1/Once an individual has been age assessed the Full age assessment ‘form’ should be signed by the qualified Social worker and placed on the clients file together with any contemporaneous notes.
2/A ‘Notification of the outcome of an Age Assessment’ letter& a Merton Compliant Pro Forma(which is in the UASC shared folder) should be completed and signed by the qualified social worker.(The criteria shown on the letter for arriving at your decision is only for guidance and should be amended as appropriate).
i/ The original signed lettershould be placed on the clients file and
ii/ a copyletter faxed to the Case Owner at the Home Office – BIA and
ii/ passed to Simon Mook-Sang to fax. through to the Home Office Grants Team on 020 8760 4888.
3/Where we decide that the young persons date of birth is different to that of their Home Office documents, we will then need to re-document the young persons paperwork as follows;
Re-documentation Process for clients Home Office Documents
This should be co-ordinated through Simon Mook-Sang.
The Team to Contact at the Home Office will depend on whether or not the client has had any decision made on their asylum application, if the client is under or over 18 or whether or not they are a ‘Legacy or NAM (new Asylum Model’ case.
i/For clients who have had no asylum decision they will need to have their ARC cards re-documented through;
Central Event Booking Unit (CEBU)
ARC PO Box 222
L69 2TY
Tel. 0151 237 6375
Fax. 0151 237 6391
NB: CEBU will only re-issue ARC cards to clients who have never had a decision made on their asylum claim – i.e. clients who arestill awaiting a decision on their initial application for asylum. Once a client receives LTR they should return their ARC cards and use the letter of LTR as evidence of status, age and identity.
This therefore excludes clients whose DL has expired and have applied for further leave to remain.
ii/For Over 18 clients with a first decision made on their application
We should send the clients original home office documentation, with a copy of our age assessment letterand letter form the client requesting the change recorded delivery to;
Home Office
PO Box 306
L2 2PQ
This should be passed to the Case Resolution Directorate (CRD) Workflow Team who should allocate the documents to the correct adult team to deal with the matter.
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