship in the Henry Rust Room directly below the Sanctuary.

We Pray For:

Wally Stuart

The Family of Fred England

The Family of Bill Halkovitch

The Friends and Family of Mary Smyk

Sherri Goodrich

Wayne, who is awaiting a liver transplant

The Family of Betty Batchelder

The Family of Pat Ferrelli

Jonathan's Office Hours:

Tues. & Thurs. - 8am to 1pm (afternoons for visitation)

Weds. & Fri. - 8am to 4pm

Jonathan's Cell Phone Number:


Jonathan's Email Address:

Opportunities to Worship God in Nature:

Rev. Jonathan is organizing some summer worship in nature opportunities. Each opportunity will include meeting at a trailhead, reading scripture, offering prayer, sharing questions for reflection, and then hiking a trail. At the end of each hike, we will have a time of sharing. Children are welcome! If you are interested please send a message to Katie in the Church Office to be kept up to date on locations. These hikes and worship are good for your body and good for your soul. The dates and times will be:

·  Thursday, July 27that 6 pm

·  Saturday, August 12that 6 pm

·  Saturday, September 30that 10 am

A Look Ahead:

Meeting/Events/Activities in our Church Building This Week:

Mon., July 24th - Memorial Service for Fred England – 2:00 pm


Tues., July 25th - AA Meeting – 6:30 pm – Rust Room

Wed., July 26th - Clothes Attic- 9:00 am – 3:00 pm, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Wed., July 26th - AA Meeting – 6:30 pm – Rust Room

Thurs., July 27th - Worship God in Nature – 6:00 pm – Place TBD

Sat., July 29th - Clothes Attic – 10:00 am to noon
Sun., July 30th - Sunday Worship – 9:00 am – Sanctuary

The Nursery is in Room 204 and is available anytime from 8:45 am through the end of Worship for children three years and younger. The attendants of our nursery are Kimberly Chenard and her daughter Julia who will alternate Sunday’s with Marny Keith.

Children are invited for the Children's Program

in Room 201 after the Announcements.

Stratham Community Church, UCC

6 Emery Lane - Stratham, New Hampshire 03885

(603) 772-3389 -

Ministers - The Congregation

Pastor – Rev. Jonathan C. Roach, Ph.D. -

Minister of Pastoral Counseling - The Rev. Allan Lurvey, Th.D. -

Minister of Pastoral Care – The Rev. J. Esther Roach, BCC

Minister of Music - Cheryl Stromski -

Youth and Family Director of Christian Education – Lily Nutt

Church Office – Katie Brown -