www.mrsdion.com AP STUDIO ART 8-2016
Art Core Questions:
Why do artists follow or break from established traditions?
How do created images cultivate appreciation and understanding?
How do images influence our views of each other and the world?
How does making art attune people to their surroundings?
Headless Self-Portrait
(Taken from: 100 Creative Drawing Ideas Compiled and edited by Anna Held Audette)
Question: Which body part will serve as a metaphor for you?
Ask yourself: "Who am I?"
Think about yourself and what defines you at this point in your life.
If body parts could be used as a metaphor for yourself, which one(s) would you be?
GOAL: To create a visual metaphor of yourself.
1. Think about yourself and what defines you at this point in your life.
2. If body parts could be used as a metaphor for yourself, which one(s) would you be?
3. Fill a page in your sketchbook with an inventory of every possible body part you can think of - legs, arms, sweat, blood, soul, etc.
4. Using your phone or other device with Internet access, search for images of the human body. Be aware that in your search, you may find images that are considered inappropriate for a school environment, so choose your words wisely in what you are searching for. Most of the images featured on the webpage for this assignment were found on Pinterest.
5. Choose a body part that you think will be the best metaphor for you.
6. In your sketchbook, begin working on 4-5 thumbnail sketches for a self-portrait that does not show your head (as in a typical "portrait"), but tells something significant about yourself through the depiction of another part of the body.
1. Size of final drawing paper: 9"x12"
2. Medium: your choice - pencil, charcoal, colored pencil, pastels, oil pastels, etc.
3. Timeframe: 4-5 thumbnails (handed in to Aspen) AND final art are due in 2 weeks.
Work to be handed-in:
1. 4-5 thumbnails for Headless Self-Portrait…hand in to Aspen
2. Final art for Headless Self-Portrait