Organization of Faculty and Status of Non-Tenure-Track
Faculty at Selected Ohio Universities
Ohio State
Organization of Faculty
1. “Regular Tenure-Track Faculty”; serve on appointments totaling 50% or more service to the university
2. “Regular Clinical-Track Faculty”; serve under fixed-term contracts and are not eligible for tenure
3. “Regular Research-Track Faculty”; serve under fixed-term contracts and are not eligible for tenure
4. “Auxiliary Faculty”; persons with adjunct titles, clinical titles, visiting titles, and lecturer titles; also professors and instructors who serve on appointments totaling less than 50% service to the university; not eligible for tenure, may not vote at any level of governance, and may not participate in promotion and tenure matters; persons with regular faculty titles may not hold auxiliary titles
§ Adjunct professors-instructors: renewal contingent upon “continued significant contributions”; P&T procedures same as for regular faculty; may be compensated or uncompensated (term no longer than one year)
§ Clinical professors-instructors: renewal contingent upon “continued significant contributions”; may be compensated or uncompensated (term no longer than one year)
§ Visiting professors-instructors: spend a limited time on formal appointment and in residence at the university for teaching or research; appointment cannot exceed three continuous academic years of service
§ Lecturers and Senior Lecturers: “all compensated instructional appointments where other titles are not appropriate”; responsibilities limited to formal course instruction
5. “Emeritus Faculty”; regular faculty who on retirement are recommended by chair, dean, executive VP and provost for emeritus status; may not vote at any level of governance or participate in P&T matters
* Regular Clinical-Track Faculty may comprise no more than 40% of the total regular tenure-track faculty in each of the departments, schools and colleges of the health sciences and no more than 20% of the tenure-track faculty in other departments, schools and colleges
* Total number of instructional full-time faculty = 2,789
Total number of instructional part-time faculty = 993 (26.3% of total)
* Regular Tenure-Track and Research-Track Faculty = 2,984 (59.3% of total)
Clinical-Track Faculty = 285 (5.7% of total)
Auxiliary Faculty = 1,760 (35.0% of total)
Organization of Faculty
1. “University Faculty”; full-time faculty member holding tenure or eligible for tenure who holds the rank Instructor-Professor and carries a full load of teaching, research, and service
2. “Non-Tenure Track Faculty”; a full- or part-time member of the instructional staff holding one of the following instructional titles; not eligible for tenure; no faculty rights respecting P&T, or notification of non-renewal or termination:
· “Full-Time Visiting”: full-time instructional staff member employed on a temporary basis holding the restricted rank of Visiting Instructor-Professor; appointments are for one year or less and may be renewed for a total of no more than three years
· “Full-Time Research”: full-time instructional staff member employed primarily to conduct research holding the restricted rank of Research Instructor-Professor; appointments are for one year or less and may be renewed
· “Full-Time In Residence”: a full-time instructional staff member of great distinction employed as a scholar, artist or executive in residence who teach, confer with faculty and students, give public lectures and/or perform research; appointments are for one year or less and may be renewed
· “Full-Time Instructor in Law”: full-time instructional staff member employed primarily to supervise and teach students in the College of Law skills program (Legal Research, Writing and Appellate Advocacy Courses, Clinical Courses); appointments are for one year or more and may be renewed
· “Full-Time Off-Campus Program Associate”: full-time instructional staff member employed on a temporary basis to proved instructional services at off-campus locations in programs sponsored by the Division of Continuing Education; appointments are for one year or less and may be renewed
· “Full-Time Adjunct”: instructional staff member holding the restricted rank of adjunct instructor-professor; appointments are for one year or less and may be renewed for up to four consecutive years
· “Full-Time ESL Specialist”: full-time instructional staff member employed to teach in the American Language Institute; appointments are for one year or less and may be renewed
Part-Time Non-Tenure Track (75% FTE or less):
· “Adjunct”: appointments one year or less and may be renewed
· “Clinical”: holds rank of clinical instructor-professor who serves as a field preceptor in the helping professions; appointments are for one year or less and may be renewed
· “Lecturer”: employed 50% of FTE or less without academic rank; appointments are for one semester only but may be renewed
· “Graduate Assistant”: an enrolled graduate student employed 50% of FTE or less without academic rank to teach and/or perform research; appointments are for one year but may be renewed
· “ESL Specialist”: part-time instructional staff member employed to teach in the American Language Institute; appointments are for one year or less and may be renewed
· “Prestige Appointments”: an adjunct appointment made without specified duties at no salary for the purpose of associating an individual with an academic program or a department; appointments are for one year or less and may be renewed
* Total Number of Faculty = 1,223 (Fall 2003)
Nine-Month Faculty = 608 (49.7% of total)
Twelve-Month Faculty = 53 (4.3% of total)
Part-Time Faculty = 501 (41.0% of total)
Adjunct Faculty = 61 (5.0% of total)
Kent State
No faculty handbook available online; the governance structure of each regional campus is established through the by-laws of the autonomous campus unit regarding its non-tenure-track personnel; all part-time faculty are reviewed once annually by a local campus committee designated for that purpose and that includes representation by part-time staff; teaching is weighted most heavily rather than scholarship
Faculty Breakdown (Fall 2003):
Kent Campus Regional Campuses Total
Tenured 446 144 590
Tenure-Track 195 58 253
Non-Tenure-Track 150 80 230
Term Appointment 22 2 24
Full-Time Total 813 (60.9%) 284 (37.8%) 1,097
Part-Time Total 522 (39.1%) 467 (62.2 %) 989
Grand Total 1,335 751 2,086
No faculty handbook available online
Faculty Breakdown (AY 2003-2004):
Professor 722
Assoc. Professor 614
Asst. Professor 595
Subtotal 1,931 (92.7%)
Instructor 42
Adjunct 61
Sr. Librarian 12
Assoc. Sr. Librarian 15
Associate Librarian 14
Asst. Librarian 6
Beg. Librarian 3___
Subtotal 153 (7.3%)
Total 2,084
Miami of Ohio
Organization of Faculty
1. “Tenure-Track”
2. “Non-Tenure Eligible”; appointments made on an academic year basis; eligible to receive, but not entitled to, renewal; with exception of “lecturer” no person can serve more than 5 years in a full-time, non-tenure-eligible position; appointments subject to renewal at “the will of Miami University”
· “Instructor”: annual reappointment not to exceed five years
· “Visiting Professor-Asst. Professor”: appointed to conduct instructional work for which they are especially qualified; annual reappointment not to exceed five years
· “Lecturer”: Master’s or higher; full-time; teaching, advising, service; annual performance reviews; number of lecturer positions limited to 5% of total number of full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty members in each school, college or regional campus
· “Adjunct Professor-Instructor”: professionals who volunteer to provide instructional services without pay on a part-time basis; must bring professional distinction to the division of appointment; may be occasionally paid for teaching a course, but is not expected or ordinary
3. “Affiliate”; faculty holding rank in one department appointed to affiliate in another department; ordinarily used to recognize specific contributions on the part of the faculty member in teaching and/or research and/or service to a second department or interdepartmental program
Numbers on faculty by full-time/part-time status unavailable at this time (currently updating data on the website)
Bowling Green
Organization of Faculty
1. “Non-Tenure Track Faculty”:
· Full-Time: appointment can be for a fixed term (3 years maximum) or is “continuing”; fixed term appointments are non-renewable at the end of that term
· Part-Time: appointment is for service less than full-time during a given period; no maximum number of years for which a part-time appointment may be held; appointments terminate at the conclusion of the period of appointment
2. “Tenure Track Faculty”
3. “Honorary Appointments”:
· Visiting Faculty: a faculty member normally on leave from another institution whose primary objective is to pursue research
· Adjunct Faculty: a faculty member who provides instructional services but who is not regularly or continuously on the faculty; does not regularly receive a salary
· Professional Associate: granted to a person approved by a college dean and who makes contributions to the university other than instructional and whose affiliation with the university is largely ex officio
Faculty Breakdown (AY 2004-2005, Main Campus):
Full-Time Faculty 841 (80.0%)
Part-Time Faculty 209 (20.0%)
Total 1,050