TOEIC Speaking/Writing Work Sample

The TOEIC Speaking and Writing Measures

§  To apply for the TOEIC Speaking and Writing Summer Institute 2009, you must complete the work samples for both the TOEIC Speaking Test and the TOEIC Writing Test.

§  Applicants should save the work sample as follows:

TOEIC_Speaking_Writing_your last name_your first name.doc

(For example, TOEIC_Speaking_Writing_Doe_Jane.doc)

§  Interns will be required to work for the entire eight-week Summer Institute program.

The TOEIC Speaking Measure

The TOEIC Speaking Test is intended to measure the ability to use spoken English to function effectively in a global workplace context. The TOEIC Speaking Test is delivered via the Internet to secure test sites and is taken with computers. The test consists of 11 questions and takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.

The TOEIC Speaking Work Sample

For this work sample, you will write a passage that would be read aloud by a test taker. For example, the passage could be a type of announcement or advertisement. The passage should be written using language appropriate to this context. A test taker who successfully reads the passage aloud is able to produce the sounds and rhythms of spoken English.

The specifications for the work sample you will write are as follows.

q  The passage is 40–60 words long.

q  It contains at least one complex sentence.

q  One of the sentences contains a series with at least three members. The series can be nouns, verbs, adjectives, phrases, etc. (e.g., “a government of the people, by the people, and for the people”).

q  At least one transition is used (e.g., “however,” “additionally,” “tomorrow,” “first,” “next,” “so”).

q  The vocabulary and context are accessible to beginning-level language learners.

q  The passage contains text that would normally be read aloud (e.g., an advertisement, an introduction to a speaker, an announcement).


The holiday gift-giving season has arrived. So, in the spirit of the season, the Falcondale Store has reduced prices on our most popular gift items. Come and see our large selection of new T-shirts, golf shirts, and sweatshirts, all reduced thirty to fifty percent. This Saturday only, shoppers will receive an additional fifteen percent discount.

Word Count: 54

Directions: Write a passage in the text box below that meets the specifications.

Word Count:

The TOEIC Writing Measure

The TOEIC Writing Test is intended to measure the ability to use written English to function effectively in a global workplace context. The TOEIC Writing Test is delivered via the Internet to secure test sites and is taken with computers. The test consists of 8 questions and takes approximately one hour to complete.

The TOEIC Writing Work Sample

I. Write an E-Mail

For this part of the work sample, you will write an e-mail that would require a response in the real world. The e-mail should be written using language appropriate to this context. A test taker who successfully responds to the e-mail will be able to write at least three sentences and will address three separate tasks in doing so.

The specifications for the work sample you will write are as follows.

q  The body of the e-mail is 25–50 words long (this does not include the To, From, Subject, and Date lines).

q  The e-mail presents a situation to which the test taker must be able respond by completing the three tasks outlined in the Response Directions.

q  The Response Directions include THREE tasks the test taker must do. They are selected from the list below.

·  Ask a question

·  Describe a problem

·  Describe a situation

·  Give an explanation

·  Give directions/instructions

·  Give information

·  Report a problem

·  Make a request

·  Make a suggestion

q  The vocabulary and context are accessible to beginning-level language learners.

q  The e-mail should elicit a response from the test taker that is at least three sentences long and contains between 75 and 100 words.


Directions: Read the e-mail.
FROM: Dale City Welcome Committee
TO: New Dale City Residents
SUBJECT: Welcome to your new home!
SENT: July 23, 4:32 P.M.
Welcome! We would like to be the first to welcome you to Dale City. We know that there are many things to do when you move, from finding your way around town to setting up your utilities. Please contact us if you need any help at all.
Response Directions: Respond to the e-mail as if you have recently moved to Dale City. In your e-mail, ask THREE questions.

Word Count: 47

Directions: Write an e-mail in the text box below that meets the specifications.

Complete the Response Directions that follow the e-mail and give the three
tasks that the test taker must do.

Directions: Read the e-mail.
Response Directions: Respond to the e-mail. In your e-mail,

Word Count:

Now complete the second TOEIC Writing task, which is described on the next page.
II. Write an Opinion Essay (Opinion)

For this part of the work sample, you will write an opinion prompt that presents an issue about which two or more opinions could be fairly held. The opinion prompt should be written using language appropriate to the global workplace. A test-taker who successfully responds will be able to write multi-paragraph-length text to express complex ideas using appropriate support.

The specifications for the work sample you will write are as follows:

·  The body of the opinion prompt is a maximum of 50 words long

·  The opinion prompt presents an ethical, moral, or practical tension

·  The prompt asks for support of an opinion.

·  Possible prompt frameworks

·  Why or why not?

·  Which is the best / most important?

·  Advantages / disadvantages

·  Agree / disagree

·  What is your opinion?

·  What is your preference?

·  Important qualities/characteristics of…

·  The prompt is accessible to an international audience.

·  Vocabulary and context is accessible to beginning level language learners.

·  The opinion prompt should elicit a response from the test taker that is at least 300 words long.