MTAC Workgroup #122

Intelligent Mail Implementation

Meeting Minutes

MTAC User Group #122

September 18, 2008

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm EST

Open Meeting……………………………………………………………………………… Phil T

•  Agenda……………………………………………………………………… Phil T

- Latest Issues list

V2.0 18-Sept-2008

- Consequences List (TAB 3)

- Publication to MITS

Will continue to publish to MITS. WG has asked for weekly email will the issues list from the leadership.

New Business……………………………………………………………………………. Steve K

•  Issue #67 Problems and consequences……………………………… Laine[submitter

o  Discussed new Tab in issues log. Will add additional columns for USPS response. If USPS response does not cause controversy this will be a good FAQ.

•  Issue #68 Mixed Class co-mail scenario……………………………… Bob S[submitter]

o  Issue was discussed in eDoc V3 . This describes the scenario sufficiently that this issue was closed.

•  Other new issues to document

o  John Sadler brought up an email he submitted to leadership about a couple of issues. Karen Z. will be calling John offline to see if these are pertinent to this workgroup

Old Business

•  IMR (range record issues) Mail.dat specification needs……. Phil T [facilitate]

some clarity to finalize the specification.

- Issues #30, 42, 61

Mail.dat is trying to finalize specification. Need to work out issues with industry and USPS on if /how the IMR can work.

Items identified are that need solution

#30 ACS charges

eDoc states that charges would be assigned to postage payer.

Industry would prefer another solution be available that will use the profile of the ACS subscriber to describe how the charges should be allocated.

Mailers would prefer a bill vs. going directly to a debit account

Options discussed but nothing agreed to

1- Place bill to permit # in profile Preferred by industry as the industry does not want USPS deducting from permit accounts.

2- Invoice use – in profile – manual payment process

Preferred by industry as the industry does not want USPS deducting from permit accounts

3- identify payable account in range record.

Who will discuss this issue within USPS Bob will take up with Pritha and report back to WG.

Possible Task Group members …

Bob, Phil , Brodie, joe B, Steve K, john witt, Lisa bowes…

Would Move-update also have a similar situation. Should have this as part of conversation as far as solution.... Arnie Cohen, Joel Thomas, Dennis Kaylor, Rich Bobic

Walk sequence verification through mail.dat … Brody stated - this restriction would be removed from the eDoc. Current internal version already has this removed.

•  TMS integration – issue #56……………………………………………….. Steve K [facilitate]

·  Bob will get appropriate people (Diane Smith) at the next telecon to discuss in further detail.

·  Melody mentioned a possible security conflict

•  Designating auto and Non-auto in IMB – issues #15, 20 Phil T [facilitate]

·  Not covered – carryover to next telecon

•  Service type code update issue #64…………………………………Update from Laine/Jim

·  Additional service codes will be added … need details to publish before closing out the issue

•  Mailers getting contact from USPS Issue #65………………………. Bob G [facilitate]

·  Did not cover – carryover to next telecon

•  Update on transition plan………………………………………………………. Bob G [update]

·  No update this week. Next week Bob will have more details on the project (not transistion) plan

•  Next list of hot issues

·  Dennis Kaylor brought up the concern about Priority Mail Drop ship. (Priority Open and Deliver)

Review Actions for Next Meeting Phil T

§  Introductory message to all for MITS login info

§  Problems and Consequences tab

o  Add USPS feedback column

-- Meeting Adjourned --

MTAC 122 Agenda doc 9/23/2008