AGBU Middle School Art Syllabus 2017 - 2018 Miss Kaufman

Middle School Art Syllabus

Middle School Art is a one-year course intended to introduce students to a multitude of art mediums, improve their skills and confidence needed to improve their artistic expression and, in turn, expand their ability to communicate on a broader spectrum. With this in mind, we will explore visual arts in varying mediums from drawing and graphic design to painting and the artistic use of common every day items.

All Middle School students must participate in the Spring Dance & Art Show on Friday, April 13th and Saturday, April 14th; ; this includes preparation for the show and being present for at least one of the performances.

It is mandatory for all High School VPA students to attend the Drama show on February 23rd or 24th. Students can earn extra credit by attending the High School VPA show on March 9th or 10th.

The Middle School art class will also participate in Holiday Activities in October and December, dates TBD.

All students must pay a class fee of $150.

This fee is due on or by Monday, September 11, 2017.

In addition, each student must purchase a smock to protect their uniform


•Various Artists and Art Styles - students perceive and respond to works of art, objects in nature, events and the environment

•Students use artistic terms when describing the intent and content of works of art

•Diversity in cultural contributions to the history of art; the roles artists play in portraying current events and social conditions

•Introduction to Graphic Design ; as applied to mixed media projects

•Mixed Media, i.e. paper mache, origami, jewelry techniques, sculpture

•Collaboration with other teachers to incorporate art in to other subjects

•School beautification

•Develop communication skills through artistic expression

Class Etiquette

Enter the classroom in a calm manner and be in your seat when the bell rings!

Use materials as instructed by teacher

No cell phones or electronic devices (this will result in an automatic referral per school policy)

No jewelry or watches (this will result in an automatic referral per school policy)

No GUM (this will result in an automatic referral per school policy)

No food or beverages in class (except your personal water which must be in a bottle that has a lid)

Supplies must be cleaned and put away in the CORRECT place before leaving class as well as the tables wiped down

No profanity or disrespectful behavior (this will result in an automatic referral per school policy)

Areas of Assessment and Consequences

Each student’s academic and citizenship grade is an assessment of the individual’s learned knowledge, application of taught skills & techniques and participation, as well as self-respect, respect of others, positive attitude, creativity, contribution, and personal growth.

Grading Scale

60% Participation, Discipline, Commitment, and Attitude (3pts per class)

20% Individual Progress and Assignments

20% Performances and Tests

Infraction Minus Points (I.M.P.)

Students are expected to be on time and prepared for class everyday. Tardiness or excessive absences will be reflected in the student’s grade. Attendance records begin anew at the start of every semester.

Infraction Minus Points

Tardy -2 (cannot be made up)

Absent (excused-illness/emergency)-3 (can be made up)

Absent (excused-school/teacher approved)-0

Non-participation (sitting out)-2 (can be made up)

Leaving class without permission-2

Removing Infraction Minus Points

“I.M.P Credits” are given for Art Articles. Students can makeup excused absences by turning in an Art Article.Art Articles are worth 6 points each (see attached Art Article Handout for more details.)


Please be advised, signing this document makes you accountable to yourself for the follow through of all above requirements. If you have a questions or concerns regarding this course please feel free to contact me; .

This personal commitment will help you complete the class successfully and build a foundation for a positive future.

We, the undersigned, acknowledge and accept all of the aforementioned terms and obligations:

Student’s SignatureDate

Signature of Parent/GuardianDate