FloridaState Fire Service Association

Fire Service Unit

Status of Collective Bargaining as of February 8, 2010

2010-2011 Reopener Negotiations

(Shaded = Closed)

Articles at Impasse: 11, 23, 24, 25 and 30

Article / Status / State Proposals (Summary) / Union Proposals (Summary) / Comments
1 – Recognition / Not opened status quo
2 – Gender Reference / Not opened status quo
3 – Dues Checkoff / Not opened status quo
4 – No Discrimination / Not opened status quo
5 – Representation Rights / Not opened status quo
6 – Grievance Procedure / Not opened status quo
7 – Disciplinary Action / Not opened status quo
8 – Workforce Reductions / Not opened status quo Not opened status quo
9 – Voluntary Reassignment, Transfer, Change in Duty Station and Promotions / Not opened status quo
10 – Occupation Profiles/Rules Maintained/Documentation / Not opened status quo
11 – Classification Review / Open / State Proposal of 01/22/10:
Proposes status quo language / Union Proposal of 11/17/09:
Proposes the State move the class of Fire Protection Specialist to the Protective Services/Firefighters occupational profile. / The class of Fire Protection Specialist was placed in the Business and Finance/Business Operations/Compliance Officers occupational profile in 2002. The Union wants to pursue Special Risk Retirement for this class and proposes the occupational profile of Protective Services/Firefighters as a first step. Cost Estimate for Special Risk: $236,180.
The State reviewed the Union’s proposal with the State’s Workforce Design and Compensation Manager who confirmed positions assigned to the class of Fire Protection Specialist perform inspections, not special risk firefighting duties, therefore the class is properly assigned to the Business and Finance/Business Operations/Compliance Officers occupational profile.
12 – Personnel Records / Not opened status quo
13 – Health and Welfare / Not opened status quo
14 – State Vehicles and Vessels / Tentatively Agreed To / State Proposal of 01/22/10:
Proposes the replacement of existing open-cab Dozer/Plow units with closed-cab, climate controlled units as funding is made available and as determined by Division of Forestry management. Proposes the State and the FSFSA agree to study the use of self-contained breathing apparatus for Bombardier ATV operators. / Union Proposal of 01/22/10:
Proposes deletion of study of self-contained breathing apparatus for Bombardier ATV operators proposed by the State as this issue is more appropriately handled through agency consultation in lieu of collective bargaining negotiations. / Tentatively agreed to and signed by the parties
15 – Probationary Status / Not opened status quo
16 – Retirement / Not opened status quo
17 – Allowances and Reimbursement / Not opened status quo
18 – Leaves of Absence / Not opened status quo
19 – Outside Employment / Not opened status quo
20 – Training and Education / Not opened status quo
21 – Committees / Not opened status quo
22 – Proposed as Personal Property – Replacement and/or Reimbursement / Not opened status quo
23 – Hours of Work and Overtime / Open / State Proposal of 11/17/09:
Proposes language that mirrors its last offer for the FY 2009-2010 bargaining cycle. This offer does not include a reduction from the current 28-day, 160-hour work period to a 14-day, 80-hour work period.
State proposal includes identical language to that proposed by the union – this language was initially proposed as the State’s last offer for FY 2009-2010 bargaining cycle. / Union Proposal of 11/17/09:
Proposes in Section 1(A), as it did during FY 2009-2010 negotiations, a 14-day, 80-hour work period in lieu of a 28-day, 160-hour work period. Employees in the Department of Children and Families continue on a 28-day, 192-hour work period.
Proposes in Section 1(E), language from the State’s last offer for the FY 2009-2010 bargaining cycle, regarding equal distribution of overtime opportunities for back-fill operations on out-of-state deployments. / Cost: Indeterminate however would have a significant impact on overtime paid and on operations.The parties discussed with the agency representatives that there are currently no bargaining unit employees working a 14-day, 80-hour work period at this time.
The parties are in agreement on this language.
24 – On-Call Assignment, Call-Back and Residency / Open / State Proposal of 11/17/09:
The State agrees to the employee on call, at the discretion of the supervisor, to take home appropriate emergency response apparatus.
The State rejects the Union’s proposal to provide employee transportation to their assigned state vehicle when on-call in lieu of the employee using their own personal vehicle.
The State proposes the employee is required to be en route within 45 minutes of confirmed notification of dispatch if the employee does not take home emergency response apparatus; and to be in service within 15 minutes if the employee takes home emergency response apparatus.
The State agrees to this provision of the Union’s proposal. / Union Proposal of 11/17/09:
Proposes a new Section 2(D), as it did during FY 2009-2010 negotiations, to allow an employee instructed to be on-call to take home appropriate emergency response apparatus, at the discretion of the employee’s supervisor. [The State noted that supervisors currently have this discretion.] Additionally, the proposal provides if it is not practical for the employee to park equipment at the employee’s residence, to take home another suitable vehicle as directed by the employee’s supervisor.
Proposes in Section 3(B), language similar to that proposed by the State during FY 2009-2010 negotiations, however changes the requirement to be en route with appropriate emergency response apparatus within 45 minutes of confirmed notification of dispatch if the employee does not take home a state-owned, emergency response apparatus to a good faith effort to be en route within 45 minutes. This takes into account extenuating circumstances such as traffic.
Proposes in Section 4(A), similar language to that proposed by the State’s last offer for FY 2009-2010 negotiations however specifies that the residency requirement for pilots to reside within a radius of 20 statute miles of the permanent location of their assigned aircraft only pertains to those hired after July 1, 2010. / Cost: Indeterminate
The Division of Forestry policy is being revised to reflect the residency requirement language negotiated for the successor agreement.
25 – Wages / Open / State Proposal of 01/27/10:
Proposes in Section 1:
From each agency’s available funds in the salary and benefits category, each agency head is provided the authority to grant non-recurring lump sum performance bonuses of up to $1500 plus applicable taxes for permanent employees who are at a minimum, meeting their required performance standards. No lump-sum bonus shall be paid prior to June 1, 2011.
Proposes in Section 2:
Wage and salary additives shall be in accordance with state law and the GAA. Contingent upon availability of funds and salary rate, each agency is authorized to provide: (A) Salary increases to job classes or occupations experiencing excessive turnover or recruitment difficulties; (B) Merit pay increases; (C) Salary equity increases; and (D) Increases to on-call pay or shift differentials.
Proposes in Section 3:
Cash payout of up to 24 hours of annual leave in accordance with 110.219, F.S.
Proposes in Section 4:
Eligibility for profit-sharing for ideas or programs that result in budget savings to the state in accordance with Section 110.1245(1), F.S.
In the event the 2010 Legislature provides a different or additional funding for wage increases or payments, the State and Union agree that such shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of the FY 2010-2011 GAA and any other relevant statutes. / Union Proposal of 11/17/09:
Proposes in Section 2, that a competitive pay adjustment of $1500 be added to all bargaining unit employees’ base rate of pay effective July 1, 2010.
Proposes in Section 3, that the State seek legislation for cash awards up to $500 net of taxes, for exemplary performance on a major project or exemplary performance on an ongoing basis, utilizing existing agency appropriations.
Proposes in Section 4 (Section 2 of current agreement), striking the specific statutory reference and replace it with “applicable statutes” governing the cash payout of up to 24 hours of annual leave for Career Service employees, and adds a provision that the State, through full disclosure, agrees to educate employees on the impact of taking the available option for the cash payout of annual leave on retirement benefits (maximum payout cap of 240 hours).
Proposes in Section 6:
Proposes each agency is authorized to grant merit pay increases to employees based on exemplary performance. / Estimated cost of union’s proposal for competitive pay adjustment of $1500 to base rate of pay for all bargaining unit employees - $1.2 million
Cost: indeterminate
Cost: indeterminate
The State’s wage proposal provides in Section2, contingent upon availability of funds and salary rate, agencies are authorized to provide merit pay increases.
26 – Vacant / Not opened status quo
27 – Uniforms / Not opened status quo
28 – Vacant / Not opened status quo
29 – Vacant / Not opened status quo
30 – Prevailing Rights / Open / State’s Proposal of 02/01/10:
Proposes to vacate this article / Union Proposal of 01/24/10:
Proposes status quo language.
31 – Management Rights / Not opened status quo
32 – Entire Agreement / Not opened status quo
33 – Savings Clause / Not opened status quo
34 – Duration / Not opened status quo

G:\HRM\Collective Bargaining\Impasse 2010-2011\Impasse Notebook\10 FSFSA - Fire Service Unit\04 Current Status of Negotiations\CB Status Sheet FSFSA 020810.doc