A United Methodist Camp and Retreat Center

1000 Hane Hwy. Onsted, MI 49265


Basic Staff Requirements and Information

Mission Statement

Judson Collins is a place where children, youth, and adults discover who they are in the context of God’s love, grow in their knowledge, awareness and reflection of that love, and respond to God’s call to serve their congregation, their community, and their world.


Staff members should be a growing Christians at least 18 years of age. A mature outlook on life, a willingness and ability to be flexible, a love for children and youth, good physical stamina are also needed for success.

A Positive Attitude is Best

A positive, flexible, and servant hearted attitude toward your responsibilities at camp is absolutely essential. JC seeks to employ people who share in its mission and who conscientiously want to join with the staff in accomplishing high objectives. Accordingly, we look for persons with evidence of loyalty, a growing faith, integrity, cooperation and teamwork. In a Christian camp community, gossip, small exclusive cliques, the complaining of one counselor about another can often spoil a potentially strong staff family, amazing experience, and ruin our campers/guests experience of camp. We know that disagreements will arise but ask that staff members work to resolve the issue with staff and leadership. Staff are encouraged to bring to the attention of the director concerns about the policy or program that they do not understand.

Staff Training

Before campers arrive, all staff members are required to attend staff training to learn in detail their job responsibilities as well as camping skills and procedures. Time will be spent each day in worship, Bible study, group building, learning camp policies and regulations, and skill development.

Time – Off

Camp policy states that staff will receive a 24 hour period of time off. In general staff will be off on Friday night after the campers are gone, clean up is completed, closing staff meeting is over, and you have been released. You are to be back and ready to function promptly by 1:30 on Sunday afternoon unless otherwise directed. However, there are times that you will be expected to work over a weekend. In such cases other times off will be arranged.

Substance Abuse & Weapons

The use or possession of alcohol orillegal drugs on or off the grounds of camp is strictly prohibited. Returning to camp from time off while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is similarly prohibited. In addition, cigarette smoking is allowed only in a very restricted area of camp and only during scheduled time off. Please ask a supervisor where an appropriate place to smoke is located. Please evaluate and understand the commitment you are making to us when you decided to join our camp staff for the upcoming camp season. We know that we can count on you this summer to help us operate a fun and safety conscious camp.

Cell Phones

Staff are permitted to have personal cell phones on the camp premises, however under no circumstances is the use of cell phones permitted while on duty or in view of campers, and failure to comply with this policy may result in dismissal. This includes in the cabins or in your luggage when you are staying with campers or on your person. You may have them during your off time in the staff lounge or in your cabin if you are not staying with campers. If we need you to have access to a phone for program or safety reasons, we will make arrangements directly with you.


In addition to food, lodging, training and sharing Christ with campers, staff will receive a salary based upon the number of years on staff and the role being performed. We strive to pay staff responsibly while maintaining a reasonable price for campers.


We understand the need to stay connected with family, college correspondence, etc. We have provided internet in the staff lounge and other areas on camp that may be used during off times (not within view of campers). A computer will be available in the staff lounge. Appropriate behavior is expected in staff quarters and the staff lounge and staff quarters at all times (language, videos, movies, games, etc.)

Dress Guidelines

While we recognize that different people have different comfort levels we ask that you not be a stumbling block to your peers and the young people who attend camp. As a paid or volunteer staff member, you are a role model for young people who respect and imitate you.Your attire should be modest and appropriate for a Christian camp setting and for the activities in which you are participating.

Equal Opportunity Employer

Judson Collins Center is an equal opportunity employer, observing a policy of recruiting, hiring, and promoting for all personnel without regard to race or national origin, age, gender, gender orientation, class, veteran status, weight, color, height, familial status, or religion.