Age UK Bristol is an independent local charity working in partnership with a much larger national organisation called Age UK. Local independence allows the organisation to be responsive to the Bristol environment and our city’s need. Our link with Age UK nationally gives us a very strong brand as well as access to intellectual resources beyond those normally available to small organisations.

We recognise the challenge our city faces as the number of residents over the age of 55 increases. We recognise that no organisation alone can meet the current and future needs of our ageing population. Age UK Bristol has to become bigger whilst at the same time helping other local organisations to plan more strategically and deliver projects and services more effectively. Older people themselves need to be supported to be effective in improving the quality of life of other older people.

In September 2014 Age UK Bristol, as lead partner of Bristol Ageing Better (BAB) was awarded £5.9 million from Fulfilling Lives: Ageing Better, Big Lottery Fund programme. The BAB partnership has over 100 partner organisations and individuals.

Other Projects and services we deliver include: Celebrating Age Festival, Information and Advice, Housing Support (supporting 120 individuals to live independently in their own homes), Insurance and Trading, New Beginnings Day Support, Basic Footcare, Telephone Shopping, Telephone Befriending and Computer learning Courses.

As a local Charity committed to work with and for Older People in Bristol our aim is to enable them to maintain their independence and quality of life. Our strategic objectives include:

  • To provide, commission or support others to deliver a range of quality services and initiatives that address those issues which are important to older people.
  • To reduce isolation and promote an independent lifestyle for older people.
  • To ensure older people from all cultures and backgrounds in Bristol identify us as being relevant to their lives.
  • To promote a positive view of the contribution that older people make to society.
  • To help older people to remain living in their own homes for as long as they wish to do so.
  • To campaign to improve services locally.
  • To ensure that Age UK Bristol is financially strong and well run.

Registered charity (1042548)Company Limited by Guarantee (2984207)

Bristol Ageing Better

Background Information

Bristol Ageing Better (BAB) is a partnership of organisations and individuals, led by Age UK Bristol, working together to reduce isolation and loneliness amongst older people across Bristol.

The Funder

Bristol Ageing Better is funded by the Big Lottery through its Fulfilling Lives; Ageing Better investment programme. For more information on this programme please see the Big Lottery Fund’s website:

Isolation and Loneliness in Bristol

It is thought that 10% - 15% of older people feel lonely ‘often’ or ‘always’. An estimated 9,500 older people in Bristol are at risk of living in social isolation.

From the wide ranging analysis undertaken by BAB during the last two years, including reviewing literature and conducting a city-wide consultation exercise involving over 2000 older people, we have concluded that our focus should be on those most at risk of loneliness and isolation, namely those who are: bereaved, aged 85+, carers, living with dementia, or drug/alcohol issues, sensory impaired, from Black and Minority Ethnic communities, living in care homes or are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT).

What is BAB trying to achieve?

Through the five years of the programme BAB seeks to achieve:

  • An increase in the number of older people who report that they have the amount and type of social contact that they want to reduce isolation and loneliness
  • A greater number of older people respondents who say that they can influence decisions that affect their local area and how services are designed and delivered
  • More older people able to contribute to their community through such mechanisms as volunteering, belonging to a forum, steering group or other activity
  • Evaluation and learning from BAB projects/initiatives builds an evidence base to ensure that future services in Bristol are better planned and more effective in reducing loneliness and social isolation

How will this be achieved?

There are 16 initiatives within the BAB programme that we hope will achieve the programme outcomes (listed above). These initiatives can be grouped into four themes:

Creating the Conditionsto change perceptions so that older people are viewed and view themselves as assets, and working to make Bristol ‘age friendly’

Identifying and Informingthose individuals who are most at risk of isolation and ensuring that they are informed and supported to connect with others

Working with Communitiesto build on the strength and capacity that exists within them

Supporting Individualsby establishing therapeutic support for those with a degree of psychological difficulty, as well as long term support for some of those most at risk of loneliness and isolation.

When will the programme activity take place?

The majority of activity associated with BAB will commence in April 2015 with funding from Big Lottery secured until March 2020.

Bristol Ageing Better Initiative Framework


BAB Programme Team - Staffing Structure

(within Age UK Bristol)