Mayor Angela Dale (Chair)

Councillors: Mary Dale, Helen Grant, Kevin McGready, Lynn Nassau, Iain Scrivin, Jagannath Sharma & Michael Ward

Clerk: Philippa Graves

There were 5 members of the public present

1.  APOLOGIES – Cllrs Melanie Bell, Lidia Gaina & Stuart Styles



It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 19th January were approved as a true and correct record and were signed by the Mayor with amendment to page 1 Matters arising “Adequacy of A6136” not B6136.`

Matters arising

Proposed Sub-Committees – it was suggested by the Chair that 2 sub-committees be formulated with the titles Finance & Environment and Community Engagement (to include health). This was agreed and the following councillors joined

a)  Finance & Environment -Helen Grant, Jagannath Sharma & Stuart Styles

b)  Community Engagement (includes Health) – Lidia Gaina, Kevin McGready & Lynn Nassau


The Post of Deputy Clerk – interviews to take place on Monday 23rd February.

Speeding sings A6136 – the Safer Richmondshire Speed Matrix Group met on 28th January and our speeding request was considered. A deployment officer will be conducting a risk assessment of the area and will advise of the outcome of the checks and whether any further action is thought necessary. There are a large number of requests for the speed measuring data logger.

The clerk contacted North Yorkshire Traffic Management to request deployment of VAS. They already have a list of 20 potential sites that have been through the Speed Management Protocol and unless one of the sites declines the offer Colburn will not be considered at present.

Cllr Grant noted that Hipswell Parish Council have purchased their own Lighting up Signs at an approximate cost of £700 per sign but there is a cost for the electrical installation. Cllr McGready offered to explore the costs involved of purchasing and installing our own equipment. Cllr A Dale questioned whether Section 106 monies from the Arras Lines development could be used and this would be investigated when the project was costed.


No attendance to this meeting. The following report for period 19th Jan to 15th Feb (circulated by email after meeting and put on website). Crime report for same period 2013/14, 20 compared with 14 for 2014/15.

3 Criminal Damage –one of these offences has been dealt with by means of a CRD and expenses are to be compensated. The victim of another of these reports have decided they no longer wish to pursue a complaint and all lines of enquiry have been exhausted for the third report.

1 Theft – two males have been arrested and released on bail until later this month with conditions not to enter North Yorkshire.

7 Violence – a male has been arrested and charged for two of these offences. He is due to appear in court later this month. A male has been arrested and charged with a domestic related incident and has been remanded in custody until his court appearance. The victims of another of these reports have decided they no longer wish to pursue a complaint therefore no further action will be taken by police. Enquiries are still on-going for the remaining three reports.

1 Fraud and Forgery – enquiries are still on-going.

2 Sexual Offences – enquiries are still on-going.

Anti-social Behaviour – 10 reports (3 in the same period 2013/14)

There are no apparent repeat location/offenders for this anti-social behaviour. Please call police at the time the incident is occurring to help them take effective action.

Keep up to date with Catterick Policing by joining twitter and follow us @NYPCatterickSNT

ABLE Arts Exhibition

This is an art group run from the Colburn Business Park. Partnership with North Yorkshire Police has lead to a very successful arts exhibition at The Station, Richmond. The group provides an opportunity for people with learning or physical disabilities, mental health issues or dementia, to engage in meaningful activities which help to improve concentration, aid dexterity, encourage decision-making and promote social interaction. Good sales were made during the two week exhibition.

Colburn Community Watch – the first meeting of the Colburn Community Watch will be held at 7.30 pm on Thursday 26th February. If you are interested in getting involved in this new community venture please come along.

Drugs Warrant – a warrant was executed locally in relation to drugs, a male has been reported for summons for a possession offence.

Burglaries – these have been a spate of burglaries in the Catterick area. Residents are advised to ensure doors, windows and gates are locked. If you see anyone suspicious in the area call the Police on the numbers below.

Ward Surgery

At Colburn Community Café at the Village Hall between 12 pm and 2 pm –

Thursday 12th March

Thursday 9th April

Cyber Crime Survey – Cllr Scrivin (part of Police Volunteers net) circulated an email informing how North Yorkshire Police are developing a cyber crime capability across the force to reflect the massive significance the use of the internet has on everyone’s lives. To understand the fears communities have in relation to on line crime, NYP have launched a cyber crime survey at www.northyorkshire.police.uk/cybercrimessurvey

National 24 hr non-emergency number 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111

PC 138 Gary Treweek

PCSO 6607 Katie Whitehead

PCSO 6602 Corfield

PCC visit to Colburn - Cllr McGready met with the Commissioner and asked about future resources. The whole of North Yorkshire was being assessed and the considerable increase in housing development within Colburn ward had been noted. New ASB legislation had resulted in two more solicitors employed in the Police Team. It was questioned whether sufficient funding was in place to meet the new legislation with cuts to Police and Local government budgets.


Cllr Grant reported the following actions:-

a)  Library consultation – under the proposals 7 core libraries would be maintained fully staffed with 5 hybrid and 20/21 community managed libraries. 7,000 responses were being analysed with a decision planned for June/July. It was hoped that Colburn would be a hybrid model with a paid member of staff to lead a community group of volunteers.

b)  Care Needs consultation – taking place currently online. Main concern was the heightening of the eligibility threshold as government cuts continued to impact which would leave more people vulnerable.

c)  Children Resource Centres – again cuts resulting in Morton-on-Swale centre due to be lost. Cllr Grant was attending a meeting on 18th February and would pursue both these points.

d)  20 mph sign Sutton Avenue – has been knocked down and reported.

e)  DKB – with the closure of the Medical Centre it was asked what impact this would have on local GP practices.

f)  Gritting – concerns about the state of the estate roads during recent snow. Only P1 roads salted which was A6136 and route to Primary School.


Cllr Angela Dale reported on recent Planning applications which would substantially improve both the retail and job opportunities within Richmondshire. The superstore application had been passed although the effect of the recent Gough Road closure had been noted with a major reduction in takings to Tesco, McDonalds and Peacocks. Road closure needed to be organised more carefully as consumers took their business elsewhere.

The major Scotch Corner Retail development had been passed although was subject to government approval. This should provide 500-800 jobs and objections had been received from all the major towns; Newcastle, York, Leeds, Middlesbrough etc as retail competition was fierce and this application sited by the upgraded A1 was likely to attract the public. Member of the public asked about bus services for these developments as the younger generation have no transport and needed employment. Cllr A Dale responded that this point had been noted at Planning and possibly a Park and Ride facility may be considered at Scotch Corner.

Council house maintenance – the emphasis would be put on replacing doors and windows to improve heat retention with new kitchens as a secondary item.

Library consultation - 100 paper responses had been submitted from Colburn.

Communities Opportunities Fund – the bid from the Village Hall for solar panels and the fencing bid from Colburn Allotments Association had both been successful.


Ms Galliers attended and reported that she had been the Community organiser since February 2014 and had met and discussed ideas with some 350 people who mostly wanted an active Youth Club and more children activities. The Localities scheme was closing at the end of February and she was being employed by A1 Community Works on the Business Park from 1st March. It was suggested that she and Tanya Cook should address the March meeting with an update of what work was being done in the community to clarify the position.


a) Elections 7th May 2015 – Information from YLCA about the process. The Clerk will obtain Nomination packs from RDC and distribute at the meeting on 16th March. Councillors must return their completed Nomination Paper by 4 pm on Thursday 9th April to Mercury House. The Statement of Persons Nominated will be published by 4 pm on Friday 10th April. If there are more than 11 Nominations an election will take place for seats on Colburn Town Council.

b) Library Consultation Response from Cllr J Blackie – chairman of the Upper Wensleydale Community Partnership (UWCP) Ltd which has run Hawes library as a Community run library since 2010 (email and consultation response circulated with agenda).

c) Resident request for traffic calming on First Avenue – speeding cars are using this street to avoid the traffic lights and delivery vehicles are reversing up the street to access Walkerville Avenue (letter circulated with agenda).

Cllr Grant to take forward with Highways.

d) Burial Board application to the COF – the Joint Burial Board have notified the three parishes that they are applying for a grant of £19,000 to include match funding of £3,800 to complete the Hall Lane car park project (email circulated at meeting).


Outcome of Colburn Grange Farm Pig Finishing Unit application – this was not passed at the meeting held on Tuesday 3rd February but could be subject to appeal.

Plans received and agreed by Colburn Town Council:- none

RDC decisions passed:-

Full Planning Permission for Change of Use of Surplus Land to Garden Space at Colburn Business Park, Catterick Road, Colburn DL9 (passed 19th January 2015)

Full Planning Permission for Greenhouse on side elevation at 44 Sutton Avenue, Colburn DL9 4NW (passed 28 January 2015)

Full Planning Permission for Change of Use from Office to Tattoo Studio at 8 The Broadway, Colburn DL9 4RF (passed 5 February 2015)

Application to vary Condition 8 of Planning Permission Ref 14/00112/FULL to state that “deliveries to and from the premises by HGV/HCV shall only take place between the hours of 7 am to 7 pm, any day but limited to a maximum of 3 such vehicles between the hours of 7 – 8 am any day” at Colburn Lodge, DL9 4QX (passed 4 February 2015)


Request for match funding of £2000 from Colburn Church Hall in the bid to the Communities Opportunity Fund for £18,000 - letter from Revd Cromarty detailing the building improvements required circulated with agenda. It was agreed that the Church Hall was an asset to the community used by diverse groups but currently had no disability access which restricted its use. Both the Village Hall and Church Hall were needed now and certainly in the future with the increase in housing development.

It was RESOLVED to match fund the Church Hall bid to the Communities Opportunity Fund and provide the £2,000 if the bid was accepted.

Recorded vote – in favour, Cllrs A Dale, M Dale, Helen Grant, Kevin McGready, Lynn Nassau, Jagannath Sharma and Michael Ward. Against – Cllr Iain Scrivin.

Clarification of Mayor’s allowance -

Following the January meeting the clerk had emailed councillors amending the headings covering the Mayor’s expenditure and asking for clarification on whether the Mayor’s allowance should include the purchase of tickets in excess of £30 or £35 each as this may impact on the Mayor’s ability to attend major functions. After discussion on how neighbouring councils run the system it was RESOLVED that all ticket invitations that are received by the clerk should be purchased by the Town Council in addition to the agreed Mayor’s allowance and mileage.

Dye cast medals for community presentation – copies of examples circulated with agenda, Value Medal or Value Medal with Loop for ribbon. It was RESOLVED to purchase 100 of the 70mm Vale Medal PM06 at a cost of £5.80 each with the Colburn crest design with an Antique Gold finish. The clerk to action.